Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
Lista referatów
25 października 2006 16:15
Urszula Foryś (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Review on Delay Differential Equations, continuation but in fact the beginning
18 października 2006 16:15
Urszula Foryś (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Review on Delay Differential Equations
We introduce the basic notation used in the theory of DDE, formulate the basic theorems and show some examples of the infuence of delays on the dynamics of the system.
24 maja 2006 16:15
Dorin Marinescu (Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics, Romanian Academy, Bucharest)
Simulation methods for Boltzmann-type equations
We report on the numerical approximation of the solution of a general class of nonlinear Boltzmann like equations. We provide a discretized version of the equations approximating the above class of equations. The numerical implementation …
17 maja 2006 16:15
Krzysztof Argasiński (Uniwersytet Jagielloński)
Sex ratio evolution from the point of view of dynamic large games
On the seminar will be presented new model of sex ratio evolution related to so called dynamic evolutionary large games. This is a new technique of modelling of multipopulaton problems. The classic approach (e.g. Shaw-Moller …
5 kwietnia 2006 16:15
Tomasz Lipniacki (IPPT)
Stochastic regulation of NF-kappaB pathway
Living cells may be considered noisy or stochastic biochemical reactors. In eukaryotic cells, in which the number of protein or mRNA molecules is relatively large, the stochastic effects may originate in regulation of gene activity …
28 marca 2006 10:15
Adam Bobrowski (IM PAN)
On limitations and insufficiency of the Trotter-Kato theorem with applications to a model of stochastic gene expression II (wspólne seminarium z RTN)
21 marca 2006 10:00
Adam Bobrowski (IM PAN)
On limitations and insufficiency of the Trotter-Kato theorem, with applications to a model of stochastic gene expression
Wspólne seminarium z RTN Modeling, Mathematical Methods and Computer Simulation of Tumour Growth and Therapy. Abstract: Motivation for the talk comes from a recent model of stochastic gene expression introduced by Lipniacki et al. (J. …
15 marca 2006 16:15
Jacek Miękisz (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Stochastic models of genetic regulatory networks
Regulation of gene expression is a chemical process involving many coupled elementary chemical reactions modeled usually by systems of differential equations describing time evolution of molecular concentrations. However, due to low numbers of molecules involved …
8 marca 2006 16:15
Mirosław Lachowicz (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Amplification-deamplification process - odwołane
1 stycznia 1970 01:00
Martin Parisot (MIMUW ERCIM)
Intermediate Modeling between Kinetic Equations and Hydrodynamic Limits: Application to the Spitzer-Harm regime
This work is devoted to the study of a problem resulting from plasma physics: heat transfer of electrons in a plasma close to Maxwellian equilibrium. A formal derivation from the Vlasov equations is proposed. A …
1 stycznia 1970 01:00
Martin Parisot (MIMUW ERCIM)
Intermediate Modeling between Kinetic Equations and Hydrodynamic Limits: Application to the Spitzer-Harm regime
This work is devoted to the study of a problem resulting from plasma physics: heat transfer of electrons in a plasma close to Maxwellian equilibrium. A formal derivation from the Vlasov equations is proposed. A …
1 stycznia 1970 01:00
Malgorzata Kubalinska (Politechnika Lubelska)
Model typu Fishera-Wrighta ze zmienna wielkoscia populacji i mutacjami w postaci procesu punktowego
Koalescencja Kingmana jest jednym z wazniejszych pojec genetyki populacyjnej. Jednak przybliza ona tylko proces dokadnej koalescencji (proces tworzenia drzew genealogicznych w modelu Fishera-Wrighta). Przedstawimy model populacji zbudowany w oparciu o proces dokladnej koalescencji z mutacjami …
1 stycznia 1970 01:00
Malgorzata Kubalinska (Politechnika Lubelska)
Model typu Fishera-Wrighta ze zmienna wielkoscia populacji i mutacjami w postaci procesu punktowego
Koalescencja Kingmana jest jednym z wazniejszych pojec genetyki populacyjnej. Jednak przybliza ona tylko proces dokadnej koalescencji (proces tworzenia drzew genealogicznych w modelu Fishera-Wrighta). Przedstawimy model populacji zbudowany w oparciu o proces dokladnej koalescencji z mutacjami …