Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
Lista referatów
12 marca 2008 16:15
Mats Bodin (IM PAN)
Modeling copying behavior in animals - informal discussion
Decision-making plays a central role in animal groups, and ultimately results from the natural selection. We look at the evolution of copying behavior, where individuals gain information by watching others, as part of decision-making.
23 stycznia 2008 16:15
Kazimierz Sobczyk (IPPT i UW)
Złożone mikrostruktury materialne; modelowanie i propagacja fal stochastycznych. Complex material microstructures; modelling and stochastic wave propagations
16 stycznia 2008 16:15
Kazimierz Sobczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski i IPPT)
Dynamika stochastyczna i niezawodność układów z degradacją
19 grudnia 2007 16:15
Urszuka Foryś (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Discrete Marchuk's model with time delay
5 grudnia 2007 16:15
Urszula Foryś (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Discrete models with time delays: logistic equation and Marchuk's model
Tydzień temu seminarium zostało odwołane. We will consider discrete dynamical systems with time delays. The basic properties will be explain on two examples:discrete logistic equation and the discrete version of Marchuk's model of an immune …
21 listopada 2007 16:15
Cristian Morales-Rodrigo (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Cell-matrix interactions in cancer invasion
10 października 2007 16:15
Monika Joanna Piotrowska (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
A Calibrated Cellular Automata Model of in vitro Cultivated Multicellular Tumour Spheroids
SEMINARIUM WSPÓLNE Z SEMINARIUM RTN. In this paper we present a quasi-two dmimensional Cellular Automata (CA)model describing the dynamics of the in vitro cultivated multicellular spheroid obtained from EMT6/Ro (mammary carcinoma) cell line. The CA …
6 czerwca 2007 16:15
Marek Bodnar and Remigiusz Kowalczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Stochastic models in genetics
30 maja 2007 16:15
Monika Joanna Piotrowska (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Homeorhesis in the motion of an individual
Połączone seminarium RTN i Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier Homeorhesis is an inherent dynamical feature of any living system. Homeorhesis is a peculiar qualitative and quantitative independence of the exogenous signals acting on the system …
23 maja 2007 16:00
1. Marek Bodnar and Remigiusz Kowalczyk 2. Ting Liu (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
1. Stochastic models in genetics. 2. From von Foerster to delay equations in the model of cell cycle.
16 maja 2007 16:00
U. Foryś (UW), P. Rybka (UW), N. Kalev-Kronik i Y. Kogan (Inst. for Medical Biomath. Israel) T. Liu (UW) (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Tumour Growth
1. Apomixis, just questions. 2. Interactions between GBM brain tumour and immune system. 3. Interactions between GBM brain tumour and immune system - mathematical modelling. 4. From von Foerster to delay equations in the model …
25 kwietnia 2007 16:15
Janusz A. Hołyst (Faculty of Physics, Center of Excellence for Complex Systems Research, Warsaw University of Technology)
Universal scaling of distances in complex networks
Universal scaling of distances between vertices of Erdos-Renyi random graphs, scale-free Barabasi-Albert models, science collaboration networks, biological networks, Internet Autonomous Systems and public transport networks are observed. A mean distance distance between two nodes of …
18 kwietnia 2007 16:15
Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
A new kind of equilibrium in dynamic games with beliefs