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Instytut Informatyki
Liczba publikacji: 2152017
- Damian Niwiński , Henryk Michalewski , Wojciech Rytter , Joost Winter, Michał Skrzypczak , Szymon Toruńczyk , Michał Pilipczuk , Eryk Kopczyński , Sławomir Lasota , Paweł Parys , Joanna Ochremiak, Wojciech Czerwiński , Bartosz Klin , Igor Walukiewicz, Szczepan Hummel, Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Piotr Hofman , Lorenzo Clemente , Filip Mazowiecki, Filip Murlak , 200 Problems in Formal Languages and Automata Theory, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Juha Kärkkäinen, Jakub Radoszewski , Wojciech Rytter , 28th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM 2017), 28th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Warszawa, Poland, 4 lipca 2017 - 6 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Filippo Cavallari, Henryk Michalewski , Michał Skrzypczak , A Characterisation of Pi^0_2 Regular Tree Languages, 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Aalborg, Denmark, 21 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Kowaluk , Andrzej Lingas, A Fast Deterministic Detection of Small Pattern Graphs in Graphs Without Large Cliques, 11th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms & Computation, Hsinchu, Taiwan (Province of China), 29 maja 2017 - 31 maja 2017, 10167 2017, s. 217-227. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Chądzyńska-Krasowska, Sebastian Stawicki, Dominik Ślęzak , A Metadata Diagnostic Framework for a New Approximate Query Engine Working with Granulated Data Summaries, International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, Olsztyn, Poland, 3 lipca 2017 - 7 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Nabil H. Mustafa, Arijit Ghosh, Kunal Dutta , A Simple Proof of Optimal Epsilon Nets, COMBINATORICA, 38 (5) 2017, s. 1269-1277. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Karczmarek, Adam Kiersztyn, Witold Pedrycz, Przemysław Rutka , A study in facial features saliency in face recognition: An analytic hierarchy process approach, Soft Computing, 21 2017, s. 7503–7517. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Pilipczuk , A tight lower bound for Vertex Planarization on graphs of bounded treewidth, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 231 2017, s. 211-216. Zobacz w PBN
- Lech Banachowski, Krzysztof Diks , Wojciech Rytter , Algorytmy i struktury danych, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Oskar Skibski , Makoto Yokoo, An Algorithm for the Myerson Value in Probabilistic Graphs with an Application to Weighted Voting, IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 32 (1) 2017, s. 32-39. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Sankowski , Piotr Wygocki , Approximate Nearest Neighbors Search Without False Negatives For l_2 For c>sqrtloglogn, 28th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation, Phuket, Thailand, 9 grudnia 2017 - 12 grudnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Bart M. P. Jansen, Marcin Pilipczuk , Approximation and Kernelization for Chordal Vertex Deletion, 28th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Barcelona, Spain, 16 stycznia 2017 - 19 stycznia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Pilipczuk , Andreas Wiese, Erik Jan van Leeuwen, Approximation and Parameterized Algorithms for Geometric Independent Set with Shrinking, 42nd International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Aalborg, Denmark, 21 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Cygan , Łukasz Kowalik , Arkadiusz Socała, Krzysztof Sornat, Approximation and Parameterized Complexity of Minimax Approval Voting, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Rafał Archacki, Ruslan Yatusevich, Daniel Buszewicz, Katarzyna Krzyczmonik, Jacek Patryn, Roksana Iwanicka-Nowicka, Przemysław Biecek , Bartosz Wilczyński , Marta Koblowska, Andrzej Jerzmanowski, Szymon Świeżewski, Arabidopsis SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complex binds both promoters and terminators to regulate gene expression., Nucleic Acids Research, 45 (6) 2017, s. 3116–3129. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Biecek , Marcin Kosiński, archivist: An R Package for Managing, Recording and Restoring Data Analysis Results, Journal of Statistical Software, 82 (11) 2017, s. 1-28. Zobacz w PBN
- Oskar Skibski , Jadwiga Sosnowska, Attachment Centrality for Weighted Graphs, 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, New Zealand, 19 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Aleksy Schubert , Maciej Zielenkiewicz, Automata Theory Approach to Predicate Intuitionistic Logic, Logic-Based Program Synthesis and Transformation, Edinburgh, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 6 września 2016 - 6 września 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Oskar Skibski , Tomasz Michalak , Talal Rahwan, Axiomatic Characterization of Game-Theoretic Network Centralities, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Sroka , Foto Afrati, Jan Hidders, Paris Koutris, BeyondMR'17: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond, 36th ACM SIGMOD-SIGACT-SIGART Conference on Principles of Database Systems, Chicago, the United States of America, 14 maja 2017 - 19 maja 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Quang-Thuy Ha, Anh Linh Nguyen , NGOC NGUYEN, Thi Hong Khanh Nguyen, Bisimilarity for paraconsistent description logics, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT & FUZZY SYSTEMS, 32 (2) 2017, s. 1203-1215. Zobacz w PBN
- Anuj Dawar, Eryk Kopczyński , Bounded degree and planar spectra, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 13 (4) 2017, s. 1-21. Zobacz w PBN
- Patricia Bouyer, Piotr Hofman , Nicolas Markey, Mickael Randour, Martin Zimmermann, Bounding Average-Energy Games, 20th International Conference on Foundations of Software Science and Computation Structures, Uppsala, Sweden, 22 kwietnia 2017 - 29 kwietnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Julien Berestycki, Eric Brunet, Simon Harris, Piotr Miłoś , Branching Brownian motion with absorption and the all-time minimum of branching Brownian motion with drift, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron , Nimrod Talmon, Bribery as a Measure of Candidate Success: Complexity Results for Approval-Based Multiwinner Rules., 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8 maja 2017 - 12 maja 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Stefano Leonardi, Gianpiero Monaco, Piotr Sankowski , Qiang Zhang, Budget Feasible Mechanisms on Matroids, 19th International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Waterloo, Canada, 26 czerwca 2017 - 28 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron , Chamberlin-Courant Rule with Approval Ballots: Approximating the MaxCover Problem with Bounded Frequencies in FPT Time, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Andrychowicz, Stefan Dziembowski , Sebastian Faust, Circuit Compilers with O(1/log(n)) Leakage Rate, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Édouard Bonnet, Tillmann Miltzow, Paweł Rzążewski , Complexity of Token Swapping and its Variants, 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Hannover, Germany, 8 marca 2017 - 11 marca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Biecek , Piotr Rudzki, Michał Kaza, Comprehensive graphical presentation of data from incurred sample reanalysis, Bioanalysis, 9 (12) 2017, s. 1-9. Zobacz w PBN
