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Weakly Radon-Nikodym Boolean algebras

Grzegorz Plebanek
University of Wrocław
24 marca 2021 16:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Seminarium „Topologia i teoria mnogości”

Weakly Radon-Nikodym (WRN) Boolean algebras are named after a certain class of compacta related to Banach spaces but they can be charaterized as those algebras that have, in a sense, few independent sequences. We compare the class of WRN algebras with some others, such as minimally generated algebras.
We also discuss our idea to consider, for a given class C of Boolean algebras, the class of those algebras that are orthogonal to C.

This is joint work with Antonio Avilés and Gonzalo Martínez-Cervantes.