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Konferencja: Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization
Liczba publikacji: 22019
- Eduard Eiben, Robert Ganian, Dušan Knop, Sebastian Ordyniak, Michał Pilipczuk , Marcin Wrochna , Integer Programming and Incidence Treedepth, 20th Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Ann Arbor, the United States of America, 22 maja 2019 - 24 maja 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- Stefano Leonardi, Gianpiero Monaco, Piotr Sankowski , Qiang Zhang, Budget Feasible Mechanisms on Matroids, 19th International Conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Waterloo, Canada, 26 czerwca 2017 - 28 czerwca 2017. Zobacz w PBN