- Eryk Kopczyński , Computational Complexity on the Blackboard, Fundamenta Informaticae, 152 (4) 2017, s. 323-339. Zobacz w PBN
- Maciej Beręsewicz, Adolfo Alvarez Pinto, Przemysław Biecek , Marcin Krzysztof Dyderski, Marcin Piotr Kosiński, Jakub Nowosad, Kamil Rotter, Alicja Szabelska-Beręsewicz, Marcin Szymkowiak, Łukasz Wawrowski, Joanna Zyprych-Walczak, Conference Report: European R Users Meeting 2016, R Journal, 9 (1) 2017, s. 501-504. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Skrzypczak , Connecting Decidability and Complexity for MSO Logic, 21st International Conference on Developments in Language Theory, Liege, Belgium, 7 sierpnia 2017 - 11 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacob Holm, Giuseppe F. Italiano, Adam Karczmarz , Eva Rotenberg, Piotr Sankowski , Jakub Łącki, Contracting a Planar Graph Efficiently, 25th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Vienna, Austria, 4 września 2017 - 6 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Gogacz , Jerzy Marcinkowski, Converging to the chase : a tool for finite controllability, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 83 (1) 2017, s. 180-206. Zobacz w PBN
- Anwitaman Datta, Krzysztof Rządca , Piotr Skowron , Cooperation and Competition when Bidding for Complex Projects: Centralized and Decentralized Perspectives, IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 32 (1) 2017, s. 17-23. Zobacz w PBN
- Andreas Björklund, Petteri Kaski, Łukasz Kowalik , Counting Thin Subgraphs via Packings Faster than Meet-in-the-Middle Time, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 13 (4) 2017, s. 1-26. Zobacz w PBN
- Maxime Crochemore, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski , Wojciech Rytter , Tomasz Waleń , Covering problems for partial words and for indeterminate strings, Theoretical Computer Science, 698 2017, s. 25-39. Zobacz w PBN
- Archontia Giannopoulou, Michał Pilipczuk , Jean-florent Raymond, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Marcin Wrochna , Cutwidth: Obstructions and Algorithmic Aspects, 11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, Aarhus, Denmark, 24 sierpnia 2016 - 26 sierpnia 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Claire David, Katja Losemann, Wim Martens, Deciding definability by deterministic regular expressions, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 88 2017, s. 75-89. Zobacz w PBN
- Sebastian Stawicki, Dominik Ślęzak , Andrzej Janusz , Sebastian Widz, Decision bireducts and decision reducts - a comparison, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPROXIMATE REASONING, 84 2017, s. 75-109. Zobacz w PBN
- Giuseppe F. Italiano, Adam Karczmarz , Piotr Sankowski , Jakub Łącki, Decremental Single-source Reachability in Planar Digraphs, 49th ACM Symposium on Theory of Computing, Montreal, Canada, 19 czerwca 2017 - 23 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Aleksander Ciach, Paweł Górecki , Anna Muszewska, Detecting locus acquisition events in gene trees., Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, LIPIcs, 17th International Workshop on Algoritms in Bioinformatics WABI , Boston, the United States of America, 20 sierpnia 2017 - 22 sierpnia 2017, 88 (brak) 2017, s. brak. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Bieńkowski, Jarosław Byrka, Marcin Mucha , Dynamic beats fixed : on phase-based algorithms for file migration, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Pilipczuk , Michał Pilipczuk , Marcin Wrochna , Edge Bipartization Faster Than 2 k∗, 11th International Symposium on Parameterized and Exact Computation, Aarhus, Denmark, 24 sierpnia 2016 - 26 sierpnia 2016, 63 2017, s. 26:1--26:13. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Ciszewski, Konrad Iwanicki , Efficient Automated Code Partitioning for Microcontrollers with Switchable Memory Banks, Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems, 16 (4) 2017, s. 114: 1–114:26. Zobacz w PBN
- Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Maxime Crochemore, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Tomasz Kociumaka, Solon P. Pissis, Jakub Radoszewski , Wojciech Rytter , Tomasz Waleń , Efficient Enumeration of Non-Equivalent Squares in Partial Words with Few Holes, 23rd International Conference on Computing and Combinatorics, Hong Kong, China, 3 sierpnia 2017 - 5 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski , Wojciech Rytter , Efficient Indexes for Jumbled Pattern Matching with Constant-Sized Alphabet, Algorithmica, 77 (4) 2017, s. 1194 - 1215. Zobacz w PBN
- Hung Son Nguyen , Loan TT Nguyen, Ngoc-Thanh Nguyen, Bay Vo, Efficient method for updating class association rules in dynamic datasets with record deletion, APPLIED INTELLIGENCE, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Hugo Gimbert, Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Edon Kelmendi, Emptiness of Zero Automata Is Decidable, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jerzy Czyżowicz, Krzysztof Diks , Jean Moussi, Wojciech Rytter , Energy-Optimal Broadcast in a Tree with Mobile Agents, 13th International Symposium on Algorithms and Experiments for Wireless Sensor Networks , Vienna, Austria, 7 września 2017 - 8 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Gogacz , Szymon Toruńczyk , Entropy Bounds for Conjunctive Queries with Functional Dependencies, 20th International Conference on Database Theory, Venice, Italy, 21 marca 2017 - 24 marca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Matlak, Ewa Szczurek , Epistasis in genomic and survival data of cancer patients, PLoS Computational Biology, 13 (7) 2017, s. 1-16. Zobacz w PBN
- Bartłomiej Szynglarewicz, Piotr Kasprzak, Piotr Donizy, Przemysław Biecek , Agnieszka Hałoń, Rafał Matkowski, Epithelial-mesenchymal transition inducer Snail1 and invasive potential of intraductal breast cancer, Journal of Surgical Oncology, 116 (6) 2017, s. 696-705. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Lasota , Equivariant algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems over coset templates, Information Processing Letters, 118 2017, s. 44-52. Zobacz w PBN
