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Seminarium „Topologia i teoria mnogości”

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 16:15 , sala: 5050

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Lista referatów

  • 14 kwietnia 2021 16:15
    Ziemowit Kostana (University of Warsaw)
    What would the rational Urysohn space and the random graph look like if they were uncountable?
    We apply the technology developed in the 80s by Avraham, Rubin, and Shelah, to prove that the following is consistent with ZFC: there exists an uncountable, separable metric space X with rational distances, such that …

  • 24 marca 2021 16:15
    Grzegorz Plebanek (University of Wrocław)
    Weakly Radon-Nikodym Boolean algebras
    Weakly Radon-Nikodym (WRN) Boolean algebras are named after a certain class of compacta related to Banach spaces but they can be charaterized as those algebras that have, in a sense, few independent sequences. We compare …

  • 17 marca 2021 16:15
    Damian Głodkowski (University of Warsaw)
    Coverings of Banach spaces and their subsets by hyperplanes
    A hyperplane of a Banach space is a closed one-codimensional subspace. Hyperplanes are nowhere dense and so, no countable collection of hyperplanes can cover the entire space. Given a Banach space we consider the \sigma-ideal …

  • 10 marca 2021 16:15
    Piotr Koszmider (Institute of Mathematics of the Polish Academy of Sciences)
    A Banach space induced by an almost disjoint family, admitting only few operators and decompositions
    We consider the closed linear subspace X(A) of the Banach space of real  bounded sequences (l_infinity) generated  by sequences converging to zero (c_0) and the characteristic functions of elements of an uncountable, almost disjoint family …

  • 3 marca 2021 16:15
    Marcin Sabok (McGill University)
    Probabilistic programming semantics for name generation
    Abstract: I will discuss a recent result connecting the nu-calculus (which is an extension of simply-typed lambda calculus modelling the so-called "name generation") with a recent model for probabilistic programming, called the quasi-Borel spaces. There …

  • 27 stycznia 2021 16:15
    Aleksandra Kwiatkowska (University of Wrocław)
    The automorphism group of the random poset
    A number of well-studied properties of Polish groups concern the interactions between the topological and algebraic structure of those groups. Examples of such properties are the small index property, the automatic continuity, and the Bergman …

  • 20 stycznia 2021 16:15
    Adam Bartoš (Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
    Approximate Fraïssé theory and MU-categories
    Fraïssé theory links together properties of families of structures like the amalgamation property with properties of limit objects like homogeneity and the extension property. The structures considered are not limited to be first-order structures, and …

  • 13 stycznia 2021 16:15
    Rafał Filipów (University of Gdańsk)
    If I were a rich density
    Abstract upper densities are monotone and subadditive functions from the power set of positive integers into the unit real interval that generalize the upper densities used in number theory, including the upper asymptotic density, the …

  • 16 grudnia 2020 16:15
    Wiesław Kubiś (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences)
    The weak Ramsey property
    We show how to extend the Kechris-Pestov-Todorcevic correspondence to categories with weak amalgamations, where extreme amenability is tested for the automorphism group of the generic limit, taken with a suitable topology. We characterize extreme amenability …

  • 9 grudnia 2020 16:15
    Antonio Aviles Lopez (Universidad de Murcia)
    The category of Banach lattices
    We shall review some recent developments in the study of the category of Banach lattices: Free, projective, injective objects, etc. Analogies and differences with Banach spaces will be highlighted. This is part of joint works …

  • 2 grudnia 2020 16:15
    Piotr Szewczak (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
    Abstract colorings, games and ultrafilters
    During the talk we consider various kinds of Ramsey-type theorems. Bergelson and Hindman investigated finite colorings of the complete graph [N]^2 with vertices in natural numbers, involving an algebraic structure of N. It follows from …

  • 25 listopada 2020 16:15
    Jan van Mill (University of Amsterdam)
    Modal logic for topologists
    We sketch the proof of the following result: the existence of a normal space whose modal logic coincides with the modal logic of the Kripke frame isomorphic to the power set of a two element …

  • 18 listopada 2020 16:15
    Lyubomyr Zdomskyy (Institut für Mathematik, Kurt Gödel Research Center, Universität Wien)
    Between the Pytkeev and Frechet-Urysohn properties of function spaces
    In this talk we aim to compare the Frechet-Urysohn property and some of its formal weakenings for spaces of the form C_p(X). In particular, we plan to present a sketch of the construction under CH …

  • 4 listopada 2020 16:15
    Maciej Malicki (IMPAN)
    Non-locally compact Polish groups and non-essentially countable orbit equivalence relations
    It is a long-standing open question whether every Polish group that is not locally compact admits a Borel action on a standard Borel space whose associated orbit equivalence relation is not essentially countable. In the …

  • 28 października 2020 16:15
    Taras Banakh (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv and UJK Kielce)
    Small uncountable cardinals in asymptology
    In the talk we shall discuss some cardinal characteristics of the continuum that appear in large-scale topology, usually as the smallest weights of coarse structures that belong to certain classes (indiscrete, inseparable, large) of finitary …