Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze
Lista referatów
7 listopada 2018 14:15
Marcin Choiński (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
Reproduction numbers and sub-threshold endemic equilibria for compartmental models of disease transmission
I will talk about the results presented in the article of P. van den Driessche and J. Watmough. The definition of the basic reproduction number (R0) and the criterion for the existence and stability of …
24 października 2018 14:15
Mariusz Bodzioch (Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie)
SIS criss-cross models of tuberculosis in heterogenous populations
We propose a model of tuberculosis (TB) transmission in a heterogeneous population consisting of two different subpopulations, like homeless and non-homeless people. We use the criss-cross model to describe the illness dynamics. This criss-cross model …
6 czerwca 2018 14:15
Katarzyna Szymańska-Dębowska (Politechnika Łódzka)
Canard solutions in equations with backward bifurcations
We consider a delayed exchange of stabilities for solutions of a singularly perturbed nonautonomous equation in the case when a backward bifurcation of its quasi--steady (critical) manifolds occurs. This result is applied to provide a …
30 maja 2018 14:15
Rajani Singh (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
An infinite horizon dynamic optimization problem with constraints and applications to resource extraction problems
I would like to present our research work where we analyse an infinite horizon dynamic optimization problem -- a generalization of a linear quadratic problem with state dependent constraints. This model suits well extraction of …
23 maja 2018 14:15
Adam Korpusik (Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski w Olsztynie)
Best" nonlocal discretization method for 2-dimensional population models
I will present a nonstandard finite difference method designed for numerical simulation of 2-dimensional mathematical models of population dynamics. The proposed method is based solely on the principle of nonlocal discretization. Independently of the chosen …
16 maja 2018 14:15
Marcin Choiński (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
Analysis of a criss-cross model of tuberculosis for homeless and non-homeless subpopulations
We consider a criss-cross model describing tuberculosis epidemic dynamics, which is a modification of the model presented in Romaszko et al. In the model the population is divided into subpopulations of non-homeless and homeless people. …
9 maja 2018 14:15
Joanna Stachowska-Piętka (IBIB PAN)
Mathematical modeling of fluid transport though the muscle tissue
Fluid transport through the tissue plays crucial role in keeping local body homeostasis. Bulk water flow works not only as a vehicle for transport of solutes that are necessary for proper functioning of cells but …
18 kwietnia 2018 14:15
Zuzanna Szymańska i Mirosław Lachowicz (Uniwersytet Warszawski (ICM + MIM))
Mathematical modelling of tendon healing process: blow-ups mean healing
Tendon injuries, although not directly threatening the lives of the affected person, can significantly lower their quality of life. For a long time, the main therapeutic approach was surgery followed by a arduous rehabilitation. Even …
11 kwietnia 2018 14:15
Tadeusz Kosztołowicz (Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach)
Subdiffusion-absorption process in a system consisting of two different media separated by a thin membrane
We consider normal diffusion, subdiffusion and slow subdiffusion in a system which consists of two media separated by a thin membrane. The subdiffusion and absorption parameters may be different in each of the medium. Using …
14 marca 2018 14:15
prof. Dominika Nowis (Warszawski Uniwersytet Medyczny)
The role of arginase-1 in the development of antitumor immune response
Depletion of essential (L-tryptophan) or semi-essential (L-arginine) amino acids has been shown to suppress antitumor immune responses. Arginase-1 (ARG-1) is a cytosolic enzyme catalyzing degradation of L-arginine to L-ornithine and urea, depleting tumor microenvironment of …
28 lutego 2018 14:15
Urszula Foryś (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
Modelling of ADR effect
Acquired drug resistance syndrom (ADR) is one of the most important features associated with tumour treatment. I will present some ideas of mathmatical modelling of ADR basing on the paper: E. Ollier et al.: Analysis …
24 stycznia 2018 14:15
Anita Krawczyk (Uniwersytet Łódzki, Katedra Analizy Matematycznej i Teorii Sterowania, Wydział Matematyki i Informatyki)
Numerical method for ɛ-optimal approximation of tumor growth inhibition by GM-CSF treatment
In this thesis we construct a computational method for ɛ-optimized approximation inhibition of tumor growth using GM-CSF treatment. First of all, we formulate and solve the system of partial differential equations. It’s a free boundary …
17 stycznia 2018 14:15
Małgorzata Kardyńska (Politechnika Śląska)
Sensitivity analysis of signaling pathway models with a model combining HSF and NF-kB signaling pathways as an example
In the speech selected methods of sensitivity analysis will be discussed. Though the sensitivity methods are well known, their application to various models is always based on the assumption that the output of the system …
20 grudnia 2017 14:15
Aleksandra Puchalska (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
The graph structure impact on a singular limit of the generalized network transport - kontynuacja
In the talk we present the family of perturbed transport problems in which a domain consists of countable intervals coupled by transition conditions at the ends. Using the theory of convergence of sequences of semigroups, …
13 grudnia 2017 14:15
Aleksandra Puchalska (Uniwersytet Warszawski (MIM))
The graph structure impact on a singular limit of the generalized network transport
In the talk we present the family of perturbed transport problems in which a domain consists of countable intervals coupled by transition conditions at the ends. Using the theory of convergence of sequences of semigroups, …