- Adrian Bondy, Zbigniew Lonc, Paweł Rzążewski , Erratum: Constructing Optimal $k$-Radius Sequences, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31 (1) 2017, s. 645-646. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Rutka , Ryszard SMARZEWSKI, Explicit barycentric formulae for osculatory interpolation at roots of classical orthogonal polynomials, Mathematics of Computation, 86 (307) 2017, s. 2409 - 2427. Zobacz w PBN
- Florian Barbero, Christophe Paul, Michał Pilipczuk , Exploring the Complexity of Layout Parameters in Tournaments and Semi-Complete Digraphs, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Antitza Dantcheva, Piotr Biliński , Hung Thanh Nguyen, Jean-Claude Broutart, Francois Bremond, Expression Recognition for Severely Demented Patients in Music Reminiscence-Therapy, 25th European Signal Processing Conference, Kos, Greece, 28 sierpnia 2017 - 2 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Son Thanh Cao, Anh Linh Nguyen , NGOC NGUYEN, Extending Query-Subquery Nets for Deductive Databases under the Well-Founded Semantics, Cybernetics and Systems, 48 (3) 2017, s. 249-266. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski , Wojciech Rytter , Fast algorithms for Abelian periods in words and greatest common divisor queries, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 84 2017, s. 205-218. Zobacz w PBN
- Mai Alzamel, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Solon P. Pissis, Jakub Radoszewski , Wing-Kin Sung, Faster Algorithms for 1-Mappability of a Sequence, 11th Annual International Conference on Combinatorial Optimization and Applications , Shanghai, China, 16 grudnia 2017 - 18 grudnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Hidders, Jacek Sroka , Finding AND-OR Hierarchies in Workflow Nets, arXiv, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Csaba Biró, Édouard Bonnet, Dániel Marx, Tillmann Miltzow, Paweł Rzążewski , Fine-Grained Complexity of Coloring Unit Disks and Balls, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 33rd International Symposium on Computational Geometry, Brisbane, Australia, 4 lipca 2017 - 7 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Daniel Lokshtanov, Marcin Pilipczuk , Michał Pilipczuk , Saket Saurabh, Fixed-Parameter Tractable Canonization and Isomorphism Test for Graphs of Bounded Treewidth, SIAM Journal on Computing, 46 (1) 2017, s. 161–189. Zobacz w PBN
- Annalisa Appice, Marzena KRYSZKIEWICZ, Henryk RYBIŃSKI, Zbigniew Raś, Andrzej Skowron, Dominik Ślęzak , Foundations of Intelligent Systems. 23rd International Symposium, ISMIS 2017, Warsaw, Poland, June 26-29, 2017, Proceedings, International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems - Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Warszawa, Poland, 25 czerwca 2017 - 28 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marzena KRYSZKIEWICZ, Annalisa Appice, Dominik Ślęzak , Henryk RYBIŃSKI, Andrzej Skowron, Zbigniew Raś, Foundations of Intelligent Systems.The 23rd International Symposium on Foundations of Intelligent Systems, ISMIS 2017, Proceedings, 10352 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Skowron , FPT approximation schemes for maximizing submodular functions, Information and Computation, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Parinya Chalermsook, Marek Cygan , Guy Kortsarz, Pasin Manurangsi, Bundit Laekhanukit, Danupon Nanongkai, Luca Trevisan, From Gap-ETH to FPT-Inapproximability: Clique, Dominating Set, and More, 58th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, Berkeley, the United States of America, 15 października 2017 - 17 października 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Fedor V. Fomin, Daniel Lokshtanov, Michał Pilipczuk , Saket Saurabh, Marcin Wrochna , Fully polynomial-time parameterized computations for graphs and matrices of low treewidth, 28th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Barcelona, Spain, 16 stycznia 2017 - 19 stycznia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Chrząszcz, Aleksy Schubert , Function definitions for compound values in object-oriented languages, International Symposium on Principles and Practice of Declarative Programming, Naur, Belgium, 9 października 2017 - 11 października 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Baczyński, Przemysław Grzegorzewski, Piotr Helbin, Radko Mesiar, Wanda Niemyska , Fuzzy implications based on semicopulas, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 323 2017, s. 138-151. Zobacz w PBN
- Ilona Kondratiuk, Szymon Łęski, Fred Van Leuven, Benoit Lechat, Herman Devijver, Przemysław Biecek , Tomasz Jaworski, LESZEK KACZMAREK, Małgorzata Urbańska, GSK-3β and MMP-9 Cooperate in the Control of Dendritic Spine Morphology, Molecular Neurobiology, 54 (1) 2017, s. 200-211. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Adamaszek, Tomasz Kociumaka, Marcin Pilipczuk , Michał Pilipczuk , Hardness of Approximation for Strip Packing, ACM Transactions on Computation Theory, 9 (3) 2017, s. 14:1-7. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Dębski, Zbigniew Lonc, Paweł Rzążewski , Harmonious and achromatic colorings of fragmentable hypergraphs, EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF COMBINATORICS, 66 2017, s. 60-80. Zobacz w PBN
- Damian Niwiński , Stella Orłowska, Helena Rasiowa's Heritage in Mathematical Logic, Fundamenta Informaticae, 156 (3-4) 2017, s. i-ii. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Janusz , Tomasz Tajmajer, Maciej Świechowski, Helping AI to Play Hearthstone: AAIA'17 Data Mining Challenge, Annals of Computer Science and Information Systems, 2017 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, Praga, Czechia, 11 2017, s. 121–125. Zobacz w PBN
