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Seminarium Zakładu Układów Dynamicznych
Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
- prof. dr hab. Henryk Żołądek
piątki, 10:15 , sala: 5840Strona domowa
http://www.mimuw.edu.pl/~baranski/dsg/seminar/Dziedziny badań
Lista referatów
6 grudnia 2013 10:15
Poj Lertchoosakul (Polska Akademia Nauk)
Quantitative metric theory of continued fractions in positive characteristic
I will speak about the quantitative version of metrical results on the averages of partial quotients of continued fraction expansions in positive characteristic. This is a joint work with Radhakrishnan Nair (Liverpool). The continued fraction …
29 listopada 2013 10:15
Paweł Pasteczka (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Estimating differences among quasi-arithmetic means
22 listopada 2013 10:15
Radosław Kycia (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Ladders, factorization and orthogonal polynomials
I will present some results on the factorization methods for boundary value problems that help to obtain ladder (creation and annihilation) operators, which allows one to generate families of orthogonal polynomials. I will emphasize algebraic …
15 listopada 2013 10:15
Marcin Bobieński (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Finite cyclicity of some slow-fast systems - recent progress
I will speak about new results obtained in investigation of slow-fast integrable systems. The finite cyclicity of two-saddles boundary was proved.
8 listopada 2013 10:15
Krzysztof Barański (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
On the dimension of the graph of the classical Weierstrass function
We examine dimension of the graph of the famous Weierstrass non-differentiable function\[W_{\lambda, b} (x) = \sum_{n=0}^{\infty}\lambda^n\cos(2\pi b^n x)\]for an integer $b$ larger than $1$ and $1/b < \lambda < 1$. We prove that for every …
25 października 2013 10:15
Peter Feller (Universität Bern)
Adjacency of torus knot singularities
We describe how knots are associated with singularities of curves in two-dimensional complex space, and use this to describe an adjacency notion for torus knots. Then this notion of adjacency is compared with notions of …
18 października 2013 10:15
Michał Rams (Polska Akademia Nauk)
Multifractal analysis of the growth of sums of digits in the continued fraction expansions
I will present results on the rate of growth of $\sum_{i=1}^n a_i(x)$, where$\{a_i(x)\}$ is the continued fraction expansion of $x$. A well-knowntheorem of Khinchin (1935) states that\[\frac {\sum_1^n a_i} {n\log n} \to \frac 1 {\log …
11 października 2013 10:15
Maciej Borodzik (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Heegard-Floer cohomologies and plane algebraic curves
31 maja 2013 10:15
Ewa Stróżyna (Politechnika Warszawska)
Normal forms for singularities of plane vector fields
24 maja 2013 10:15
Pavao Mardesic (Universite de Bourgogne)
Can one see a diffeomorphism from its orbit (following Maja Resman)
I will present some results from the Ph.D. thesis (in progress) of Maja Resman. One considers germs of parabolic diffeomorphisms in the complex plane and some of its orbits. The more precise question studied is:Can …
26 kwietnia 2013 10:15
Michał Rams (Polska Akademia Nauk)
On the exceptional set for absolute continuity of Bernoulli convolutions
The title of the talk is the title of a paper by Pablo Shmerkin, in which he significantly strengthens the famous result of Solomyak. He proves that the exceptional parameters for the Erdos problem (i.e. …
19 kwietnia 2013 10:15
Krzysztof Barański (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Absorbing domains for meromorphic maps