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Instytut Matematyki Stosowanej i Mechaniki
Liczba publikacji: 8122016
- Robert Laister, James Robinson, Mikołaj Sierżęga , Alejandro Vidal-Lopez, A complete characterisation of local existence for semilinear heat equations in Lebesgue spaces, Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare. Annales: Analyse Non Lineaire/Nonlinear Analysis, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Martin Parisot, A kinetic model for the formation of swarms with nonlinear interactions, Kinetic and Related Models, 9 (1) 2016, s. 131-164. Zobacz w PBN
- Marta Lewicka, Piotr Mucha , A local and global well-posedness results for the general stress-assisted diffusion systems, Journal of Elasticity, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Henryk Leszczyński, Martin Parisot, A simple kinetic equation of swarm formation: Blow-up and global existence, Applied Mathematics Letters, 57 2016, s. 104-107. Zobacz w PBN
- Atle Loneland, Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, Additive Average Schwarz Method for a Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Volume Element Discretization of Elliptic Problems, The 22th conference on Domain decomposition methods, Lugano, Switzerland, 16 września 2013 - 20 września 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Additive average Schwarz method for a Crouzeix-Raviart finite volume element discretization of elliptic problems with heterogeneous coefficients, Numerische Mathematik, 134 2016, s. 91–118. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Additive Schwarz preconditioner for the finite volume element discretization of symmetric elliptic problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 56 2016, s. 967–993. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, An Iterative Regularization Algorithm for the TV-Stokes in Image Processing, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 2016, Kraków, Poland, 6 września 2015 - 9 września 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Miroslav Bul\'\i\vcek, Piotr Gwiazda , Endre Süli, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Analysis of a viscosity model for concentrated polymers, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Christian Irregeher, Peter Kritzer, Fritz Pillischammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Approximation in Hermite spaces of analytic functions, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- C. Irrgeher, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Approximation in Hermite spaces of smooth functions, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Morkisz, Leszek Plaskota , Approximation of piecewice Holder functions from inexact information, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 32 2016, s. 122-136. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Yuri Kogan, Asymptotic dynamics of some t-periodic one-dimensional model with application to prostate cancer immunotherapy, Journal of Mathematical Biology, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Proscovia Namayanja, Aleksandra Puchalska , Asymptotic state lumping in transport and diffusion problems on networks with applications to population problems, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Wojciech Niemiro , Jan Palczewski, Wojciech Rejchel, ASYMPTOTICS OF MONTE CARLO MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD ESTIMATORS, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 36 (2) 2016, s. 295-310. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Błażej Miasojedow , MAGDALENA ROSIŃSKA, Bayesian inference for age-structured population model of infectious disease with application to varicella in Poland, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Belief distorted Nash equilibria: introduction of a new kind of equilibrium in dynamic games with distorted information, Annals of Operations Research, 2016, s. 147-177. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Mario Ullrich, Henryk Woźniakowski , Shu Zhang, Complexity of oscillatory integration on the real line, ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Agata Kamińska, Paweł Strąk, Jolanta Borysiuk, Kamil Sobczak, Jarosław Domagała, Mark Beeler, Ewa Grzanka, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Ewa Monroy, Correlation of optical and structural properties of GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells - ab initio and experimental study, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Simon Axmann, Piotr Mucha , Decently regular steady solutions to the compressible NSAC system, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 48 (1) 2016, s. 131-157. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Delays do not cause oscillations in a corrected model of humoral mediated immune response, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Determinizm. Równania różniczkowe, DELTA, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Leszek Marcinkowski , Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Discretization of the Drift-Diffusion Equations with the Composite Discontinuous Galerkin Method, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11th International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Kraków, Poland, 6 września 2015 - 9 września 2015, 9574 2016, s. 391-400. Zobacz w PBN
