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Czasopismo: Fuzzy Sets and Systems
Liczba publikacji: 92023
- Anh Linh Nguyen , Ivana Micić, Stefan Stanimirović, Depth-bounded fuzzy simulations and bisimulations between fuzzy automata, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 473 2023, s. 108729, 1-22. Zobacz w PBN
- Ivana Micic, Anh Linh Nguyen , Stefan Stanimirovic, Characterization and computation of approximate bisimulations for fuzzy automata, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 442 2022, s. 331-350. Zobacz w PBN
- Anh Linh Nguyen , Logical characterizations of fuzzy bisimulations in fuzzy modal logics over residuated lattices, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 431 2022, s. 70-93. Zobacz w PBN
- Christian Genest, Piotr Jaworski , On the class of bivariate Archimax copulas under constraints, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 415 2021. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Baczyński, Pedro Berruezo, Piotr Helbin, Sebastia Massanet, Wanda Niemyska , Daniel Ruiz-Aguilera, On the Sheffer stroke operation in fuzzy logic, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 431 2021, s. 110-128. Zobacz w PBN
- Anh Linh Nguyen , Quang-Thuy Ha, NGOC NGUYEN, Thi Hong Khanh Nguyen, Thanh-Luong Tran, Bisimulation and bisimilarity for fuzzy description logics under the Gödel semantics, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 388 2020, s. 146-178. Zobacz w PBN
- M. José Benítez-Caballero, Jesús Medina, Eloísa Ramírez-Poussa, Dominik Ślęzak , Rough-set-driven approach for attribute reduction in fuzzy formal concept analysis, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 391 2020, s. 117-138. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Baczyński, Wanda Niemyska , On some equation related to the distributivity laws of fuzzy implications. Jensen equation extended to the infinity, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 359 2019, s. 95-111. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Baczyński, Przemysław Grzegorzewski, Piotr Helbin, Radko Mesiar, Wanda Niemyska , Fuzzy implications based on semicopulas, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 323 2017, s. 138-151. Zobacz w PBN