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Konrad Sakowski
Liczba publikacji: 582024
- Karol Kawka, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Michał Boćkowski, David Bowler, Akira Kusaba, Augmentation of the electron counting rule with Ising model, Journal of Applied Physics, 135 (22) 2024, s. 225302. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Jacek Piechota, Izabella Grzegory, Piotr Perlin, Eva Monroy, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Coulomb Contribution to Shockley–Read–Hall Recombination, Materials, 17 (18) 2024. Zobacz w PBN
- Palmerina González-Izquierdo, Névine Rochat, Konrad Sakowski , Davide Zoccarato, Matthew Charles, Łukasz Borowik, GaN/InGaN LED Sidewall Defects Analysis by Cathodoluminescence and Photosensitive Kelvin Probe Force Microscopy, ACS Photonics, 11 (5) 2024, s. 2097-2104. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kruszewski, Pavlo Sai, Aleksandra Krajewska, Konrad Sakowski , Yurii Ivonyak, Rafał Jakieła, Jerzy Plesiewicz, Paweł Prystawko, Graphene Schottky barrier diode acting as a semi-transparent contact to n-GaN, AIP Advances, 14 (7) 2024, s. 75312. Zobacz w PBN
- Artem Bercha, Konrad Sakowski , Grzegorz Muzioł, Mateusz Hajdel, Witold Trzeciakowski, Light emission at reverse voltage in a wide-well (In,Ga)N/GaN light-emitting diode, Physical Review Applied, 21 (5) 2024, s. 54030. Zobacz w PBN
- Hanjue Xia, Johannes Horn, Monika Piotrowska, Konrad Sakowski , André Karch, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Regional patient transfer patterns matter for the spread of hospital-acquired pathogens, Scientific Reports, 14 (1) 2024, s. 929: 1-14. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kruszewski, Konrad Sakowski , Krzysztof Gościński, Paweł Prystawko, The Photoionization Processes of Deep Trap Levels in n-GaN Films Grown by MOVPE Technique on Ammono-GaN Substrates, Applied Sciences (Switzerland), 14 (19) 2024, s. 8785-1-11. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Ashfaq Ahmad, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Anna Kafar, Jacek Piechota, Stanisław Krukowski, Incorporation of indium into GaN layers in the context of MOVPE thermodynamics and growth – Ab initio studies, Computational Materials Science, 230 2023, s. 112489. Zobacz w PBN
- Monika Piotrowska, Aleksandra Puchalska , Konrad Sakowski , On the network suppression of the pathogen spread within the healthcare system, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 457 2023, s. 128169: 1-21. Zobacz w PBN
- Ashfaq Ahmad, Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Jacek Piechota, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Izabella Grzegory, Michał Leszczyński, Zbigniew Żytkiewicz, Grzegorz Muzioł, Eva Monroy, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Polarization Doping in a GaN-InN System—Ab Initio Simulation, Materials, 16 (3) 2023, s. 1227. Zobacz w PBN
- Monika Piotrowska, Konrad Sakowski , Johannes Horn, Rafael Mikolajczyk, André Karch, The effect of re-directed patient flow in combination with targeted infection control measures on the spread of multi-drug-resistant Enterobacteriaceae in the German health-care system: a mathematical modelling approach, Clinical Microbiology and Infection, 29 (1) 2023, s. 109.e1-109.e7. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Brachaczek, Agata Lonc, Mirjam E. Kretzschmar, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Johannes Horn, Andre Karch, Konrad Sakowski , Monika Piotrowska, Transmission of drug-resistant bacteria in a hospital-community model stratified by patient risk, Scientific Reports, 13 (1) 2023, s. 18593: 1-26. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Ashfaq Ahmad, Paweł Kempisty, Jacek Piechota, Konrad Sakowski , Grzegorz Nowak, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Jan Łażewski, Stanisław Krukowski, Al coverage of AlN(0001) surface and Al vapor pressure–Thermodynamic assessment based on ab initio calculations, Computational Materials Science, 203 2022, s. 111159. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Kamil Koroński, Konrad Sakowski , Kamil Sobczak, Jolanta Borysiuk, Krzysztof Korona, Piotr A. Dróżdż, Ewa Grzanka, Marcin Sarzynski, Andrzej Suchocki, Eva Monroy, Stanisław Krukowski, Agata Kamińska, Corrigendum to “Instantaneous decay rate analysis of time resolved photoluminescence (TRPL): Application to nitrides and nitride structures” [J. Alloy. Compd. 823 (2020) 153791], Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 921 2022, s. 166093-1-2. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Jacek Piechota, Izabella Grzegory, Macrosteps dynamics and the growth of crystals and epitaxial layers, Progress in Crystal Growth and Characterization of Materials, 68 (4) 2022, s. 100581. Zobacz w PBN