- Francesco Luca De Angelis, Giovanna Di Marzo Serugendo, Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz , Andrzej Szałas , Heterogeneous Approximate Reasoning with Graded Truth Values, Rough Sets : International Joint Conference 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, 2 lipca 2017 - 6 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Michalewski , Maciej Klimek, Piotr Miłoś , Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning with Parameters, Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 1st Annual Conference on Robot Learning, Mountain View, California, the United States of America, 12 listopada 2017 - 14 listopada 2017, 78 2017, s. 301-313. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Cygan , Daniel Marx, Marcin Pilipczuk , Michał Pilipczuk , Hitting forbidden subgraphs in graphs of bounded treewidth, Information and Computation, 256 2017, s. 62-82. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Dziubiński , Sanjeev Goyal, How do you defend a network?, Theoretical Economics, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Eryk Kopczyński , Dorota Celińska-Kopczyńska , Marek Čtrnáct , HyperRogue: Playing with Hyperbolic Geometry, Bridges 2017: Mathematics, Art, Music, Architecture, Education, Culture, Waterloo, Canada, 26 lipca 2017 - 30 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Sankowski , Karol Węgrzycki, Improved Distance Queries and Cycle Counting by Frobenius Normal Form, 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Hannover, Germany, 8 marca 2017 - 11 marca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Cygan , Łukasz Kowalik , Arkadiusz Socała, Improving TSP Tours Using Dynamic Programming over Tree Decompositions, 25th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Vienna, Austria, 4 września 2017 - 6 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Divesh Aggarwal, Tomasz Kazana , Maciej Obremski, Inception Makes Non-malleable Codes Stronger, Theory of Cryptography Conference 2017, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Diego Cerdeiro, Marcin Dziubiński , Sanjeev Goyal, Individual Security, Contagion, and Network Design, Journal of Economic Theory, 170 2017, s. 182-226. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Gogolewski , Weronika Wronowska, Agnieszka Lech, Bogdan Lesyng, Anna Gambin , Inferring Molecular Processes Heterogeneity from Transcriptional Data, BioMed Research International, 2017 2017, s. 6961786:1-14. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Startek , Jakub Nogły, Dariusz Grzebelus, Anna Gambin , Agnieszka Gromadka, Inferring transposons activity chronology by TRANScendence - TEs database and de-novo mining tool, BMC Bioinformatics, 18 (suppl. 12) 2017, s. 57-66. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Parys , Intersection Types and Counting, Eighth Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems, Porto, Portugal, 26 czerwca 2016 - 26 czerwca 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Daniel H. Caro, Przemysław Biecek , Intsvy: An R Package for Analyzing International Large-Scale Assessment Data, Journal of Statistical Software, 81 (7) 2017, s. 1-44. Zobacz w PBN
- Mathurin Aché, Andrzej Janusz , Kamil Żbikowski, Dominik Ślęzak , Marzena KRYSZKIEWICZ, Henryk RYBIŃSKI, Piotr Gawrysiak, ISMIS 2017 data mining competition: Trading based on recommendations, International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems - Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Warszawa, Poland, 26 czerwca 2017 - 29 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Mateusz K Łącki, Michał Startek , Dirk Valkenborg, Anna Gambin , IsoSpec: Hyperfast Fine Structure Calculator, ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, 89 (6) 2017, s. 3272–3277. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , It is Undecidable if Two Regular Tree Languages can be Separated by a Deterministic Tree-walking Automaton, Fundamenta Informaticae, 154 (1-4) 2017, s. 37-46. Zobacz w PBN
- Jean-Daniel Boissonnat, Kunal Dutta , Arijit Ghosh, Sudeshna Kolay, Kernelization of the Subset General Position Problem in Geometry, Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics, 83 2017, s. 25:1-25:13. Zobacz w PBN
- Ludwik Wiktor Bielczyński, Mateusz Łącki, Iris Hoefnagels, Anna Gambin , Roberta Croce, Leaf and plant age affects photosynthetic performance and photoprotective capacity, Plant Physiology, 175 (4) 2017, s. 1634–1648. Zobacz w PBN
- Jerzy Czyżowicz, Krzysztof Diks , Jean Moussi, Wojciech Rytter , Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Hofman , Jerome Leroux, Patrick Totzke, Linear combinations of unordered data vectors, Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, 20 czerwca 2017 - 23 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Archontia Giannopoulou, Michał Pilipczuk , Jean-florent Raymond, Dimitrios M. Thilikos, Marcin Wrochna , Linear Kernels for Edge Deletion Problems to Immersion-Closed Graph Classes, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marthe Bonamy, Łukasz Kowalik , Michał Pilipczuk , Arkadiusz Socała, Linear Kernels for Outbranching Problems in Sparse Digraphs, Algorithmica, 79 (1) 2017, s. 159–188. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Dśbrowski-Tumański, Aleksandra I. Jarmolińska, Wanda Niemyska , Eric J. Rawdon, Kenneth C. Millett, Joanna Sułkowska, LinkProt: a database collecting information about biological links, Nucleic Acids Research, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Eryk Kopczyński , Szymon Toruńczyk , LOIS: Syntax and Semantics, ACM SIGACT Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages, Paryż, France, 15 stycznia 2017 - 21 stycznia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Amihood Amir, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Solon P. Pissis, Jakub Radoszewski , Longest Common Factor After One Edit Operation, 24th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, Palermo, Italy, 26 września 2017 - 29 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Gogacz, Matteo Mio, Michał Skrzypczak , Henryk Michalewski , Measure properties of regular sets of trees, Information and Computation, 256 2017, s. 108-130. Zobacz w PBN
- Hung Son Nguyen , Loan TT Nguyen, Thi sinh hoa Nguyen, Bay Vo, Mining Class Association Rules with Synthesis Constraints, 9th Asian Conference on Intelligent Information and Database Systems, Kanazawa, Japan, April 3-5, 2017, Kanazawa, Japan, 3 kwietnia 2017 - 5 kwietnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Stephan Kreutzer, Michał Pilipczuk , Daniel A. Quiroz, Roman Rabinovich, Sebastian Siebertz, Jan van den Heuvel, Model-checking for successor-invariant first-order formulas on graph classes of bounded expansion, Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, 20 czerwca 2017 - 23 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Adam Gudyś, Andrzej Janusz , Marek Sikora, Tomasz Stęclik, Łukasz Wróbel, Dominik Ślęzak , Moduł analityczny, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Zuzanna Tracz-Gaszewska, Marta Klimczak, Przemysław Biecek , Marcin Herok, Marcin Kosiński, MACIEJ OLSZEWSKI, Patrycja Czerwińska, Milena Wiech, Maciej Wiznerowicz, Bartosz Wawrzynów, Alicja Żylicz, Maciej Żylicz, Molecular chaperones in the acquisition of cancer cell chemoresistance with mutated TP53 and MDM2 up-regulation., Oncotarget, 8 (47) 2017, s. 82123-82143. Zobacz w PBN
