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Seminarium Zakładu Układów Dynamicznych

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



piątki, 10:15 , sala: 5840

Strona domowa

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Lista referatów

  • 11 stycznia 2008 10:15
    Neil Dobbs (Polska Akademia Nauk)
    Ergodic properties of rational maps
    We shall describe some results of Ledrappier and their extensions and give some applications to the study of equilibrium measures.

  • 21 grudnia 2007 10:15
    Michał Rams (Polska Akademia Nauk)
    Multifractal analysis for parabolic maps
    I am going to present my recent results (joint with Katrin Gelfert) on the Lyapunov spectrum for a class of parabolic iterated function systems, extending the classical results of Barreira and Schmelling in uniformly hyperbolic …

  • 14 grudnia 2007 10:15
    Maciej Borodzik (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Gromov-Witten invariants and classification of plane algebraic curves of arbitrary genus
    In this expository talk I will present, how the intersection theory on moduli spaces of stable pointed curves of genus g - i.e. Gromov-Witten invariants - may be used to study curves in C^2 with …

  • 30 listopada 2007 10:15
    Waldemar Pałuba (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On the definite rate of monotone growth of ratios in the power-law family
    Some ratios of the lengths of intervals marked by the post-critical orbit in quasi-qudratic families turn out to be monotone in the parameter. We prove they grow with a definite speed bounded away from 1 …

  • 23 listopada 2007 10:15
    Agnieszka Siluszyk (Akademia Podlaska)
    On the stability of homographic solutions in the restricted 8-body problem
    We are concerned with existence and stability of homographic solutions in the restricted 8-body problem with partial symmetries. Six bodies make two regular triangles with distinct radii, the seventh’s body is located in the center. …

  • 16 listopada 2007 10:15
    Michał Zakrzewski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Wielokrotne wartości zeta
    Certain generating functions for multiple zeta-values are expressed as values at some point of solutions of linear meromorphic differential equations. Asymptotic expansions methods (like WKB method and stationary phase formula) are applied to solutions of …

  • 9 listopada 2007 10:15
    Łukasz Pawelec (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Quick recurrence for expanding maps
    We will discuss some basic statistical quantities of a dynamical system. Then I will show that for maps with exponential decay of correlations and whose invariant measure has "good dimensional properties" (e.g. positive density with …

  • 26 października 2007 10:15
    Marcin Bobieński (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Pseudo-Abelian integrals along Darboux cycles
    The aim of this seminar is to present some new results about the analytic properties of pseudo-Abelian integrals. These integrals naturally appear in the study of phase portrait of plane polynomial vector field. They represent …

  • 19 października 2007 10:15
    Henryk Żołądek (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Dynamics in HP^1
    The monodromy maps for quaternionic Riccati equations with periodic coefficients $\dot{z}=zp(t)z+q(t)z+zr(t)+s(t)$ in HP^1 are quaternionic Mobius transformations. I prove that, like in the case of automorphisms of CP^1, the quaternionic homographies are divided into three …

  • 12 października 2007 10:15
    Juan Rivera Letelier (Universidad Catolica del Norte)
    Large derivatives, backward contraction and invariant densities
    We will discuss the dynamics of smooth maps of the interval with finitely many non-flat critical points. We will show that if for such a map the derivatives of the iterates are sufficiently large at …

  • 5 października 2007 10:15
    - (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Ustalenie programu na semestr zimowy

  • 1 czerwca 2007 10:15
    Feliks Przytycki (Polska Akademia Nauk)
    Hipoteza Entropijna na infra-nilrozmaitosciach

  • 25 maja 2007 10:15
    Michał Rams (Polska Akademia Nauk)
    Large deviation spectrum for a Levy-like random process
    We calculate the large deviation spectrum of certain random process, used for modelling the behavior of TCP/IP protocol.

  • 18 maja 2007 10:15
    Krystyna Kuperberg (Auburn University)
    Dzikie łuki w układach dynamicznych
    W układzie dynamicznym $\Phi: \mathbb{R}\times M\to M$ określonym na 3-wymiarowej rozmaitości $M$, trajektoria $\{\Phi(t,x)\ |\ t \in \mathbb{R}\}$ jest obustronnie dzika, jeżeli domknięcie zbioru $\{\Phi(t,x)\ |\ t \leq 0\}$ oraz domknięcie zbioru $\{\Phi(t,x)\ |\ t …