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The weak Ramsey property

Wiesław Kubiś
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw and Institute of Mathematics of the Czech Academy of Sciences
16 grudnia 2020 16:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Seminarium „Topologia i teoria mnogości”

We show how to extend the Kechris-Pestov-Todorcevic correspondence to categories with weak amalgamations, where extreme amenability is tested for the automorphism group of the generic limit, taken with a suitable topology. We characterize extreme amenability in terms of a Ramsey-like property of the base category, which we call the weak Ramsey property. We use only very basic tools and notions of category theory, perhaps the most involved one is that of a sequence colimit.

Joint work with A. Bartoš, T. Bice, and K. Dasilva Barbosa.

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