- Markus Brill, Jean-François Laslier, Piotr Skowron , Multiwinner Approval Rules as Apportionment Methods, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron , Arkadii Slinko, Nimrod Talmon, Multiwinner Rules on Paths From k-Borda to Chamberlin-Courant, 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, New Zealand, 19 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Adrian Vladu, Michael B. Cohen, Aleksander Madry, Piotr Sankowski , Negative-Weight Shortest Paths and Unit Capacity Minimum Cost Flow in \~O (\emphm\(^\mbox10/7\) log \emphW) Time (Extended Abstract), Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, SODA 2017, Barcelona, Spain, Hotel Porta Fira, January 16-19, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michael B. Cohen, Aleksander Mądry, Piotr Sankowski , Adrian Vladu, Negative-Weight Shortest Paths and Unit Capacity Minimum Cost Flow in Õ(m^10/7 log W) Time, 28th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Barcelona, Spain, 16 stycznia 2017 - 19 stycznia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Kord Eickmeyer, Archontia C. Giannopoulou, Stephan Kreutzer, O-joung Kwon, Michał Pilipczuk , Roman Rabinovich, Sebastian Siebertz, Neighborhood Complexity and Kernelization for Nowhere Dense Classes of Graphs, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Górecki , Jarosław Paszek , New Algorithms for the Genomic Duplication Problem, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, RECOMB International Workshop on Comparative Genomics, Barcelona, Spain, 10562 2017, s. 101-115. Zobacz w PBN
- Rafał Matkowski, Piotr Donizy, Agnieszka Hałoń, Adam Maciejczyk, Przemysław Biecek , Nucleoli cytomorphology in cutaneous melanoma cells – a new prognostic approach to an old concept, Diagnostic Pathology, 12 (88) 2017, s. 1-9. Zobacz w PBN
- Oksana Voronych, Adam Buraczewski, Michał Matuszewski, Magdalena Stobińska , Numerical modeling of exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensate in a microcavity, COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, 215 2017, s. 246-258. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Hofman , Stanislav Böhm, Stefan Göller, Simon Halfon, On Büchi One-Counter Automata, 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Hannover, Germany, 8 marca 2017 - 11 marca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Hidders, Jacek Sroka , On Determining the AND-OR Hierarchy in Workflow Nets, Fundamenta Informaticae, 156 (1) 2017, s. 95-123. Zobacz w PBN
- Ali Rezaei Divroodi, Anh Linh Nguyen , On directed simulations in description logics, Journal of Logic and Computation, 27 (7) 2017, s. 1955–1986. Zobacz w PBN
- Martin Pergel, Paweł Rzążewski , On edge intersection graphs of paths with 2 bends, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 226 2017, s. 106-116. Zobacz w PBN
- O-joung Kwon, Michał Pilipczuk , Sebastian Siebertz, On Low Rank-Width Colorings, 43rd International Workshop on Graph-Theoretic Concepts in Computer, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 21 czerwca 2017 - 23 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Cygan , Marcin Mucha , Karol Węgrzycki, Michał Włodarczyk , On Problems Equivalent to (min, +)-Convolution, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Apt, Eryk Kopczyński , Dominik Wojtczak, On the Computational Complexity of Gossip Protocols, 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, New Zealand, 19 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Michalak , Talal Rahwan, Marcin Waniek, Michael Wooldridge, On the Construction of Covert Networks, 16th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 8 maja 2017 - 12 maja 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Aleksy Schubert , Paweł Urzyczyn , Konrad Zdanowski, On the Mints Hierarchy in First-Order Intuitionistic Logic, Logical Methods in Computer Science, 12 (4) 2017, s. 1-25. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Grzegorowski, Andrzej Janusz , Marcin Szczuka, Dominik Ślęzak , On the role of feature space granulation in feature selection processes, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Boston, the United States of America, 11 grudnia 2017 - 14 grudnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marina De Vos, Sattar Hashemi, Fatemeh Jahedpari, Tomasz Michalak , Julian Padget, Talal Rahwan, Wei Lee Woon, Online Prediction via Continuous Artificial Prediction Markets, IEEE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, 32 (1) 2017, s. 61-68. Zobacz w PBN
- Jakub Lacki, Piotr Sankowski , Optimal Decremental Connectivity in Planar Graphs, Theory of Computing Systems, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Fanny Pascual, Krzysztof Rządca , Optimizing egalitarian performance in the side-effects model of colocation for data center resource management, 16th International Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing, Innsbruck, Austria, 3 lipca 2017 - 6 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Michał Pilipczuk , Optimizing Tree Decompositions in MSO, 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Hannover, Germany, 8 marca 2017 - 11 marca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Wim Martens, Matthias Niewerth, Paweł Parys , Optimizing Tree Patterns for Querying Graph- and Tree-Structured Data, SIGMOD Record, 46 (1) 2017, s. 15–22. Zobacz w PBN
- Michal Adamczyk, Mai Alzamel, Panagiotis Charalampopoulos, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Jakub Radoszewski , Palindromic Decompositions with Gaps and Errors, 12th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia, Kazań, the Russian Federation, 8 czerwca 2017 - 12 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Kaczmarski, Paweł Rzążewski , Albert Wolant, Parallel algorithms constructing the cell graph, Concurrency Computation Practice and Experience, 29 (23) 2017, s. 1-17. Zobacz w PBN
- Neo Christopher Chung , Carolyn Bolton‐Moore, Roma Chilengi, Margaret P. Kasaro, Jeffrey S. A. Stringer, Benjamin H. Chi, Patient engagement in HIV care and treatment in Zambia, 2004–2014, Tropical Medicine and International Health, 22 (3) 2017, s. 332-339. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Górecki , Alexey Markin, Agnieszka Mykowiecka, Jarosław Paszek , Oliver Eulenstein, Phylogenetic Tree Reconciliation: Mean Values for Fixed Gene Trees, 13th International Symposium on Bioinformatics Research and Applications, Honolulu, the United States of America, 30 maja 2017 - 2 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Neo Christopher Chung , Magdalena Frąszczak, Joanna Szyda, Population Structure Analysis of Bull Genomes of European and Western Ancestry, Scientific Reports, 7 2017, s. 1-10. Zobacz w PBN
- Joshua Brody, Stefan Dziembowski , Sebastian Faust, Krzysztof Pietrzak, Position-Based Cryptography and Multiparty Communication Complexity, Theory of Cryptography Conference 2017, 1 2017, s. 56-81. Zobacz w PBN
- Magdalena Pawlak, Agnieszka Kikulska, Tomasz Wrzesinski, Tobias Rausch, Zbigniew Kwias, Bartosz Wilczyński , Vladimir Benes, Joanna Wesoły, Tomasz Wilanowski, Potential protective role of Grainyhead-like genes in the development of clear cell renal cell carcinoma, Molecular Carcinogenesis, 56 2017, s. 2414-2423. Zobacz w PBN
