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Ethereum vulnerabilities

Aleksy Schubert
11 marca 2022 12:15
p. 5820
Semantyka, Logika I Weryfikacja Oraz Wiele Ich Ciekawych Aplikacji

Ethereum vulnerabilities
Ethereum is an open decentralised platform based upon peer-to-peer network principles. It enables the possibility to deploy decentralised applications that run on the platform and manage  the resources of financial kind available on the platform. I will describe selected vulnerabilities pointed out in the paper
A Survey on Ethereum Systems Security: Vulnerabilities, Attacks, and Defenses
by Chen, Pendleton, Njilla, Xu. I will focus in my presentation on vulnerabilities related to coding, omitting ones related to the design or implementation of the platform itself.



In addition I would like to present the schedule of presentations for this semester:

11.03 - Aleksy Schubert, Ethereum vulnerabilities
18.03 - Jacek Chrząszcz, News in Coq
25.03 - Paweł Urzyczyn, Reasoning with refutations
29.04 - Aleksy Schubert, On word unification in Coq
13.05 - Marcin Benke, On proofs for all
20.05 - Aleksy Schubert, Algorithm for prooving in intuitionistic propositional
logic with limited number of atoms
27.05 - Konrad Zdanowski, TBA
10.06 - Aleksy Schubert, On specification collecting for Solidity code


For the up to date schedule see: