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Gentle introduction to multi-agent reinforcement learning

Michał Zawalski
Uniwerystet Warszawski
3 marca 2022 12:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Seminarium "Uczenie maszynowe"

Recent studies show some impressive applications of reinforcement learning algorithms in sequential decision-making problems. In my talk, I will focus on problems that involve controlling a group of agents, i.e. multi-agent reinforcement learning. Though that domain shares clear similarities with the standard, single-agent case, there are some specific issues.

I will start by introducing the reinforcement learning framework, the key concepts and simple approaches. Then I will describe some multi-agent tasks and highlight the difficulties that make standard RL algorithms fail. Finally, I will share some insights discovered in our work "Off-Policy Correction For Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning", accepted for publication at AAMAS 2022.

Seminar will be held remotely.