- Kee Pang Soh, Ewa Szczurek , Thomas Sakoparnig, Niko Beerenwinkel, Predicting cancer type from tumour DNA signatures, Genome Medicine, 9 (104) 2017, s. 1-11. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Grzegorowski, Andrzej Janusz , Marcin Michalak, Marek Sikora, Łukasz Wróbel, Dominik Ślęzak , Predicting seismic events in coal mines based on underground sensor measurements, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 64 2017, s. 83-94. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Dittwald, Błażej Miasojedow , Sara Szymkuć, Ewa Gajewska, Bartosz Grzybowski, Anna Gambin , Grzegorz Skoraczyński, Predicting the outcomes of organic reactions via machine learning: are current descriptors sufficient?, Scientific Reports, 7 (1) 2017, s. 3582:1-3582:9. Zobacz w PBN
- Marzena KRYSZKIEWICZ, Annalisa Appice, Zbigniew Raś, Henryk RYBIŃSKI, Dominik Ślęzak , Andrzej Skowron, Preface, International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems - Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Warszawa, Poland, 25 czerwca 2017 - 28 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Lech Polkowski, Andrzej Skowron, Guoyin Wang, Yiyu Yao, Dominik Ślęzak , Preface, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Foto N. Afrati, Jacek Sroka , Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond, BeyondMR@SIGMOD 2017, Chicago, IL, USA, May 19, 2017, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Rainer Alt, Elizabeth Chang, Bogdan Franczyk, Axel Ngonga, Amit P. Sheth, Xiaohui Tao, Rainer Unland, Yin Wang, Dominik Ślęzak , Proceedings of the International Conference on Web Intelligence, Leipzig, Germany, August 23-26, 2017, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Dorota Celińska-Kopczyńska , Eryk Kopczyński , Programming Languages in GitHub: A Visualization in Hyperbolic Plane, 11th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media, Montreal, Qatar, 15 maja 2017 - 18 maja 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron , Arkadii Slinko, Properties of multiwinner voting rules, Social Choice and Welfare, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Pablo Basanta Val, Edith Elkind, Norberto Fernandez, Jesus Fisteus, Martin Lackner, Luis Sanchez-Fernandez, Piotr Skowron , Proportional Justified Representation, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Markus Brill, Edith Elkind, Martin Lackner, Dominik Peters, Piotr Skowron , Proportional Rankings, 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, New Zealand, 19 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Łukasz Kozłowski , Proteome-pI: proteome isoelectric point database, Nucleic Acids Research, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Grzegorowski, Andrzej Janusz , Michał Kozielski, Zdzisław Krzystanek, Marek Sikora, Łukasz Wróbel, Dominik Ślęzak , Przykłady zastosowania systemu DISESOR w analizie i predykcji zagrożeń, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Aleksandra Gierut, Wanda Niemyska , Paweł Dąbrowski-Tumański, Piotr Sułkowski, Joanna Sułkowska, PyLasso: a PyMOL plugin to identify lassos, Bioinformatics, 33 (23) 2017, s. 3819–3821. Zobacz w PBN
- Adam Buraczewski, Adam Rutkowski, Magdalena Stobińska , Quantum steering inequality with tolerance for measurement-setting errors: experimentally feasible signature of unbounded violation, Physical Review Letters, 118 (2) 2017, s. 1-6. Zobacz w PBN
- Son Thanh Cao, Anh Linh Nguyen , Query-subquery nets for Horn knowledge bases in first-order logic, Journal of Information and Telecommunication, 1 (1) 2017, s. 79-99. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Wrochna , Reconfiguration in bounded bandwidth and tree-depth, Journal of Computer and System Sciences, 93 2017, s. 1-10. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Czerwiński , Sławomir Lasota , Regular separability of one counter automata, Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, 20 czerwca 2017 - 23 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Charles Paperman, Sławomir Lasota , Wojciech Czerwiński , Lorenzo Clemente , Regular Separability of Parikh Automata, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Foto N. Afrati, Jan Hidders, Paraschos Koutris, Jacek Sroka , Jeffrey D. Ullman, Report from the Fourth Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond (BeyondMR’17), SIGMOD Record, 46 (4) 2017, s. 44-48. Zobacz w PBN
- Foto N. Afrati, Jan Hidders, Christopher Ré, Jacek Sroka , Jeffrey Ullman, Report from the third workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond (BeyondMR'16), SIGMOD Record, 46 (2) 2017, s. 43-48. Zobacz w PBN
- Serge Abiteboul, Marcelo Arenas, Pablo Barceló, Meghyn Bienvenu, Diego Calvanese, Claire David, Richard Hull, Eyke Hüllermeier, Benny Kimelfeld, Leonid Libkin, Wim Martens, Tova Milo, Filip Murlak , Frank Neven, Magdalena Ortiz, Thomas Schwentick, Julia Stoyanovich, Jianwen Su, Dan Suciu, Victor Vianu, Ke Yi, Research Directions for Principles of Data Management (Abridged), SIGMOD Record, 45 (4) 2017, s. 5-17. Zobacz w PBN
- Leo Lahti, Janne Huovari, Markus Kainu, Przemysław Biecek , Retrieval and Analysis of Eurostat Open Data with the eurostat Package, R Journal, 9 (1) 2017, s. 385-392. Zobacz w PBN
- Robert Bredereck, Piotr Faliszewski, Andrzej Kaczmarczyk, Rolf Niedermeier, Piotr Skowron , Nimrod Talmon, Robustness Among Multiwinner Voting Rules, The 10th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, L'Aquila, Italy, 12 września 2017 - 14 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Palczewska, Jan Palczewski, Georgios Aivaliotis, Łukasz Kowalik , RobustSPAM for Inference from Noisy Longitudinal Data and Preservation of Privacy, 16th IEEE International Conference On Machine Learning And Applications, Cancun, Mexico, 17 grudnia 2017 - 18 grudnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Lech Polkowski, Yiyu Yao, Piotr Artiemjew, Davide Ciucci, Dun Liu, Beata Zielosko, Dominik Ślęzak , Rough Sets International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3–7, 2017, Proceedings, Part I, International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, Olsztyn, Poland, 3 lipca 2017 - 7 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Lech Polkowski, Piotr Artiemjew, Davide Ciucci, Dun Liu, Dominik Ślęzak , Beata Zielosko, Rough Sets. International Joint Conference, IJCRS 2017, Olsztyn, Poland, July 3–7, 2017. Proceedings. Part II, International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, Olsztyn, Poland, 3 lipca 2017 - 7 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Łukasz Białek, Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz , Andrzej Szałas , Rule-Based Reasoning with Belief Structures, International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems - Foundations of Intelligent Systems, Warszawa, Poland, 26 czerwca 2017 - 29 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Chądzyńska-Krasowska, Rick Glick, Joel Holland, Marcin Perkowski, Piotr Synak, Dominik Ślęzak , Scalable cyber-security analytics with a new summary-based approximate query engine, 2017 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data), Boston, the United States of America, 10 grudnia 2017 - 13 grudnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Chądzyńska-Krasowska, Paweł Betliński, Dominik Ślęzak , Scalable Machine Learning with Granulated Data Summaries: A Case of Feature Selection, 23rd International Symposium, ISMIS 2017, zAKOPANE, Poland, 26 czerwca 2017 - 29 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Lasota , Charles Paperman, Wojciech Czerwiński , Lorenzo Clemente , Separability of Reachability Sets of Vector Addition Systems, 34th International Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science, Hannover, Germany, 8 marca 2017 - 11 marca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Dębski, Zbigniew Lonc, Paweł Rzążewski , Sequences of radius k for complete bipartite graphs, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 225 2017, s. 51-63. Zobacz w PBN
- Kunal Dutta , Arijit Ghosh, Bruno Jartoux, Nabil H. Mustafa, Shallow Packings, Semialgebraic Set Systems, Macbeath Regions, and Polynomial Partitioning, 33rd International Symposium on Computational Geometry, Brisbane, Australia, 4 lipca 2017 - 7 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Pawel Janus, Krzysztof Rządca , SLO-aware Colocation of Data Center Tasks Based on Instantaneous Processor Requirements, SoCC '17 2017 ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Edith Elkind, Piotr Skowron , Social Choice Under Metric Preferences: Scoring Rules and STV, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Baczyński, Wanda Niemyska , Some new solutions of the distributivity law I(x, S(y, z)) = S(I(x, y), I(x, z)) among R-implications and triangular conorms, Joint 17th World Congress of International Fuzzy Systems Association and 9th International Conference on Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems, Otsu, Japan, 27 czerwca 2017 - 30 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Hoang Son Nguyen, Hung Son Nguyen , Long Giang Nguyen, Ngoc Thuy Nguyen, Some observations on representation of dependency degree k, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Mihai Codescu, Till Mossakowski, Donald Sannella, Andrzej Tarlecki , Specification refinements: Calculi, tools, and applications, Science of Computer Programming, 144 2017, s. 1-49. Zobacz w PBN
- Andreas Björklund, Vikram Kamat, Łukasz Kowalik , Meirav Zehavi, Spotting Trees with Few Leaves, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 31 (2) 2017, s. 687–713. Zobacz w PBN
- Wei Shi, Therese Vu, Didier Boucher, Anna Biernacka, Jules Nde, Raj K. Pandita, Jasmin Straube, Glen M. Boyle, Fares Al-Ejeh, Purba Nag, Jessie Jeffery, Janelle L. Harris, Amanda L. Bain, Marta Monika Grzelak, Magdalena Skrzypczak, Abhishek Mitra, Norbert Dojer , Nicola Crosetto, Nicole Cloonan, Olivier J. Becherel, John Finnie, Jeffrey R. Skaar, Carl R. Walkley, Tej K. Pandita, Maga Rowicka, Krzysztof Ginalski, Steven W. Lane, Kum Kum Khanna, Ssb1 and Ssb2 cooperate to regulate mouse hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells by resolving replicative stress, Blood, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Michalak , Talal Rahwan, Michael Wooldridge, Strategic Social Network Analysis, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Jakub Radoszewski , Tatiana A. Starikovskaya, Streaming K-Mismatch with Error Correcting and Applications, 27th Data Compression Conference, Snowbird, the United States of America, 4 kwietnia 2017 - 7 kwietnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski , Wojciech Rytter , Tomasz Waleń , String Powers in Trees, Algorithmica, 79 (3) 2017, s. 814–834. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Lecki, Jerzy Tyszkiewicz , Jacek Sroka , Structural Induction as a Method to Distribute the Generation of a Trace Language Representation for Complex Systems, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 1847 2017, s. 55--70. Zobacz w PBN
- Daniel Marx, Marcin Pilipczuk , Subexponential Parameterized Algorithms for Graphs of Polynomial Growth, 25th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Vienna, Austria, 4 września 2017 - 6 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Kociumaka, Jakub Radoszewski , Bartłomiej Wiśniewski, Subquadratic-Time Algorithms for Abelian Stringology Problems, AIMS Medical Science, 4 (3) 2017, s. 332-351. Zobacz w PBN
- Dorota Matelska, Jagoda Jabłónska, Adriana Zyła, Elżbieta Jankowska, Janusz Bujnicki, Tomasz Waleń , Dorota Niedziałek, Paweł Piątkowski, WAYNE DAWSON, SupeRNAlign: A new tool for flexible superposition of homologous RNA structures and inference of accurate structure-based sequence alignments, Nucleic Acids Research, 45 (16) 2017, s. 1-10. Zobacz w PBN
- Aleksy Schubert , Jacek Sroka , Jerzy Tyszkiewicz , Systematic Programming in a Spreadsheet, 4th International Workshop on Software Engineering Methods in Spreadsheets, Eindhoven, the Netherlands, 13 czerwca 2017 - 15 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Michal Wlasnowolski, Bartosz Wilczyński , Julia Herman-Iżycka, Taking promoters out of enhancers in sequence based predictions of tissue-specific mammalian enhancers, BMC Medical Genomics, 10 (1) 2017, s. 34-34. Zobacz w PBN
- Haris Aziz, Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Martin Lackner, Piotr Skowron , The Condorcet Principle for Multiwinner Elections: From Shortlisting to Proportionality, 26th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Melbourne, New Zealand, 19 sierpnia 2017 - 25 sierpnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Nicholas Jennings, Tomasz Michalak , Long Tran-Thanh, Marcin Waniek, The Dollar Auction with Spiteful Players, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Karol Pąk, Aleksy Schubert , The impact of proof steps sequence on proof readability - experimental setting, 9th Conference on Intelligent Computer Mathematics, Białystok, Poland, 25 lipca 2016 - 29 lipca 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Wioletta Nowaczewska, Urszula Łapicka, Agata Cieślik, Przemysław Biecek , The relationship of cranial, orbital and nasal cavity size with the morphology of the supraorbital region in modern Homo sapiens, Anthropologischer Anzeiger, 74 (3) 2017, s. 241-246. