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Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 14:15 , sala: 5070

Lista referatów

  • 5 kwietnia 2017 14:15
    Victor Perez Garcia (Mathematical Oncology Laboratory, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha)
    Mathematics against gliomas: Real-world examples
    Mathematical modeling has been used throughly to describe oncological processes in the last decades. However, traslational applications of mathematical models inspired in cancer - the so-called mathematical oncology - are still in their infancy. In …

  • 29 marca 2017 14:15
    Lidia Sukovata (Instytut Badawczy Leśnictwa, Zakład Ochrony lasu)
    Modelowanie gradacji owadów leśnych w Polsce – stan obecny i problemy badawcze
    Najważniejsze pytania w ochronie lasu przed szkodliwymi owadami dotyczą czasu i miejsca, w którym dojdzie do gradacji owadów, tj. wzrostu ich liczebności do poziomu zagrażającego trwałości lasów. W celu uzyskania odpowiedzi na te pytania, wykonuje …

  • 22 marca 2017 14:15
    Jacek Banasiak (University of Pretoria)
    Analytic fragmentation semigroups and discrete coagulation-fragmentation processes with growth
    In the talk we shall describe how the substochastic semigroup theory can be used to prove analyticity of a class of fragmentation semigroup. This result is applied to discrete fragmentation processes with growth to analyze …

  • 8 marca 2017 14:15
    Mirosław Lachowicz (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
    Logistic growth at the individual level
    I am going to present an individual-based (microscopic) model corresponding to macroscopic logistic growth. The asymptotic stability and ''asymptotic chaos'' will be discussed.

  • 1 marca 2017 14:30
    Jan Poleszczuk (IBIB PAN)
    Variance-based sensitivity analysis for systems with delays
    During the first part of my talk I will make a brief introduction to the variance-based sensitivity analysis methods for general dynamical systems. I will focus mainly on the Fourier Amplitude Sensitivity Test (FAST) which …

  • 25 stycznia 2017 14:15
    Adam Korpusik (Uniwersytet Warszawski/Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski)
    On the nonlocal discretization of basic mathematical models of viral infection
    I will present two nonstandard finite difference schemes designed for the numerical simulation of basic mathematical models of viral infection. The proposed methods preserve the non-negativity and equilibria (along with their stability conditions), as well …

  • 18 stycznia 2017 14:15
    Jacek Sadowski (Politechnika Warszawska, Wydział Matematyki i Nauk Informacyjnych)
    Differential equations with coeffcients in Sobolev spaces
    I would like to talk about ordinary and delay differential equations with coefficients in Sobolev spaces. An example of a differential system with measurable singular right hand side is the system of motion of n-bodies. …

  • 11 stycznia 2017 14:15
    Piotr Bajger (doktorant MISDoMP)
    Optimal therapy for heterogeneous tumours
    I will discuss a model for a growth of a heterogeneous tumour from a point of view of optimal control. The main issue is how to choose an appropriate objective functional so that two goals …

  • 30 listopada 2016 14:15
    Kamila Łyczek (doktorantka MIM) (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Optimization in infinite time horizon
    Pontryagin's maximum principle is used in optimal control theory to find the best possible control for taking a dynamical system from one state to another, especially in the presence of constraints for the state or …

  • 23 listopada 2016 14:15
    Marcin Choiński (doktorant MIM)
    Criss-cross modeling of TB
    We consider a criss-cross model describing tuberculosis epidemic dynamics. The case in study considers Warmian-Masurian province of Poland and is related to actions of active detecting of tuberculosis in homeless people subpopulation. In the model …

  • 16 listopada 2016 14:15
    Rajani Singh (doktorantka MIM)
    A Linear-Quadratic Common Resource Extraction Game with Many Players and Binding Constraints
    We analyse a linear quadratic multistage game of extraction of a common renewable resource by many players with state dependent constraints for exploitation and infinite time horizon. We analyse social optimum and Nash equilibrium for …

  • 1 czerwca 2016 14:15
    Magdalena Bogdańska
    A mathematical model describes the malignant transformation of low grade gliomas
    Gliomas are the most frequent type of primary brain tumours. Low grade gliomas (LGGs) may grow very slowly for long periods of time, however they inevitably cause death due to the phenomenon known as the …

  • 27 kwietnia 2016 14:15
    Iwona Skrzypczak (WMIM UW)
    Calcium homeostasis in rat body. Introduction
    I am going to present the biological background and explanation of calcium homeostasis model in rat body by David Granjon, Aurelie Edwards and Olivier Bonny. The problem of regulation of calcium level is very complex. …

  • 20 kwietnia 2016 14:15
    Daria Wójcik (studentka MIM)
    Group size effect on cooperation in social dilemmas.
    I will present the article (Helene Barcelo, Valerio Capraro, arxiv 2014) that concerns the following question: does larger group size favour or prevent cooperation? The authors compare the predictions of two most widely used models …

  • 13 kwietnia 2016 14:15
    Urszula Foryś
    Some remarks on the Gottman, Murray et al. model of marital dissolution and time delays
    I consider mathematical model proposed by Gottman, Murray and collaborators to describe marital dissolution. This model is described in the framework of discrete dynamical system reflecting emotional states of wife and husband, which is, however, …