- Ashfaq Ahmad, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Jacek Piechota, Paweł Kempisty, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Optical properties of polar and nonpolar GaN/AlN multiquantum well systems—DFT study, Journal of Applied Physics, 132 (16) 2022. Zobacz w PBN
- Ashfaq Ahmad, Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Jacek Piechota, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Izabella Grzegory, Michał Leszczyński, Zbigniew Żytkiewicz, Grzegorz Muzioł, Eva Monroy, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Polarization doping—Ab initio verification of the concept: Charge conservation and nonlocality, Journal of Applied Physics, 132 (6) 2022, s. 64301-1-9. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Jacek Piechota, Ashfaq Ahmad, Izabella Grzegory, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Stanisław Krukowski, Adsorption of nitrogen at AlN(000-1) surface – decisive role of structural and electronic factors, Surface Science, 713 2021, s. 121891:1-10. Zobacz w PBN
- Ashfaq Ahmad, Paweł Strąk, Kamil Koroński, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Jacek Piechota, Izabella Grzegory, Aleksandra Wierzbicka, Serhii Kryvyi, Eva Monroy, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Critical Evaluation of Various Spontaneous Polarization Models and Induced Electric Fields in III-Nitride Multi-Quantum Wells, Materials, 14 (17) 2021, s. 4935-1-14. Zobacz w PBN
- Hanjue Xia, Johannes Horn, Monika Piotrowska, Konrad Sakowski , André Karch, Hannan Tahir, Mirjam Kretzschmar, Rafael Mikolajczyk, Effects of incomplete inter-hospital network data on the assessment of transmission dynamics of hospital-acquired infections, PLoS Computational Biology, 17 (5) 2021, s. e1008941:1-18. Zobacz w PBN
- Kosuke Sato, Kazuki Yamada, Konrad Sakowski , Motoaki Iwaya, Tetsuya Takeuchi, Satoshi Kamiyama, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Jacek Piechota, Isamu Akasaki, Effects of Mg dopant in Al-composition-graded Al x Ga1−x N (0.45 ≤ x) on vertical electrical conductivity of ultrawide bandgap AlGaN p–n junction, Applied Physics Express, 14 (9) 2021, s. 96503:1-6. Zobacz w PBN
- Hannan Tahir, Luis Eduardo López-Cortés, Axel Kola, Dafna Yahav, André Karch, Hanjue Xia, Johannes Horn, Konrad Sakowski , Monika Piotrowska, Leonard Leibovici, Rafael T. Mikolajczyk, Mirjam E. Kretzschmar, Relevance of intra-hospital patient movements for the spread of healthcare-associated infections within hospitals - a mathematical modeling study, PLoS Computational Biology, 17 (2) 2021, s. e1008600:1-23. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Yoshihiro Kangawa, Stanisław Krukowski, Ab initio and thermodynamic picture of Al adsorption of AlN(0001) surface – Role of bond creation and electron transition contributions, APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE, 532 2020, s. 147419. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Kazuki Yamada, Kosuke Sato, Paweł Kempisty, Motoaki Iwaya, Hideto Miyake, Paweł Strąk, Akira Kusaba, Yoshihiro Kangawa, Stanisław Krukowski, Estimating efficiency of AlGaN light-emitting diodes with numerical simulations, Journal of the Japanese Association for Crystal Growth, 47 (3) 2020, s. 5. Zobacz w PBN
- Monika Piotrowska, Konrad Sakowski , A. Lonc, H. Tahir, M.E. Kretzschmar, Impact of inter-hospital transfers on the prevalence of resistant pathogens in a hospital–community system, Epidemics, 33 2020, s. 100408. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Kamil Koroński, Konrad Sakowski , Kamil Sobczak, Jolanta Borysiuk, Krzysztof Korona, Piotr Dróżdż, Ewa Grzanka, Marcin Sarzyński, Andrzej Suchocki, Eva Monroy, Stanisław Krukowski, Agata Kamińska, Instantaneous decay rate analysis of time resolved photoluminescence (TRPL): Application to nitrides and nitride structures, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 823 2020, s. 153791-1-18. Zobacz w PBN