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Dziubiński , The spectrum of equilibria for the colonel blotto and the colonel lotto games, The 10th International Symposium on Algorithmic Game Theory, L'Aquila, Italy, 12 września 2017 - 14 września 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Łukasz Apiecionek, Dariusz Mikołajewski, Jacek Czerniak, Piotr Prokopowicz, Dominik Ślęzak , Theory and applications of ordered fuzzy numbers : A tribute to Professor Witold Kosiński, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Claire David, Filip Murlak , Three Easy Pieces on Schema Mappings for Tree-structured Data, 11th Alberto Mendelzon International Workshop on Foundations of Data Management and the Web, Montevideo, Uruguay, 7 czerwca 2017 - 9 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Lech Polkowski, Andrzej Skowron, Guoyin Wang, Yiyu Yao, Dominik Ślęzak , Thriving Rough Sets: 10th Anniversary - Honoring Professor Zdzisław Pawlak's Life and Legacy & 35 Years of Rough Sets, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Zbigniew Lonc, Paweł Naroski, Paweł Rzążewski , Tight Euler tours in uniform hypergraphs - computational aspects, Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science, 19 (3) 2017, s. 1-13. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Cygan , Fabrizio Grandoni, Danny Hermelin, Tight Kernel Bounds for Problems on Graphs with Small Degeneracy, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marthe Bonamy, Łukasz Kowalik , Michał Pilipczuk , Arkadiusz Socała, Marcin Wrochna , Tight Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Multicoloring, 25th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms, Vienna, Austria, 4 września 2017 - 6 września 2017, 87 2017, s. 18:1--18:14. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Cygan , Fedor V. Fomin, Alexander Golovnev, Alexander S. Kulikov, Ivan Mihajlin, Jakub Pachocki, Arkadiusz Socała, Tight Lower Bounds on Graph Embedding Problems, Journal of the ACM, 64 (3) 2017, s. 1-22. Zobacz w PBN
- Lorenzo Clemente , Sławomir Lasota , Ranko Lazić, Filip Mazowiecki, Timed pushdown automata and branching vector addition systems, Thirty-Second Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science, Reykjavik, Iceland, 20 czerwca 2017 - 23 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Grzegorowski, Andrzej Janusz , Sebastian Stawicki, Dominik Ślęzak , Toward Interactive Attribute Selection with Infolattices - A Position Paper, International Joint Conference on Rough Sets, Olsztyn, Poland, 3 lipca 2017 - 7 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Łukasz Białek, Barbara Dunin-Kęplicz , Andrzej Szałas , Towards a Paraconsistent Approach to Actions in Distributed Information-Rich Environments, IDC: International Symposium on Intelligent and Distributed Computing, Belgrad, Serbia, 11 października 2017 - 13 października 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Kowaluk , Artur Leśniewski, Jacek Sroka , Krzysztof Stencel , Jerzy Tyszkiewicz , Towards minimal algorithms for big data analytics with spreadsheets, 4th ACM SIGMOD Workshop on Algorithms and Systems for MapReduce and Beyond, Chicago, the United States of America, 19 maja 2017 - 19 maja 2017, (1) 2017, s. 1-4. Zobacz w PBN
- Marta Gładych, Ayush T Raman, Holger Heyn, Elisabetta Mereu, Paula Chlebanowska, Anastazja Andrzejewska, Barbara Sożańśka, Neha Samant, Katarzyna Fąk, Paulina Auguścik, Marcin Kosiński, Joanna P Wróblewska, Katarzyna Tomczak, Rafał Płoski, Przemysław Biecek , Manel Esteller, Parantu K Shah, Kunal Rai, Maciej Wiznerowicz, Katarzyna Kulcenty, Urszula Oleksiewicz, TRIM28 and Interacting KRAB-ZNFs Control Self-Renewal of Human Pluripotent Stem Cells through Epigenetic Repression of Pro-differentiation Genes, Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 9 (6) 2017, s. 2065-2080. Zobacz w PBN
- Barbara Sozańska, Przemysław Biecek , Marta Klimczak, Patrycja Czerwińska, Sylwia Mazurek, Andrzej Mackiewicz, Maciej Wiznerowicz, TRIM28 epigenetic corepressor is indispensable for stable induced pluripotent stem cell formation., Stem Cell Research, 23 2017, s. 163-172. Zobacz w PBN
- Jannik Andersen, Przemysław Biecek , Patrycja Czerwińska, Violetta Filas, Marta Klimczak, Konstanty Korski, Andrzej Mackiewicz, Sylwia Mazurek, Parantu Shah, Barbara Sozańska, Katarzyna Tomczak, Maciej Wiznerowicz, TRIM28 multi-domain protein regulates cancer stem cell population in breast tumor development., Oncotarget, 8 (1) 2017, s. 863-882. Zobacz w PBN
- Amihood Amir, Costas S. Iliopoulos, Jakub Radoszewski , Two strings at Hamming distance 1 cannot be both quasiperiodic, Information Processing Letters, 128 2017, s. 54-57. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Górecki , Jarosław Paszek , Oliver Eulenstein, Unconstrained Diameters for Deep Coalescence, IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 14 (5) 2017, s. 1002-1012. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Stencel , Iwona Szulc, Piotr Wiśniewski, Using Genetic Algorithms to Optimize Redundant Data, 13th International Conference Beyond Databases, Architectures and Structures, Ustroń, Poland, 30 maja 2017 - 2 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Edith Elkind, Piotr Faliszewski, Jean-François Laslier, Piotr Skowron , Arkadii Slinko, Nimrod Talmon, What Do Multiwinner Voting Rules Do? An Experiment Over the Two-Dimensional Euclidean Domain, 31st AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, San Francisco, the United States of America, 4 lutego 2017 - 9 lutego 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Adamczyk, Fabrizio Grandoni, Stefano Leonardi, Michał Włodarczyk , When the Optimum is also Blind: a New Perspective on Universal Optimization, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, ICALP 2017, July 10-14, 2017, Warsaw, Poland, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Adamczyk, Fabrizio Grandoni, Stefano Leonardi, Michał Włodarczyk , When the Optimum is also Blind: a New Perspective on Universal Optimization, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikołaj Bojańczyk , Laure Daviaud, Bruno Guillon, Vincent Penelle, Which Classes of Origin Graphs Are Generated by Transducers, 44th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages, and Programming, Warszawa, Poland, 10 lipca 2017 - 14 lipca 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Pacuk, Piotr Sankowski , Piotr Wygocki , Karol Węgrzycki, Why Do Cascade Sizes Follow a Power-Law?, 26th International Conference on World Wide Web Companion, Perth, Australia, 3 kwietnia 2017 - 7 kwietnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Moczulski, Piotr Przystałka, Marek Sikora, Dominik Ślęzak , Wprowadzenie do systemu DISESOR, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Idziaszek, Jakub Radoszewski , XXIII Olimpiada Informatyczna 2015/2016, 2017. Zobacz w PBN