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Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 14:15 , sala: 5070

Lista referatów

  • 15 marca 2023 12:15
    Helena Stage (Manchester University)
    Multi-scale modelling in public health: applications and methodology
    SEMINARIUM ODWOŁANE - ODBĘDZIE SIĘ W PÓŹNIEJSZYM TERMINIE   Public health outbreaks require consideration of dynamics which occur at multiple scales: the within-host dynamics, the social contact patterns of people, and the resulting transmission patterns …

  • 8 marca 2023 12:15
    Marcin Penconek (Międzydziedzinowa Szkoła Doktorska UW)
    Neuronal Mechanisms of Decision-Making (part II)
    Human decision-making has been the subject of research in many disciplines including psychology, economics, and neuroscience. In economics, value-based decisions under risk and uncertainty are of particular interest. Fifty years ago, Kahneman and Tversky proposed …

  • 25 stycznia 2023 12:15
    Bartłomiej Wacław (Instytut Chemii Fizycznej PAN)
    Stochastic models of growth with quasi-discrete generations
    Stochastic models of growth and evolution of cells such as bacteria or cancer cells usually assume exponential distribution of division times. Birth, death, mutations, and other processes can then be modelled similarly to chemical reactions, …

  • 18 stycznia 2023 12:15
    Ryszard Rudnicki (IM PAN)
    Non-Markovian models of cell cycle and immune status
    We will begin by presenting a fairly general structured model, in which individuals are described by a variable that changes over time according to some process (deterministic or stochastic) until a critical moment occurs (for …

  • 21 grudnia 2022 12:15
    Marcin Penconek (Międzydziedzinowa Szkoła Doktorska UW)
    Neuronal Mechanisms of Decision-Making: continuation
    The talk given last week will be continued. This time the proposed model will be applied to modeling the probability weighting function postulated by the Prospect Theory (Kahneman and Tversky).

  • 14 grudnia 2022 12:15
    Marcin Penconek (Międzydziedzinowa Szkoła Doktorska UW)
    Neuronal Mechanisms of Decision-Making
    Human decision-making has been the subject of research in many disciplines including psychology, economics, and neuroscience. Over the last 50 years, different mathematical models of decision-making were proposed such as the race model, DDM, and …

  • 7 grudnia 2022 12:15
    Emilia Kozłowska (Katedra Inżynierii i Biologii Systemów, Politechnika Śląska)
    Modelowanie matematyczne nowotworów litych na przykładzie nowotworu jajnika i płuca
    Badania nad zrozumieniem mechanizmów jakimi żądzą komórki nowotworowe oraz badania nad poszukiwaniem nowych celów terapii antynowotworowej w większości opierają się na żmudnymi badaniami przedklinicznymi. Jednym z powodów dla którego tak ciężko znaleźć odpowiednio celowaną terapię …

  • 23 listopada 2022 12:15
    Ritva Hurri-Syrjänen (University of Helsinki)
    On Poincare-type inequalities and Choquet integrals
    We discuss Poincare-type inequalities in terms of Choquet integrals with respect to Hausdorff content. Also, we consider a Trudinger-type inequality in this context. This is joint work with Petteri Harjulehto.  

  • 16 listopada 2022 12:15
    Urszula Foryś (MIM UW)
    Analysis of 4D CAR-T treatment model: continuation
    This will be a continuation of the previous seminar devoted to the analysis of 4D CAR-T treatment model of tumour.

  • 9 listopada 2022 12:15
    Urszula Foryś (MIM UW)
    Analysis of 4D CAR-T treatment model
    This will be a working seminar devoted to the analysis of 4D CAR-T treatment model of tumour (in the context of glioma) proposed in Odelaisy León-Triana, Antonio Pérez-Martínez, Manuel Ramírez-Orellana and Víctor M. Pérez-García, Dual-Target …

  • 2 listopada 2022 14:15
    Rabah Amir (Univesrity of Iowa)
    Supermodular Games: Theory and Applications
    This talk will introduce the basic class of supermodular games and the main general results of this theory. The topics include existence and order structure of pure-strategy Nash equilibria, iterated elimination of dominated strategies, convergence …

  • 26 października 2022 12:15
    Olga Nesmelova/Julia Kalosha, (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine)
    Nonlinear boundary-value problems unsolved with respect to the derivative*/Asymptotic Stabilization of the Flexible Beam Oscillations**
    *The mathematical description of numerous phenomena in many areas of electronics, theory of nonlinear oscillation, mechanics, biology and radio engineering leads to the necessity of investigating nonlinear partial differential equations. In a particular case, the …

  • 19 października 2022 12:15
    Magdalena Szafrańska (Szkoła Doktorska Nauk Ścisłych i Przyrodniczych UW)
    Mathematical model of psychotherapy
    This presentation aims at showing a mathematical model of the dynamics of psychotherapy based on research in psychotherapy. In this context one of the studied elements are the influence of the external environment understood as …

  • 15 czerwca 2022 12:15
    Miron Kursa (ICM UW)
    Information theory for data analysis in biology
    One of the key outputs of Shannon's information theory is that it gave as a framework for quantifying dependence, which is in turn crucial for a robust identification actual mechanisms in the chaos of reality. …

  • 8 czerwca 2022 12:15
    Milena Matusik (Uniwersytet Gdański)
    Leap-frog method for stochastic functional wave equation
    We perform a time-space discretisation, known as the leap-frog method, for nonlinear stochastic functional wave equations driven by multiplicative time-space white noise. The method converges in L^2 at a rate of O(\sqrt{ h}), where h …