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Marcin Moszyński
Liczba publikacji: 222019
- Marcin Moszyński , Uni-asymptotic Linear systems and Jacobi Operators, INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY, 91 (3) 2019, s. 23:1-23:15. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , NON-SVEP, Right-Inversion Point Spectrum and Chaos, INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY, 88 2017, s. 1–13. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Infinite Banach direct sums and diagonal C_0-semigroups with applications to a stochastic particle system, Semigroup Forum, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , A discrete Levinson theorem for systems with singular limit and estimates of generalized eigenvectors of some Jacobi operators, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Non-Existence of Subordinate Solutions for Jacobi Operators in Some Critical Cases, INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Spectral analysis of unbounded Jacobi operators with oscillating entries, Studia Mathematica, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Weyl sequences and the essential spectrum of some Jacobi operators, Journal of Operator Theory, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Marcin Moszyński , Dynamics of birth-and-death processes with proliferation - stability and chaos, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Slowly oscillating perturbations of periodic Jacobi operators in l2(N), Studia Mathematica, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Marcin Moszyński , Hypercyclicity and chaoticity spaces of C_0 semigroups, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- J. Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Chaotic behavior of semigroups related to the process of gene amplification-deamplification with cell proliferation, Mathematical Biosciences, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , New discrete Levinson type asymptotics of solutions of linear systems, Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Semigroups for Generalized Birth-and-Death Equations in l^p Spaces, Semigroup Forum, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Marcin Moszyński , A Generalization of Desch-Schappacher-Webb Criteria for Chaos, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- J Dombrowski, J Janas, Marcin Moszyński , S Pedersen, Spectral gaps resulting from periodic perturbations of a class of Jacobi operators, Constructive Approximation, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices by asymptotic analysis, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Spectral properties of some Jacobi matrices with double weights, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- J Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Topological chaos: When topology meets medicine, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- J Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Alternative approaches to the absolute continuty of Jacobi matrices with monotonic weights., INTEGRAL EQUATIONS AND OPERATOR THEORY, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Quantization of canonical isomorphisms and the semiclassical von Neumann theorem., Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , On classical intrinsically resonant formal perturbation theory, 1995. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , A quantum version of the Nekhoroshev theorem, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 1992. Zobacz w PBN