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Galina Filipuk
Liczba publikacji: 1212025
- Galina Filipuk , Regularisation and iterated regularisation of Hamiltonian systems of the second quasi-Painlevé equation, APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, 208 2025, s. 290-300. Zobacz w PBN
- Elisa Francomano, Stefano De Marchi, Galina Filipuk , Giuliana Ramella, Federico Zullo, Special volume on Advanced Mathematical and Numerical Models in Applied Sciences (AMNMAS), APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, 210 2025, s. 82. Zobacz w PBN
- Anton Dzhamay, Galina Filipuk , Adam Ligęza, Alexander Stokes, Different Hamiltonians for differential Painlevé equations and their identification using a geometric approach, Journal of Differential Equations, 399 2024, s. 281-334. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Aliaksandr Chychuryn, On special solutions to the Ermakov–Painlevé XXV equation, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 13 (1) 2024, s. 2450001. Zobacz w PBN
- Xinling Liu, Kai Liu, Risto Korhonen, Galina Filipuk , Quasiperiodicity of transcendental meromorphic functions, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 44 (1) 2024, s. 161-172. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Recent Progress in Special Functions, 2024. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alexander Stokes, On Hamiltonian structures of quasi-Painlevé equations, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 56 (49) 2023, s. 495205, 1-37. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alberto Lastra, Sławomir Michalik, Recent Trends in Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations, 2023. Zobacz w PBN
- Sandra Carillo, Alexander Chichurin, Galina Filipuk , Federico Zullo, Schwarzian derivative, Painlevé XXV–Ermakov equation, and Bäcklund transformations, Mathematische Nachrichten, 297 (1) 2023, s. 83-101. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Juan F. Mañas-Mañas null, Juan J. Moreno-Balcázar, Second-Order Difference Equation for Sobolev-Type Orthogonal Polynomials. Part II: Computational Tools, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics, 13 (4) 2023, s. 960-979. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alexander Stokes, Takasaki’s rational fourth Painlevé-Calogero system and geometric regularisability of algebro-Painlevé equations, Nonlinearity, 36 (10) 2023, s. 5661-5697. Zobacz w PBN
- Sandra Carillo, Federico Zullo, Galina Filipuk , Aliaksandr Chychuryn, A short note on the Painlevé XXV–Ermakov equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 131 2022, s. 1-5. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Andrzej Kozłowski, Analysis with Mathematica. Volume 3: Differential Geometry, Differential Equations, and Special Functions, 3 2022. Zobacz w PBN
- Anton Dzhamay, Galina Filipuk , Alexander Stokes, Differential equations for the recurrence coefficients of semiclassical orthogonal polynomials and their relation to the Painlevé equations via the geometric approach, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 148 (4) 2022, s. 1656-1702. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alberto Lastra, Sławomir Michalik, Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential Equations, 2022. Zobacz w PBN
- Thomas Kecker, Galina Filipuk , Regularising Transformations for Complex Differential Equations with Movable Algebraic Singularities, MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS ANALYSIS AND GEOMETRY, 25 (1) 2022, s. 1-43. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Regularising transformations for the (n,n+1) -Liénard equations, LETTERS IN MATHEMATICAL PHYSICS, 112 (6) 2022, s. 1-8. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Juan F. Mañas-Mañas, Juan J. Moreno-Balcázar, Second-order difference equation for Sobolev-type orthogonal polynomials: Part I: theoretical results, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 28 (7) 2022, s. 971-989. Zobacz w PBN
- Jie hu, Galina Filipuk , Yang Chen, Differential and difference equations for recurrence coefficients of orthogonal polynomials with hypergeometric weights and Bäcklund transformations of the sixth Painlevé equation, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 10 (3) 2021, s. 2150029:1-2150029:17. Zobacz w PBN
- Anton Dzhamay, Galina Filipuk , Adam Ligęza, Alexander Stokes, Hamiltonian structure for a differential system from a modified Laguerre weight via the geometry of the modified third Painlevé equation, Applied Mathematics Letters, 120 2021, s. 107248. Zobacz w PBN
- Alexander Chichurin, Galina Filipuk , Linear equations with one constraint and their connection to nonlinear equations of the fourth order, Miskolc Mathematical Notes, 22 (1) 2021, s. 133. Zobacz w PBN
- Anton Dzhamay, Alexander Stokes, Galina Filipuk , On differential systems related to generalized Meixner and deformed Laguerre orthogonal polynomials, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 32 (5-8) 2021, s. 483-492. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Thomas Kecker, On Singularities of Certain Non-linear Second-Order Ordinary Differential Equations, Results in Mathematics, 77 (1) 2021, s. 1-20. Zobacz w PBN
