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Combinatorial Hantzsche-Wendt group

Andrzej Szczepański
26 stycznia 2021 16:30
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
Zoom: 811 1192 8889, pass: proszę wpisać liczbę równą rk(H^2((S^1)^{200};Z))
Seminarium „Topologia algebraiczna”

Let n\in N. By a combinatorial Hantzsche-Wendt group we shall understand a finite presented group
G_n = {x_1, ..., x_n  |  x_i^{-1} x_j^2 x_i x_j^2  \forall i\neq j}.
During a talk I will present properties (topological, homological) of the above group.
Moreover, some relations with a classical Hantzsche-Wendt groups will be given,
where by a classical Hantzsche-Wendt group I understand a fundamental group of
a n-dimensional oriented flat Riemannian manifold with a holonomy group (Z_2)^{n-1}.