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Regular choices and uniformisations for countable domains

Vincent Michielini
Uniwersytet Warszawski
20 maja 2020 14:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Online seminar
Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

Considering the following question: given (in a sense which will be 
clarified in the talk) a countable totally ordered set D, on which 
condition(s) does there exist a choice function over D (i.e. a 
function f: P(D) -> D such that for all nonempty X subset of D, f(X) 
is in X) definable by an MSO-formula phi(X,x) (where X is a nonempty 
subset of X and x is the element f(X))?
This question is closely related to another question which asks on 
which condition(s) all regular word-relations R ⊆ A^D x B^D
(identified with regular languages ⊆ (AxB)^D) admit a regular 
uniformisation (or selection), meaning another regular relation F ⊆ R 
which selects for each word w in the projection of R a particular word 
sigma in B^D satisfying (w,sigma) ∈ R.
It is already known that this regular-uniformisation property is true 
for finite words and for omega-words. In the talk, we generalize this 
result by answering these two questions, and we provide a way to 
construct uniformisations and choice functions when it is possible.