- Alberto Lastra, Galina Filipuk , On the Solutions of Okubo-Type Systems, Journal of Mathematics, 2021 2021, s. 1-5. Zobacz w PBN
- Christoph Koutschan, Francisco Marcellán, Walter Van Assche, Galina Filipuk , Special issue OPSFA15: orthogonal polynomials, special functions and applications, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 32 (5-8) 2021, s. 333-335. Zobacz w PBN
- Juan F. Mañas-Mañas, Galina Filipuk , A differential equation for varying Krall-type orthogonal polynomials, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 9 (1) 2020, s. 2040002. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Andrzej Kozłowski, Analysis with Mathematica. Volume 2: Multi-variable Calculus, 2020. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , M. N. Rebocho, Classification of Laguerre–Hahn orthogonal polynomials of class one, Mathematische Nachrichten, 293 (2) 2020, s. 244-262. Zobacz w PBN
- Alberto Lastra, Sławomir Michalik, Yoshitsugu Takei, Galina Filipuk , Henryk Żołądek , Complex Differential and Difference Equations: Proceedings of the School and Conference held at Będlewo, Poland, September 2-15, 2018, 2020. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , A. Ishkhanya, Jan Dereziński, On the Derivatives of the Heun Functions, Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Analysis-Armenian Academy of Sciences, 55 (3) 2020, s. 200–207. Zobacz w PBN
- Anton Dzhamay, Galina Filipuk , Alexander Stokes, Recurrence coefficients for discrete orthogonal polynomials with hypergeometric weight and discrete Painlevé equations, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 53 (49) 2020, s. 495201. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, The Symmetric Semi-classical Orthogonal Polynomials of Class Two and Some of Their Extensions, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society, 43 (3) 2020, s. 2235-2253. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Andrzej Kozłowski, Analysis with Mathematica, Volume 1: Single Variable Calculus, 1 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- MN Rebocho, Galina Filipuk , Discrete semi-classical orthogonal polynomials of class one on quadratic lattices, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 25 (1) 2019, s. 1-20. Zobacz w PBN
- Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, Nonlinear difference equations for a modified Laguerre weight: Laguerre-Freud equations and asymptotics, Jaen Journal on Approximation, 11 (1-2) 2019, s. 47-65. Zobacz w PBN
- Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , Longjun Zhan, Orthogonal polynomials, asymptotics, and Heun equations, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 60 (11) 2019, s. 113501:1-34. Zobacz w PBN
- Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, David Sauzin, Preface: “Complex ODEs: Asymptotics, orthogonal polynomials and random matrices”, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 9 (1) 2019, s. 1-2. Zobacz w PBN
- Alexander Chichurin, Galina Filipuk , The properties of certain linear and nonlinear differential equations of the fourth order arising in beam models, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Modelling and Methods of Structural Analysis, Moskwa, the Russian Federation, 13 listopada 2019 - 15 listopada 2019, 1425 2019, s. 1-7. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Branquinho, Y. Chen, Galina Filipuk , M.N. Rebocho, A characterization theorem for semi-classical orthogonal polynomials on non-uniform lattices, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 334 (1) 2018, s. 356-366. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , MN Rebocho, Differential equations for families of semi-classical orthogonal polynomials within class one, APPLIED NUMERICAL MATHEMATICS, 124 2018, s. 76-88. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Walter Van Assche, Discrete orthogonal polynomials with hypergeometric weights and Painleve VI, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Walter Van Assche, Discrete Orthogonal Polynomials with Hypergeometric Weights and Painlevé VI, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 14 (88) 2018, s. 1-19. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alberto Lastra, Sławomir Michalik, Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations, FASdiff, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 2017, Alcala, Spain, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alberto Lastra, Sławomir Michalik, Formal and analytic solutions of diff. equations : FASdiff, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, September 2017 : selected, revised contributions, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Juan F. Manas-Manas, Juan J. Moreno-Balcázar, Ladder operators and a differential equation for varying generalized Freud-type orthogonal polynomials, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 7 (4) 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Hongmei Chen, Galina Filipuk , Yang Chen, Nonlinear difference equations arising from the generalized Stieltjes-Wigert and q-Laguerre weights, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 41 (6) 2018, s. 2442-2465. Zobacz w PBN
- Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, Preface, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 7 (4) 2018, s. 1802001. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, Symmetric semi-classical orthogonal polynomials of class one on q-quadratic lattices, FASdiff, Alcalá de Henares, Spain, 2017, Alcala, Spain, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- EWA CIECHANOWICZ, Galina Filipuk , Value distribution and growth of solutions of certain Painleve equations, Dynamical Systems -Theory and Applications, 2018. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Yoshishige Haraoka, Sławomir Michalik, Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations, Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equation AAGADE 2015, Będlewo, Poland, 6 września 2015 - 17 września 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations : Będlewo, Poland, September 2015, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Yulia Bibilo, Galina Filipuk , Constructive solutions to the Riemann-Hilbert problem and middle convolution, Journal of Dynamical and Control Systems, 23 (1) 2017, s. 55–70. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Thomas Kecker, Kahan discretisation of a cubic Hamiltonian system, DSTA Conference, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Hongmei Chen, Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , Nonlinear difference equations for the generalized little q-Laguerre polynomials, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 23 (12) 2017, s. 1943-1973. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Nonlinear differential-difference equations related to the second Painleve equation, 14th International Conference on Dynamical Systems - Theory and Applications, Łódź, Poland, 11 grudnia 2017 - 14 grudnia 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Aliaksandr Chychuryn, Galina Filipuk , On Exact Solutions for Two Linear Differential Equations of the Third Order Defining multiple Hermite and Laguerre Orthogonal Polynomials, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research (CASTR'2017), Siedlce, Poland, 17 października 2017 - 21 października 2017, 6 2017, s. 16-29. Zobacz w PBN
- Aliaksandr Chychuryn, Galina Filipuk , On the Solutions of the Chemostat Model that Contains One Microorganism and Two Complimentary or Supplementary Nutrients, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, 6 2017, s. 232-238. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , M.N. Rebocho, Orthogonal polynomials on systems of non-uniform lattices from compatibility conditions, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 456 (2) 2017, s. 1380-1396. Zobacz w PBN
- Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , MN Rebocho, Preface, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Yang Chen, Galina Filipuk , MN Rebocho, Preface, Random Matrices-Theory and Applications, 6 (4) 2017, s. 1702001-1702001. Zobacz w PBN
- EWA CIECHANOWICZ, Galina Filipuk , Transcendental Meromorphic Solutions of P34 and Small Targets, AAGADE 2015, 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, Algebra embedding of Uq(sl(2)) into the tensor product of two (q, h)-Weyl algebras, Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Neves, Discrete Painlevé equations for recurrence coefficients of Laguerre–Hahn orthogonal polynomials of class one, Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Alina Dobrogowska, Factorization method applied to second-order (q; h)-difference operators, International Journal of Difference Equations, 11 (1) 2016, s. 3-17. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, Hermite type ladders in q-Weyl algebras, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , EWA CIECHANOWICZ, Meromorphic solutions of P4 ,34 and their value distribution, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , A remark about quasi-Painlevé equations of PII type, Comptes Rendus de l 'Academie Bulgare des Sciences, 68 (4) 2015, s. 427-430. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Yulia Bibilo, A remark on non-Schlesinger deformations, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research CASTR 2015, 2015, s. 87-92. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , A remark on the Backlund transformation of the fifth Painleve equation, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research CASTR 2015, 2015, s. 80-86. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, A remark on the tensor product of two (q,h)-Weyl algebras, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research CASTR 2015, 2015, s. 93-98. