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Dynamics in rough sets

Davide Ciucci
Universita Milano Bicocca
17 września 2010 11:00
p. 4070
Research Seminar of the Logic Group: Approximate reasoning in data mining

Szanowni Państwo,   
W dniach 14-17 września 2010, przebywa na naszym wydziale 
Pan Dr Davide Ciucci z Milan-Biccoca University w ramach programu ERASMUS for teachers.  
Pan Dr Davide Ciucci będzie mial referat pod tytułem:   
"Dynamics in rough sets" 
piątek, 17/09, 11:00-12:30, sala 4070 
 Niżej  streszczenie jego wykładu. 
Serdecznie zapraszamy.  
Abstract:  A classification of the different dynamics which can arise in rough sets is given, starting from three different standpoints: information tables, approximation spaces and coverings. Dynamics is intended in two broad meanings: evolution in time and originated from different sources. Existing works on this topic are then categorized accordingly. Finally, given a covering of a universe, we study how time evolution of the covering influences rough approximations and covering reduction.  