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Interpretable machine learning for teaching chess / Interpretowalne uczenie maszynowe w nauczaniu szachów

Jan Zyśko
8 kwietnia 2020 14:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Research Seminar of the Logic Group: Approximate reasoning in data mining

Chess engine research has been very successful in terms of strength of play. However, casual players see little benefit for their self-development. This is because mental representations used by humans are different from machine abstractions. We will present the existing research on interpretability of ML methods for games as well as tentative results for our attempts on bridging this gap.

Prosze zwrócić uwagę na niestandardowy termin (środa, 8.04)

Spotkanie na Google Meet o ile w miedzyczasie nie znajdziemy lepszego sposobu.

Please notice the non-standard meeting date (Wednesday, April 8).

We will meet using Google Meet unless in the meantime a better platform is found.