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Auxiliary functions for rational ODEs with 2 and 3 singular values, Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 30th International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics, Ghent, Belgium, 14 lipca 2014 - 18 lipca 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Maciej Haneczok, Walter Van Assche, Computing recurrence coefficient of multiple orthogonal polynomials, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS, 70 (3) 2015, s. 519-543. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Yulia Bibilo, Middle convolution and non-Schlesinger deformations, Proceedings of the Japan Academy Series A: Mathematical Sciences, 91 (5) 2015, s. 66-69. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Walter Van Assche, Lun Zhang, Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with an exponential cubic weight, Journal of Approximation Theory, 190 2015, s. 1-25. Zobacz w PBN
- Julia Bibilo, Galina Filipuk , Non-Schlesinger isomonodromic deformations of Fuchsian systems and middle convolution, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Radosław Kycia, On the generalized Emden–Fowler and isothermal spheres equations, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Christophe Smet, On the recurrence coefficients of the generalized little q-Laguerre polynomials, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Radosław Kycia, On the singularities of the Emden-Fowler type equations, 9th ISAAC Congress (Kraków 2013), 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Henryk Żołądek , Painleve equations, elliptic integrals and elementary functions, Journal of Differential Equations, 258 2015, s. 1303-1355. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , The Properties of Multiple Orthogonal Polynomials with Mathematica, Ist International Conference on Modern Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing in Science & Technology, Ghaziabad, India, 27 grudnia 2015 - 29 grudnia 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Raimundas Vidunas, A classification of coverings yielding Heun-to-hypergeometric reductions, OSAKA JOURNAL OF MATHEMATICS, 51 2014, s. 867-903. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, Factorization of (q; h) -difference operators - an algebraic approach, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 20 (8) 2014, s. 1201-1221. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Lun Zhang, On certain Wronskians of multiple orthogonal polynomials., Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 10 2014, s. 103-103. Zobacz w PBN
- Alina Dobrogowska, Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, Radosław Kycia, On the (q; h)-discretization of ladder operators, International Journal of Difference Equations, 9 (1) 2014, s. 67-76. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Walter Van Assche, Lun Zhang, Ladder operators and differential equations for multiple orthogonal polynomials, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 46 (20) 2013, s. 1-24. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, Linear Graininess Time Scales and Ladder Operators of Orthogonal Polynomials, Results in Mathematics, 64 (1-2) 2013, s. 13-35. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Kozłowski, Galina Filipuk , Matematyka z Mathematicą I: automaty komórkowe i ich uogólnienia, DELTA, 10 2013, s. 17-19. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Andrzej Kozłowski, Mathematica in teaching differential geometry, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Kozłowski, Galina Filipuk , Mathematica in teaching of differential geometry, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research CASTR 2013, Siedlce, Poland, 22 września 2013 - 25 września 2013, IV (1) 2013, s. 258-261. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Maciej Haneczok, On ladder operators for little q-Jacobi polynomials and their generalizations, 15thInternational Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, 2013, s. 97-103. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Stefan Hilger, On the computational aspects of the representation of the (q, h)-Weyl algebra in Mathematica, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, 2013, s. 7-9. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Christophe Smet, On the recurrence coefficients for generalized q-Laguerre polynomials, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 20 (Suppl. 1) 2013, s. 48-56. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Radosław Kycia, On the solutions of the critical Lane-Emden equations in higher space dimensions, Computer Algebra Systems in Teaching and Research, 2013, s. 66-75. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Raimundas Vidunas, Parametric transformations between the Heun and Gauss hypergeometric functions, Funkcialaj Ekvacioj, 56 2013, s. 271-321. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Walter Van Assche, Recurrence coefficients of generalized Charlier polynomials and the fifth Painleve equation, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 141 2013, s. 551-562. Zobacz w PBN
