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Seminarium Zakładu Równań Fizyki Matematycznej

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



czwartki, 12:30 , sala: 5070

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Lista referatów

  • 8 kwietnia 2021 16:00
    Professor Martin Ostoja-Starzewski (Department of Mechanical Science & Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, US)
    Spontaneous Violations of the Clausius-Duhem Inequality
    Zoom link: Meeting ID: 815 8375 2461 Passcode: 495149

  • 25 marca 2021 12:30
    Grzegorz Łukaszewicz (MIM UW)
    Vertical heat transport at infinite Prandtl number for micropolar fluid.
    Collaborators: M. Caggio (Univ. of L'Aquila), P. Kalita (UJ), K. Mizerski (IGF PAN) We investigate the upper bound on the vertical heat transport in the fully 3D Rayleigh-Benard convection problem at infinite Prandtl number for …

  • 18 marca 2021 12:30
    prof. Christopher Jones (Department of Applied Mathematics, University of Leeds, UK)
    Giant planet interiors in the light of the Juno and Cassini missions
    The Juno mission to the planet Jupiter has revealed significant new information about the processes going on inside the planet. Similar data for Saturn was obtained from the Cassini grand finale. Accurate measurements of Jupiter’s …

  • 11 marca 2021 12:30
    Piotr Skrzypacz (Nazarbayev University, Kazachstan)
    O zaawansowanych metodach elementów skończonych dla zastosowań w inżynierii reaktorów chemicznych
    Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 815 8375 2461 Passcode: 495149

  • 4 marca 2021 12:30
    Lucjan Sapa (AGH w Krakowie, WMS)
    Parabolic-elliptic and parabolic systems in diffusion models
    The presentation deals with nonlinear parabolic--elliptic and parabolic systems with initial-boundary conditions modeling biological ion channels and interdiffusion in solids. I will formulate theorems on local and global existence, uniqueness and properties of weak solutions, …

  • 28 stycznia 2021 12:30
    Maja Szlenk (doktorantka SDNŚiP)
    Existence of weak solutions to compressible Stokes system with general pressure
    In the presentation I will talk about the existence and uniqueness of weak solutions to the compressible Stokes system. Using the Lagrangian formulation, we are able to prove that the solution is globally bounded, provided …

  • 21 stycznia 2021 12:30
    Tomasz Lewiński (Politechnika Warszawska, WIL)
    Metoda FMD (projektowanie materiałów z wolnego wyboru)
    The presentation deals with minimization of the weighted average of compliances of structures, made of an elastic  material of spatially varying elasticity moduli, subjected to n load variants acting non-simultaneously. The trace of the Hooke …

  • 14 stycznia 2021 12:30
    Wojciech Dębski (IGF PAN)
    Time Reversal - an efficient way of data analysis
    Building  knowledge on surrounding world requires information about it. This almost trivial statement gains a much deeper sense in cases when we cannot infer thought information by direct measurements. It  happens quite often, actually too …

  • 7 stycznia 2021 12:30
    Łukasz Chomienia (doktorant SDNŚiP)
    Applications of PDEs in functional spaces with a measure or a weight
    In my presentation I want to discuss two problems to which applying methods of PDEs in functional spaces that depend on a certain kind of measure seems to be fruitful. Describing a process of transfer …

  • 17 grudnia 2020 12:30
    Krzysztof Mizerski (Instytut Geofizyki PAN)
    Applications of mathematics in astrophysical hydrodynamics
    The aim of the seminar is to present approaches and problems that arise in the analysis of dynamics of planetary and stellar fluid interiors. This involves the convective heat transfer in the presence of density …

  • 3 grudnia 2020 12:30
    Piotr B. Mucha (MIM UW)
    Pandemia COVID19 oczyma ignoranta
    Chciałbym zrobić heurystyczne wprowadzenie do modelowania pandemii COVID19, która nas dotknęła w tym roku. Głównym elementem będą modele typu SEIR,  opisujące uśrednioną populację. Wydawałoby się, że predykcje dynamiki takiej  pandemii są bardzo ważne, ale ... …

  • 19 listopada 2020 12:30
    Piotr Kalita (UJ)
    Układy dynamiczne jako narzędzie do modelowania procesów związanych ze świadomością
    Teoria Zintegrowanej Informacji to zaproponowany przez Giulio Tononiego formalizm stosowany do opisu zjawisk związanych ze świadomością. Przedstawię założenia tej teorii oraz omówię oparte o nią modele wykorzystujące układy dynamiczne i ich atraktory.    ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Join …

  • 29 października 2020 12:30
    Tomasz Piasecki (IMSiM)
    A maximal regularity approach to compressible mixtures"
    Join Zoom Meeting   Meeting ID: 815 8375 2461 Passcode: 495149     -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I will present recent results obtained in collaboration with Yoshihiro Shibata and Ewelina Zatorska. We investigate the well posedness of …

  • 15 października 2020 12:30
    Gustavo Abade (Instytut Geofizyki FUW UW)
    Turbulent clustering of low-inertia droplets
    Several effects of turbulence may reduce the time for rain initiation in warm (ice-free) atmospheric clouds. This talk overviews the effect of turbulent clustering of inertial droplets that interact hydrodynamically. Using the so-called drift-diffusion model (based on the Master …

  • 12 marca 2020 12:30
    Jakub Gałecki (Politechnika Warszawska)
    Adjoint-Based Optimal Control of Incompressible Flows with Energy-Stable Boundary Conditions
    Problems arising in computational fluid dynamics often require artificially truncating the domain and posing appropriate open boundary conditions. However, these are known to suffer from backflow instability – when the flow at the boundary reverses, …