- Monika Piotrowska, Konrad Sakowski , André Karch, Hannan Tahir, Johannes Horn, Mirjam E. Kretzschmar, Rafael T. Mikolajczyk, Modelling pathogen spread in a healthcare network: Indirect patient movements, PLoS Computational Biology, 16 (11) 2020, s. e1008442. Zobacz w PBN
- Agata Lonc, Monika Piotrowska, Konrad Sakowski , Analysis of the AOK Plus data and derived hospital network, Mathematica Applicanda, 47 (1) 2019, s. 127-139. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Kempisty, Izabella Grzegory, Stanisław Krukowski, Catalytic Synthesis of Nitric Monoxide at the AlN(0001) Surface: Ab Initio Analysis, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 123 (17) 2019, s. 10893-10906. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Chemical inactivity of GaN(0001) surface – The role of oxygen adsorption – Ab initio picture, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 91 2019, s. 252-259. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Leszek Marcinkowski , Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, On the composite discontinuous Galerkin method for simulations of electric properties of semiconductor devices, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 51 2019, s. 75-98. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Kempisty, Izabella Grzegory, Stanisław Krukowski, Adsorption of N2 and H2 at AlN(0001) Surface: Ab Initio Assessment of the Initial Stage of Ammonia Catalytic Synthesis, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 122 (35) 2018, s. 20301–20311. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Agata Kamińska, Dawid Jankowski, Krzysztof Korona, Kamil Sobczak, Jolanta Borysiuk, Mark Beeler, Ewa Grzanka, E. Monroy, Stanisław Krukowski, Ab initio and experimental studies of polarization and polarization related fields in nitrides and nitride structures, AIP Advances, 7 (1) 2017, s. 015027-1-26. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Ab initio determination of electron affinity of polar nitride surfaces, clean and under Cs coverage, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 35 (2) 2017, s. 21406-1-17. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Dissipation of the excess energy of the adsorbate-thermalization via electron transfer, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (13) 2017, s. 9149-9155. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Yoshihiro Kangawa, Stanisław Krukowski, Thermodynamic foundations of applications of ab initio methods for determination of the adsorbate equilibria: Hydrogen at the GaN(0001) surface, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 19 (43) 2017, s. 29676-29684. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Thermodynamics of GaN(s)-NH3(v)+N2(v)+H2(v) system – Electronic aspects of the processes at GaN(0001) surface, Surface Science, 662 2017, s. 12-33. Zobacz w PBN
- Agata Kamińska, Paweł Strąk, Jolanta Borysiuk, Kamil Sobczak, Jarosław Domagała, Mark Beeler, Ewa Grzanka, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Ewa Monroy, Correlation of optical and structural properties of GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells - ab initio and experimental study, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Leszek Marcinkowski , Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Discretization of the Drift-Diffusion Equations with the Composite Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Kraków, Poland, 6 września 2015 - 9 września 2015, 9574 2016, s. 391-400. Zobacz w PBN