- Lies Boelen, Galina Filipuk , Christophe Smet, Walter Van Assche, Lun Zhang, The generalized Krawtchouk polynomials and the fifth Painleve equation, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 19 2013, s. 1437-1451. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , The Painlevé Equations and Orthogonal Polynomials, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 43 (Complete) 2013, s. 255-262. Zobacz w PBN
- Werner Balser, Galina Filipuk , Sławomir Michalik, Grzegorz Łysik, Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential and Difference Equations, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Walter Van Assche, Galina Filipuk , Lun Zhang, The recurrence coefficients of semi-classical Laguerre polynomials and the fourth Painleve equation, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Linear and nonlinear special functions and middle convolution, Ulmer Seminare ueber Funktionalanalysis und Differentialgleichungen, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Walter Van Assche, Galina Filipuk , Recurrence coefficients of a new generalization of the Meixner polynomials, Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry - Methods and Applications, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Generalized hypergeometric systems and the fifth and sixth Painleve equations, Buletinul Academiei de Stiinte a Republicii Moldova. Matematica, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , A hypergeometric system of the Heun equation and middle convolution, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , R.G. Halburd, Movable algebraic singularities of second-order ordinary differential equations, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , R.G. Halburd, Movable singularities of equations of Lienard type, Computational Methods and Function Theory, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , R.G. Halburd, Rational ODEs with movable algebraic singularities, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Peter Clarkson, Galina Filipuk , The symmetric fourth Painleve hierarchy and associated special polynomials, Studies in Applied Mathematics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Yoshishige Haraoka, Middle convolution and deformation for Fuchsian systems, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , On the middle convolution and birational symmetries of the sixth Painleve equation, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , V. I. Gromak, On Algebraic Solutions of the Fifth Painlevé Equation, Differential Equations, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , V.I. Gromak, On the transformations of the sixth Painleve equation, Journal of Nonlinear Mathematical Physics, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , V. I. Gromak, Functional Relations Between Solutions of the Fifth Painlevé Equation, Differential Equations, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , V.I. Gromak, The Backlund transformations of the fifth Painleve equation and their applications, Mathematical Modeling and Analysis, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Cheng Yang, Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, A system of nonlinear difference equations for recurrence relation coefficients of a modified Jacobi weight, Recent Trends in Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations, , s. 111–118. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Thomas Kecker, Kahan discretisation of a cubic Hamiltonian system, Mathematical and numerical aspects of dynamical system analysis : DSTA 2017. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Thomas Kecker, Non-Standard Discretizations of a Hamiltonian System Related to the Fourth Painlevé Equation, Formal and Analytic Solutions of Differential Equations, , s. 105-124. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Adam Ligȩza, Alexander Stokes, Relations between different Hamiltonian forms of the third Painlevé equation, Recent Trends in Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations, , s. 37–42. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Maria das Neves Rebocho, Symmetric Semi-classical Orthogonal Polynomials of Class One on q-Quadratic Lattices, Formal and Analytic Solutions of Diff. Equations, , s. 251-261. Zobacz w PBN
- Aliaksandr Chychuryn, Galina Filipuk , The Properties of Certain Linear and Nonlinear Differential Equations, Advances in Mathematical Methods and High Performance Computing, , s. 193-200. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , EWA CIECHANOWICZ, Transcendental Meromorphic Solutions of P 34 and Small Targets, Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations, , s. 307-323. Zobacz w PBN
- EWA CIECHANOWICZ, Galina Filipuk , Transcendental meromorphic solutions of P34 and small targets, Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations : Będlewo, Poland, September 2015, , s. 307-324. Zobacz w PBN