Powrót do listy nieaktywnych seminarów
Seminarium Zakładu Układów Dynamicznych
Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
- prof. dr hab. Henryk Żołądek
piątki, 10:15 , sala: 5840Strona domowa
http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~baranski/dsg/seminar/Dziedziny badań
Lista referatów
13 grudnia 2019 10:15
Leticia Pardo Simón (IMPAN)
Orbifold expansion and bounded Fatou components
The notion of expansion on its various forms is fundamental in the study of dynamical systems. In holomorphic dynamics, expansion for a function f has frequently been understood in terms of a conformal metric defined …
6 grudnia 2019 10:15
Alexander H. Stokes (University College London)
Why take the geometric approach to Painleve equations
22 listopada 2019 10:15
Waldemar Pałuba (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
The carpenter's rule. A topological tool to simple singularities and renormalization. Continued
15 listopada 2019 10:15
Waldemar Pałuba (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
The carpenter's rule. A topological tool to simple singularities and renormalization. TBContinued
8 listopada 2019 10:15
Maciej P. Wojtkowski (Uniwersytet Opolski)
Dynamics over Q
We describe number theoretic properties of rotations, and some interval maps. All relevant number theory will be explained. Based on arXiv:1806.09446v3.
18 października 2019 10:15
Galina Filipuk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Wielomiany ortogonalne z wagą hypergeometryczną
11 października 2019 10:15
Maciej Borodzik (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Morse theory and Thom isomorphism
We use techniques from embedded Morse theory to show an explicit form of Thom isomorphism for oriented vector bundles on manifolds. This is a joint project with Mark Powell.
14 czerwca 2019 10:15
Yadollah Zare (Instituto Nacional de Matemática Pura e Aplicada)
Center conditions: pull-back of differential equations
The space of polynomial dierential equations of a fixed degree with a center singularity has many irreducible components. We prove that pull-back dierential equations form an irreducible component of such a space. The method used …
7 czerwca 2019 10:15
Krzysztof Barański (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
O punktach wolno i szybko uciekających dla funkcji przestępnych
31 maja 2019 10:15
Łukasz Pawelec (Szkoła Główna Handlowa)
Estimating the Hausdorff measure of Denjoy maps by recurrence
We will look at a new method of giving lower bounds on the Hausdorff measure (and dimension) of some fractal sets. The idea is to compute/estimate the consecutive closest return times of a typical point to itself …
24 maja 2019 10:15
Adam Śpiewak (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Singular stationary measures for random piecewise affine interval homeomorphisms
We consider a family of random dynamical systems consisting of two piecewise affine increasing homeomorphisms $f_-, f_+$ of the unit interval, each with exactly one point of non-differentiability, iterated randomly according to given probability vector. …
17 maja 2019 10:15
Krzysztof Lech (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Non-autonomous iteration of the exponential family
We shall discuss Julia sets of iterations of functions \lambda_n e^z, where \lambda_n changes at each step. Recall that in the autonomous case the parameter \lambda = 1/e is the largest one for which the …
26 kwietnia 2019 10:15
Anna Zdunik (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Własność Ruelle'a w dynamice hiperbolicznych funkcji całkowitych