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Stypendium doktoranckie w projekcie "Eliptyczne geometryczne zagadnienia wariacyjne"

Oferujemy stypendium doktoranckie w projekcie  "Eliptyczne geometryczne zagadnienia wariacyjne"  kierowanym przez dr hab. Sławomira Kolasińskiego.

Obrazek — Stypendium doktoranckie w projekcie "Eliptyczne geometryczne zagadnienia wariacyjne"

Name of the unit: Instytut Matematyki, Uniwersytet Warszawski – Warszawa

Name of the position: doktorant


  • MSc in mathematics
  • background in geometric analysis and measure theory (e.g. embedded and abstract manifolds, exterior algebra, differential forms, Radon measures, covering theorems, weak convergence of measures, Riesz representation theorem etc.)
  • fluent written and spoken English
  • ability to write in LaTeX
  • ability to search scientific literature and read scientific papers
  • motivation to work on abstract problems with no connection to reality or applications
  • diligence, accuracy, and perseverance
  • good manners and personal culture

Description of tasks:

  • participation in the research project entitled "Elliptic geometric variational problems" no. 2022/46/E/ST1/00328
  • performing research on the topics designated by the supervisor
  • reading literature indicated by the supervisor (most notably the classical book of Federer on Geometric Measure Theory)
  • regular and frequent work in the provided office (few times a week)
  • writing research papers
  • presentation of results at conferences and seminars (also abroad)

NCN competition type: SONATA BIS – ST

Deadline for submitting offers: 26 maja 2024, 23:59

Form of submitting offers: email

Terms of employment:

  • PhD scholarship: 5000 PLN gross for at least 36 months on top of the scholarship offered by the Doctoral School (4242 PLN gross in 2024)
  • personal laptop for work purposes
  • 2-3 one week trips abroad (for conferences or collaboration) each year fully covered

Additional information:

Documents should be sent by email to:

The application should be provided in English and should include:

  • a cover letter
  • a CV (including the list of passed courses with grades)
  • names, emails and affiliations of two mathematicians who can provide informal recommendation letters upon request

The documents should also include the following clause: "I consent to the processing of my personal data contained in my offer for the purposes necessary for the recruitment process in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act of 29 August 1997 (consolidated text: Journal of Laws 2016, item 922, as amended)."

Selected candidates will be invited to an interview (online is possible) by end of May.

Successful candidate will only be recruited if he/she is admitted to a Doctoral School located in Poland.

Note that the deadline for submissions to the Doctoral School of Exact and Natural Sciences in Warsaw is 17th of June 2024; cf.
