Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
Lista referatów
16 października 2019 12:15
Jacek Miękisz / jan Karbowski (MIM UW / MIM UW)
Towards singular perturbations in Markov jump processes / Biophysical basis of learning and memory
9 października 2019 12:15
Monika Piotrowska and Marek Bodnar (MIM)
Seminar of Section of Biomathematics and Game Theory
9 października 2019 12:15
Monika Piotrowska and Marek Bodnar (MIM)
Seminar of Section of Biomathematics and Game Theory
12 czerwca 2019 14:15
Raffi Vardanyan ((doktorant MIM) )
Three-player games with strategy-dependent time delays
In this presentation the results of the cooperative project with Jacek Miekisz and Marek Bodnar about replicator dynamics with strategy-dependent time delays in three-player games are presented. Certain parameters are considered providing one pure and …
29 maja 2019 14:15
Fayz Ali Al-hag (doktorant MIM)
Sustainability of social optima and Nash equilibria in a differential game of resource extraction
In this presentation we study a game related to a model of sustainability of social optima and Nash equilibria in a differential game of resource extraction in infinite time horizon. We study the social optimum …
24 kwietnia 2019 14:15
Adam Prosiński (Oxford University)
Calculus of variations in the anisotropic setting
In this talk, we will review some recent results concerning existence and regularity of minimizers of anisotropic variational problems. The anisotropy that we have in mind concerns different orders of derivation in different directions, thus …
17 kwietnia 2019 14:15
Dominika Machowska (Uniwersytet Łódzki)
Delayed and cumulative effects of advertising in a cooperative or competitive environment
In this talk, I investigate the goodwill dynamics evolved à la Nerlove–Arrow in which delayed or cumulative effects of advertising is included. As a result, a cooperative differential game is formulated for which I investigate …
27 marca 2019 14:15
Marcin Choiński (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
Flip bifurcation in discrete models
I will talk about flip bifurcation, which can occur in discrete models. Firstly, I will define what the flip bifurcation is, then I will analyze this kind of bifurcation in Ricker's population equation. The presentation …
13 marca 2019 14:15
Urszula Foryś (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
More about Lyapunov function for simple epidemic models
During my previous presentation I have shown some examples of Lyapunov functions for simple epidemic model with constant influx to the susceptible population. However, presented functions do not work for no influx. I would like …
6 marca 2019 14:15
Piotr Bajger (doktorant MISDoMP)
Effects of Pharmacokinetics and DNA Repair on the Structure of Optimal Controls in a Simple Model of Radio-chemotherapy
In this talk two models of radiochemotherapy are considered. A reference simple model adopts a classical log-kill hypothesis for chemotherapy and a linear-quadratic response for radiotherapy. The model is represented by first order nonlinear differential …
28 lutego 2019 12:30
Natalia Bielczyk (PhD candidate Stichting Solaris Onderzoek en Ontwikkeling, Nijmegen, the Netherlands)
On applied mathematics in brain research & on the open project entitled 'Effective Self-Management for Early Career Researchers in the Natural Sciences
In this seminar, I will review two topics. Firstly, I will briefly review my PhD research within the Donders Graduate School, Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behavior, Nijmegen, the Netherlands. My work concerns developing …
23 stycznia 2019 14:15
Jacek Sroka (MIM)
Simulating millions of interacting cells modelled with Quasi-Steady State Petri Net
I will present the the Quasi-Steady State Petri Net (QSSPN) model and explain how we can simulate populations of millions of interacting cells with modern cluster computing frameworks (the same that are used to analyse …
5 grudnia 2018 14:15
Rajani Sinhg
Energy consumption in Bitcoin Mining: A Game Theoretic Analysis
Bitcoin is a decentralized cryptocurrency payment system, working without a single administrator or a third party bank. A bitcoin is created by miners, using complex mathematical "proof of work" procedures by computing hashes. For each …
28 listopada 2018 14:15
Krzysztof Fujarewicz (Politechnika Śląska)
“Sensitivity analysis of systems with delays”
During the lecture the structural approach to sensitivity analysis, both forward and adjoint, will be presented. It is assumed that the system with discrete delay(s) is given in a structural form – as a block …
14 listopada 2018 14:15
Marcin Choiński (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
Reproduction numbers and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for compartmental models of disease transmission - KONTYNUACJA
I will talk about the results presented in the article of P. van den Driessche and J. Watmough. The definition of the basic reproduction number (R0) and the criterion for the existence and stability of …