Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
- dr hab. Andrzej Weber, prof. UW
- dr Krzysztof Ziemiański
środy, 10:30 , sala: 4070Strona domowa badań
Lista referatów
26 października 2021 16:30
Magdalena Zielenkiewicz (MIMUW)
Rozkłady komórkowe dla Grassmannianów kołczanowych
Mając dany kołczan i jego reprezentację, grassmannian kołczanowy parametryzuje jej podreprezentacje ustalonego (wektora) wymiaru. Niektóre grassmanniany kołczanowe posiadają rozkład na komórki afiniczne. Opowiem o tym, co wiadomo - które grassmanniany kołczanowe dopuszczają taki rozkład, i …
19 października 2021 16:30
Bob Oliver (LAGA, Paris)
A Krull-Remak-Schmidt theorem for fusion systems
The Krull-Remak-Schmidt theorem, when restricted to finite groups, implies that every finite group factorizes as a product of indecomposable subgroups which areunique up to isomorphism. But the theorem actually says much more. For example, as …
12 października 2021 16:30
Jakub Koncki (MIMUW)
Boundness of motivic Chern class
I will define the equivariant motic Chern class. I will show that it satisfies certain smallness condition. This condition allows to compare the motivic Chern class with the stable envelopes.
8 czerwca 2021 16:30
Jarek Kędra (University of Aberdeen)
On quasimorphisms invariant under automorphisms
Quasimorphisms comprise a good function theory on groups and many groups admits an abundance of them. It was recently discovered by Brandenbursky and Marcinkowski that the free group on two generators admits a quasimorphism that …
25 maja 2021 16:30
Agnieszka Bodzenta (MIMUW)
Ringel duality
Quasi-hereditary algebras and, more generally, highest weight categories first appeared as categories of perverse sheaves on a stratified topological space. Another example is the category O of Bernstein-Bernstein-Gelfand. In the talk I will recall the …
18 maja 2021 16:30
Adam Przeździecki (SGGW)
Set-theoretic problems in constructing localizations
11 maja 2021 16:30
Maria Yakerson (ETH Zürich)
Algebraic and hermitian K-theory in motivic homotopy theory
Algebraic K-theory space, as a motivic space, has a known geometric model given by (Z copies of) the infinite Grassmannian. In the new geometric model that we offer, the infinite Grassmannian is replaced by the …
27 kwietnia 2021 16:30
László Fehér (Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest)
Plücker formulas and motivic classes of coincident root loci
20 kwietnia 2021 16:30
Akos Matszangosz (Renyi Institute (Budapeszt))
Cohomology rings of real flag manifolds
The cohomology ring of a complex (partial) flag manifold has two classical descriptions; a topological one (via characteristic classes) and a geometric one (via Schubert classes). Similar descriptions are well-known for real flag manifolds X …
13 kwietnia 2021 16:30
Tomasz Maszczyk (UW)
The Hochschild cohomology for abstract convexity and the Shannon entropy
The Shannon entropy was introduced as a statistical measure of the information loss but appears in other fields of mathematics as well. We will start from the survey of the Faddeev algebraic characterization theorem and …
30 marca 2021 16:30
Denis Nardin (Regensburg)
Hermitian K-theory of rings
The theory of quadratic and symmetric bilinear forms over rings has traditionally been more developed when 2 is invertible in the ring. In this talk we will present a new approach allowing to put some …
23 marca 2021 16:30
Tibor Macko (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
Cobordisms of quadratic chain complexes
A fundamental problem in surgery theory is to decide whether a given finite CW-complex X of dimension n>=5 satisfying Poincare duality is homotopy equivalent to a topological manifold. In the classical surgery theory due to …
16 marca 2021 16:30
Bruno Stonek (IMPAN)
Tensors of Thom spectra with spaces: generalizing Mahowald's Thom isomorphism
The topological Hochschild homology (THH) of a commutative ring spectrum R can be expressed as a tensor with a circle. More generally, one can tensor R with any space X. In this talk we will …
9 marca 2021 16:30
Patryk Jaśniewski (UW)
Homological structure of the category of strict polynomial functors of prime degree p
26 stycznia 2021 16:30
Andrzej Szczepański (UG)
Combinatorial Hantzsche-Wendt group
Let n\in N. By a combinatorial Hantzsche-Wendt group we shall understand a finite presented group G_n = {x_1, ..., x_n | x_i^{-1} x_j^2 x_i x_j^2 \forall i\neq j}. During a talk I will present properties …