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A model of the Borel construction on the free loop space

Jan Spaliński
Politerchnika Warszawska
10 grudnia 2013 12:15
p. 4070
Seminarium „Topologia algebraiczna”

I will start by briefly recalling the notion of a cyclic object in the category of spaces. Next, I will describe a model of the free loop space on the suspension of a connected CW-complex X as a colimit of cartesian powers of X and standard cyclic sets. The above colimit will be used to obtain a simple description of the S^1-Borel construction on the free loop space. In the last part of the talk I will present some new cyclic structures on simplicial abelian groups - the two fold classifying space of the constant simplicial group Z, and the universal S^1-bundle in the category of simplicial abelian groups.