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A Look Back: 50 Years of Scientific Computing

Jerzy Waśniewski
Technical University of Denmark
16 listopada 2006 10:15
p. 5840
Seminarium Zakładu Analizy Numerycznej

Prelegent opowie o swoich półwiecznych doświadczeniach z metodami numerycznymi. Poniżej krótki życiorys prelegenta. Jerzy Waśniewski holds an appointment as an Emeritus Senior Research Professor at the Department of Informatics and Mathematical Modeling of the Technical University of Denmark (Lyngby, Copenhagen, Denmark). He specializes in HPC numerical algorithms of linear algebra, parallel computing, use of advanced-computer architectures. Other current research involves the development, testing and documentation of high quality mathematical software. He was involved in the implementation of the software packages like the NAG Library, GENSTAT and GLIM (Statistical Packages), Y12M and PARASPAR (Solution of Large and Sparse Systems of Linear Algebraic Equations), LAPACK95 (High Performance Linear Algebra Package for Fortran95), and is currently involved in developing algorithms and techniques for high performance computer architectures. He was and is also involved in organizing several Applied Parallel Computing Conferences and seminars. He is an editor and coeditor of several conference proceedings, and coauthor of two Computer Software books. He is an author and coauthor of many numerical papers. He worked in several different countries like Poland, Canada, Denmark and the United States. He was a Professor and Researcher at several universities and computer companies like Technical University of Warsaw, Polish Academy of Sciences, University of Waterloo (Canada), Computel Systems Ltd (Canada), University of Quebec, University of Copenhagen, Technical University of Denmark, and Multiflow Computer Company (USA). He is still working or collaborating with Department of Informatics & Mathematical Modeling of the Technical University of Denmark, Department of Computer Science of the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, Group of Numerical Analysis Software of the IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, Numerical Algorithm Group in Oxford, Department of Computer Science of the University of Umea, Atlas Centre of the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, and some others. He still has seminar and conference contacts with Denmark, Bulgaria, Poland, France, Norway, Sweden, England, UK and USA.