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Seminarium „Topologia i teoria mnogości”

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 16:15 , sala: 5050

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Lista referatów

  • 7 grudnia 2016 16:15
    Maciej Malicki (Warsaw School of Economics)
    Groups of measurable functions - part 2.

  • 30 listopada 2016 16:15
    Maciej Malicki (Warsaw School of Economics)
    Groups of measurable functions
    Let G be a Polish group, and let m be a non-atomic probability measure on the interval [0,1]. We define L_0(G) to be the Polish group of all m-equivalence classes of m -measurable functions with …

  • 23 listopada 2016 16:15
    Tomasz Weiss (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
    More remarks on the intersection ideal M /\ N - part 2.

  • 16 listopada 2016 16:15
    Tomasz Weiss (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
    More remarks on the intersection ideal M /\ N
    We prove in ZFC that every (M /\ N)-additive set is N-additive.

  • 9 listopada 2016 16:15
    Martin Dolezal (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Haar meager sets - part 2.

  • 26 października 2016 16:15
    Martin Dolezal (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Haar meager sets
    The notion of Haar meager sets in abelian Polish groups was introduced by Darji. Haar meager sets form a topological counterpart to Haar null sets defined by Christensen. We show some analogies of Haar meager …

  • 19 października 2016 16:15
    Tomasz Cieśla (doktorant UW)
    An example of Eberlein compact that is not bisequential
    Peter Nyikos gave an example of Eberlein compact that is not bisequential during his talk on Eighth Summer Conference on General Topology and its Applications (over 20 years ago). According to my knowledge he never …

  • 12 października 2016 16:15
    Adam Krawczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Gry Banacha - Mazura na strukturach relacyjnych

  • 8 czerwca 2016 16:15
    Saeed Ghasemi (IMPAN)
    Non-trivially isomorphic corona algebras
    It is well-known that there are Cech-Stone remainders (corona spaces) of locally compact spaces for which the question of whether they are homeomorphic is independent from ZFC (e.g., the Cech-Stone remainders of the ordinals \omega …

  • 1 czerwca 2016 16:15
    Piotr Koszmider (IMPAN)
    Scattered C*-algebras: A case study in noncommutative set-theoretic topology
    The passage from commutative to noncommutative mathematics has stimulated a big part of mathematical research since the mid 20th century which resulted the unprecedented impact of this programme on the shape of today's mathematics. Quite …

  • 25 maja 2016 16:15
    Piotr Borodulin-Nadzieja (Uniwersytet Wrocławski)
    Measures and slaloms
    We construct several examples of spaces supporting measures using a technique developed by Todorcevic. In particular, we show that there is a ZFC example of non-separable growth of omega supporting a measure and that consistently …

  • 11 maja 2016 16:15
    Witold Marciszewski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On continuous images of compact spaces of finite sets

  • 27 kwietnia 2016 16:15
    Wiesław Kubiś (Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw)
    Abstract Banach-Mazur game
    We shall present a generalization of the Banach-Mazur game in the setting of partially ordered sets. This approach leads to significant simplifications of arguments showing uniqueness and universality of certain objects related to Fraisse limits. …

  • 13 kwietnia 2016 16:15
    Tomasz Weiss (UKSW)
    O translacjach zbioru domknietego miary zero w R
    Opowiem o łatwiejszym przykładzie (pochodzącym od Elekesa i Totha) zbioru domkniętego miary zero w przestrzeni Cantora, którego mniej niż continuum translacji pokrywa całą przestrzeń. Przedstawię również ciekawy problem B.Tsabana dotyczący translacji zbioru domkniętego miary zero.

  • 6 kwietnia 2016 16:15
    Todor Tsankov (Université Paris Diderot)
    Metric Scott analysis
    Back-and-forth equivalence relations have been an important tool in model theory and descriptive set theory since their advent in the fifties. They provide Borel approximations to the isomorphism relation that are useful in a variety …