Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
- dr hab. Andrzej Weber, prof. ucz.
- dr Krzysztof Ziemiański
środy, 10:30 , sala: 4070Strona domowa badań
Lista referatów
26 października 2017 16:15
Bruno Stonek (Université Paris 13)
Topological Hochschild homology of KU
We give different descriptions of the topological Hochschild homology (THH) of the periodic complex topological K-theory ring spectrum KU as a commutative KU-algebra. We also describe the iterated THH of KU.
19 października 2017 16:15
Andrzej Szczepański (UG)
Intersection forms of almost-flat 4-manifolds
We calculate intersection forms of all 4-dimensional almost-flat manifolds.
12 października 2017 16:15
Bob Oliver (Université Paris 13)
Automorphisms of fusion systems and p-completed classifying spaces of finite simple groups
11 października 2017 12:15
Bob Oliver (Université Paris 13)
Local structure of finite groups and of their classifying spaces
Wspólnie z seminarium z Topologii
6 czerwca 2017 14:30
Antoni Pierzchalski (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Gradients: the geometry and the ellipticity
The Stein-Weiss gradients - or shortly gradients are irreducible summands of a covariant derivative on a manifold equipped with a geometric structure. For the gradients and their compositions the main problems: the dependence on the …
23 maja 2017 14:30
Jan Spaliński (P.W.)
Finding Homology of Submanifolds with high confidence from random samples - a paper by P. Niyogi, S. Smale and S. Weinberger.
The talk will present the results and some ideas of the proofs from the paper mentioned in the title of the talk.
16 maja 2017 14:30
Jarosław Buczyński (UW/IMPAN)
Continuous k-regular maps
A continuous map from R^m to R^N or from C^m to C^N is called k-regular if the images of any k points are linearly independent. Given integers m and k a problem going back …
28 marca 2017 14:30
Wojciech Politarczyk (UW/UAM)
New periodicity criterion from Khovanov homology
We will discuss a new criterion, given in terms of Khovanov homology, for deciding whether a given knot is periodic or not. We will also discuss many examples showing the strength of the new criterion. …
21 marca 2017 14:30
Józef Przytycki: (George Washington University)
Almost extreme Khovanov homology
14 marca 2017 14:30
Krzysztof Ziemiański (UW)
An introduction to Khovanov homology
I will present a definition of Khovanov homology, state some of its properties and give examples of calculations. I will also describe constructions of spaces whose homology or homotopy groups are isomorphic to Khovanov homology …
17 stycznia 2017 14:30
Andrzej Szczepański (UG)
Grupy rozproszone (Diffuse groups)
Grupy rozproszone zostaly zdefiniowane przez B. Bowditcha w roku 1999. Grupa G jest rozproszona o ile kazdy jej niepusty, skonczony podzbior A zawiera punkt ekstremalny, tzn. element a\in A taki ze dla wszystkich g\in G\{1} …