- Jolanta Borysiuk, Konrad Sakowski , Piotr Dróżdż, Krzysztof Korona, Kamil Sobczak, Grzegorz Muzioł, Czesław Skierbiszewski, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Electric field dynamics in nitride structures containing quaternary alloy (Al, In, Ga)N, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Agata Kamińska, Dawid Jankowski, Paweł Strąk, Krzysztof Korona, M. Beeler, Konrad Sakowski , Ewa Grzanka, Jolanta Borysiuk, Kamil Sobczak, E. Monroy, Stanisław Krukowski, High pressure and time resolved studies of optical properties of n-type doped GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells - experimental and theoretical analysis, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Influence of pressure on the properties of GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells – Ab initio study, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Leszek Marcinkowski , Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Strąk, Optimization of InGaN Laser Diodes Based on Numerical Simulations, Acta Physica Polonica A, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Structural and electronic properties of AlN(0001) surface under partial N coverage as determined by ab initio approach, Journal of Applied Physics, 118 (9) 2015, s. 95705. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Adsorption of ammonia on hydrogen covered GaN(0001) surface - Density Functional Theory study, Journal of Crystal Growth, 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Warszawa, Poland, 11 sierpnia 2013 - 16 sierpnia 2013, 401 2014, s. 514-517. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Adsorption of gallium on GaN (0001) surface in ammonia-rich conditions: A new effect associated with the Fermi level position, Journal of Crystal Growth, 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Warszawa, Poland, 11 sierpnia 2013 - 16 sierpnia 2013, 401 2014, s. 78-81. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, DFT study of ammonia desorption from the GaN(0001) surface covered with a NH3 /NH2 mixture, Journal of Crystal Growth, 403 2014, s. 105-109. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Doping effects in InN/GaN short-period quantum well structures—Theoretical studies based on density functional methods, Journal of Crystal Growth, 401 2014, s. 652-656. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Fermi level pinning and the charge transfer contribution to the energy of adsorption at semiconducting surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (4) 2014, s. 43529. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, General aspects of the vapor growth of semiconductor crystals - A study based on DFT simulations of the NH3 /NH2 covered GaN(0001) surface in hydrogen ambient, Journal of Crystal Growth, 390 2014, s. 71-79. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Konrad Sakowski , Modification of the Newton's method for the simulations of gallium nitride semiconductor devices, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Leszek Marcinkowski , Konrad Sakowski , Modification of the Newton's method for the simulations of gallium nitride semiconductor devices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing&Applied Mathematics, Warszawa, Poland, 8 września 2013 - 11 września 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Stanisław Krukowski, Konrad Sakowski , Erratum: "Ab inito studies of electronic properties of bare GaN(0001) surface", Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (10) 2012, s. 109905. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Leszek Marcinkowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Szymon Grzanka, Elżbieta Litwin-Staszewska, Simulation of trap-assisted tunneling effect on characteristics of gallium nitride diodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Zbigniew Romanowski, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Strąk, Stanisław Krukowski, Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations and polarization analysis of the electric field in InN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (34) 2010, s. 14410-14416. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Zbigniew Żytkiewicz, Stanisław Krukowski, Numerical analysis of growth kinetics of bulk III-V crystals by liquid phase electroepitaxy, CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Ab initio studies of electronic properties of bare GaN(0001) surface, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (5) 2009, s. 54901. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Paweł Kempisty, Leszek Marcinkowski , Paweł Strak, Konrad Sakowski , Discretization of the Drift-Diffusion Equations with the Composite Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics. 11th International Conference, PPAM 2015, PPAM 2015, Revised Selected Papers, Part II, , s. 391-400. Zobacz w PBN