- Eduard Feireisl, Piotr Gwiazda , Emil Wiedemann, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Dissipative measure-valued solutions to the compressible Navier--Stokes system, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Ekiel-Jeżewska, Tomasz Piasecki , Agnieszka Słowicka, Eligiusz Wajnryb, Alexander Farutin, Chaouqi Misbah, Dynamics of flexible fibers and vesicles in Poiseuille flow at low Reynolds number, SOFT MATTER, 12 2016, s. 7307-7323. Zobacz w PBN
- Jolanta Borysiuk, Konrad Sakowski , Piotr Dróżdż, Krzysztof Korona, Kamil Sobczak, Grzegorz Muzioł, Czesław Skierbiszewski, Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Electric field dynamics in nitride structures containing quaternary alloy (Al, In, Ga)N, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- David Maltese, Martin Mich\'alek, Piotr Mucha , Antonin Novotn\'y, Milan Pokorn\'y, Ewelina Zatorska, Existence of weak solutions for compressible Navier-Stokes equations with entropy transport, Journal of Differential Equations, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Adam Kubica, Piotr Rybka , Fine singularity analysis of solutions to the Laplace equation: Berg's effect, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Jean-Pierre Tassan, Mateusz Dębowski, Robert Zdanowski, Claude Prigent, Mateusz Debowski Mohammed El Dika, Jacek Kubiak, Mohammed El Dika, Mirosław Lachowicz , Malgorzata Kloc, Jacek Malejczyk, Flexibility vs. robustness in cell cycle regulation of timing of M-phase entry in Xenopus laevis embryo cell-free extract, International Journal of Developmental Biology, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , From particle systems to learning processes, Physics of Life Reviews, 16 2016, s. 150-151. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Geometric Continuity of Curves and Surfaces, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Wojciech Niemiro , Geometric ergodicity of Rao and Teh’s algorithm for homogeneous Markov jump processes, Statistics and Probability Letters, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , M. D. Korzec, P. Nayar, Global attractors of sixth order PDEs describing the faceting of growing surfaces, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 28 (1) 2016, s. 49-67. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Gang Huang, Anping Liu, Global Stability Analysis of Some Nonlinear Delay Differential Equations in Population Dynamics, Journal of Nonlinear Science, 26 (1) 2016, s. 27-41. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Milan Pokorny, Ewelina Zatorska, Handbook of Mathematical Analysis in Mechanics of Viscous Fluids, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Agata Kamińska, Dawid Jankowski, Paweł Strąk, Krzysztof Korona, M. Beeler, Konrad Sakowski , Ewa Grzanka, Jolanta Borysiuk, Kamil Sobczak, E. Monroy, Stanisław Krukowski, High pressure and time resolved studies of optical properties of n-type doped GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells - experimental and theoretical analysis, Journal of Applied Physics, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Infinite Banach direct sums and diagonal C_0-semigroups with applications to a stochastic particle system, Semigroup Forum, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Agata Kamińska, Stanisław Krukowski, Influence of pressure on the properties of GaN/AlN multi-quantum wells – Ab initio study, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Martin Parisot, Zuzanna Szymańska , Intracellular protein dynamics as a mathematical problem, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Beata Jackowska-Zduniak, Mathematical model of the atrioventricular nodal double response tachycardia and double-fire pathology, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 13 (6) 2016, s. 1143-1158. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Kuo, Ian Sloan, Henryk Woźniakowski , Multivariate integration for analytic functions with Gaussian kernels, Mathematics of Computation, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Navier-Stokes Equations. An Introduction with Applications, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Eduard Feireisl, Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On weak solutions to the 2D Savage--Hutter model of the motion of a gravity-driven avalanche flow, Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances, Y. Kuo, Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz, W. Wasilkowski, Optimal algorithms for doubly weighted approximation of univarate function, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Leszek Marcinkowski , Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Strąk, Optimization of InGaN Laser Diodes Based on Numerical Simulations, Acta Physica Polonica A, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Milena Matusik, Piotr Rybka , Oscillating facets, Portugaliae Mathematica, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Bartłomiej Matejczyk, Zbigniew Piotrowski, Piotr K. Smolarkiewicz, Parallel ADI preconditioners for all-scale atmospheric models, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 2016, Kraków, Poland, 6 września 2015 - 9 września 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , J.Ignacio Tello, Predator-prey model with diffusion and indirect prey-taxis, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 26 (11) 2016, s. 2129–2162. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Bajger, Mariusz Bodzioch, Urszula Foryś , Role of Cell Competition in Acquired Chemotherapy Resistance, 16th International Conference Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, Rota, Cadiz, Spain, 4 lipca 2016 - 8 lipca 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Atle Loneland, Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, Schwarz Methods for a Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Volume Discretization of Elliptic Problems, The 22th conference on Domain decomposition methods, Lugano, Switzerland, 16 września 2013 - 20 września 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, Schwarz Preconditioner with Face Based Coarse Space for Multiscale Elliptic Problems in 3D, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics 2016, Kraków, Poland, 6 września 2015 - 9 września 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Proscovia Namayanja, Aleksandra Puchalska , Semigroup approach to diffusion and transport problems on networks, Semigroup Forum, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Mateusz Łącki, State-dependent swap strategies and automatic reduction of number of temperatures in adaptive parallel tempering algorithm, Statistics and Computing, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Kazuhiro Ishige, Tatsuki Kawakami, Mikołaj Sierżęga , Supersolutions for a class of nonlinear parabolic systems, Journal of Differential Equations, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Time delays and the Gottman, Murray et al. model of marital interactions, Proceedings of the Twenty Second National Conference Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- C. Irrgeher, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate approximation defined over Hilbert spaces with exponential weights, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- E. Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate problems for standard and linear information in the worst case setting: Part I, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Camillo De Lellis, Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Transport equations with integral terms: existence, uniqueness and stability, Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Siedlecki , Uniform weak tractability of weighted integration, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 163 2016, s. 545-555. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Branicki, Piotr Gasperowicz, Joanna Kosińska, Piotr Pokarowski , Agnieszka Sołtys, Rafał Płoski, Magdalena Spólnicka, Piotr Stawiński, Renata Zbieć-Piekarska, A cautionary note on using binary calls for analysis of DNA methylation, Bioinformatics, 31 (9) 2015, s. 1519-1520. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , A. G. Werschulz, A NEARLY-OPTIMAL ALGORITHM FOR THE FREDHOLM PROBLEM OF THE SECOND KIND OVER A NON-TENSOR PRODUCT SOBOLEV SPACE, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 27 2015, s. 137-152. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Wojciech Niemiro , Jan Palczewski, Wojciech Rejchel, Adaptive Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Emad Attia, Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Angiogenesis model with Erlang distributed delay in vessels formation, XXI Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Regietów, Poland, 22 września 2015 - 26 września 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Attractors for multivalued processes with weak continuity properties, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Automatic integration using asymptotically optimal adaptive Simpson quadrature, Numerische Mathematik, 131 2015, s. 173-198. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Przemysław Górka, Piotr Rybka , Bent rectangles as viscosity solutions over a circle, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Pokarowski , Jan Mielniczuk, Combined l1 and Greedy l0 Penalized Least Squares for Linear Model Selection, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 16 2015, s. 961-992. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Erich Novak, Mario Ullrich, Complexity of oscillatory integration for univariate Sobolev spaces, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 31 2015, s. 15-41. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Aleksandra Krzywoń, Jan Poleszczuk, Maria Wideł, Connecting Radiation-Induced Bystander Effects and Senescence to Improve Radiation Response Prediction, Radiation Research, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphaël Danchin, Piotr Mucha , Critical Functional Framework and Maximal Regularity in Action on Systems of Incompressible Flows, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Delayed equations in applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Aleksandra Maj-Kańska, Piotr Pokarowski , Agnieszka Prochenka, Delete or merge regressors for linear model selection, Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Peszek , Discrete Cucker--Smale Flocking Model with a Weakly Singular Weight Read More: http://epubs.siam.org/doi/abs/10.1137/15M1009299, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Fryderyk Mirota, Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Dynamic Oligopoly with Sticky Prices: Off-Steady-state Analysis, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Edge-based Schwarz methods for the Crouzeix-Raviart finite volume element discretization of elliptic problems, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 44 2015, s. 443-461. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Kochańczyk, Tomasz Lipniacki, Jacek Miękisz , Paweł Nałęcz-Jawecki, Paulina Szymańska, Effective reaction rates for diffusion-limited reaction cycles, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Kochańczyk, Tomasz Lipniacki, Jacek Miękisz , Paulina Szymańska-Rożek, Effective reaction rates in diffusion-limited phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycles, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Adam Kubica, Piotr Rybka , Fine singularity analysis of solutions to the Laplace equation., MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Milan Pokorn\'y, Ewelina Zatorska, Heat-conducting, compressible mixtures with multicomponent diffusion: construction of a weak solution, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Marina Dolfin, Modeling opinion dynamics: How the network enhances consensus, Networks and Heterogeneous Media, 10 (4) 2015, s. 877-896. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , Models of sudden directional diffusion, Variational Methods for Evolving Objects, Sapporo, Japan, 30 lipca 2012 - 3 sierpnia 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Ewelina Zatorska, Multicomponent mixture model: the issue of existence via time discretization, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Zuzanna Szymańska , Nonlocal models of biological phenomena, Physics of Life Reviews, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Siedlecki , Markus Weimar, Notes on (s,t)-weak tractability: A refined classification of problems with (sub)exponential information complexity, Journal of Approximation Theory, 200 2015, s. 227-258. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On large time of asymptotics for two classes of contact problems., 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Opisy wieloskalowe - wyzwanie dla matematyki, Metody matematyczne w zastosowaniach tom 3, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Benjamin Jourdain, Tony Lelièvre, Błażej Miasojedow , Optimal scaling for the transient phase of the random walk Metropolis algorithm: The mean-field limit, Annals of Applied Probability, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Błażej, Małgorzata Grabińska, Paweł Mackiewicz, Błażej Miasojedow , Optimization of Mutation Pressure in Relation to Properties of Protein-Coding Sequences in Bacterial Genomes, PLoS ONE, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Joanna Grzybowska, Mariusz Ziółko, Proceedings of the Twenty-First National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Regietów 22-26 September 2015, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Równanie Gompertza w modelowaniu prcesów nowotworowych, Metody matematyczne w zastosowaniach tom 3, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Choromanski, Jacek Miękisz , Scale-free graphs with edge deletion, Mathematica Applicanda, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Adam Bobrowski, Mirosław Lachowicz , Semigroups of Operators - Theory and Applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Aleksandra Puchalska , Some transport and diffusion processes on networks and their graph realizability, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Structural and electronic properties of AlN(0001) surface under partial N coverage as determined by ab initio approach, Journal of Applied Physics, 118 (9) 2015, s. 95705. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anping Liu, Meihong Qiao, The dynamics of a time delayed epidemic model on a population with birth pulse, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 252 2015, s. 166-174. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Filip Klawe, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Thermo-visco-elasticity for Norton--Hoff-type models, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- A.G. Werschulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tight Tractability Results for a Model Second-Order Neumann Problem, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- John Noble , Time homogeneous diffusion with drift and killing to meet a given marginal, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 125 (4) 2015, s. 1500–1540. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Monika Muszkieta, Piotr Rybka , Two cases of squares evolving by anisotropic diffusion, Advances in Differential Equations, 20 2015, s. 773-800. Zobacz w PBN
- Luigi Ambrosio, Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Yoshihiro Tonegawa, Variational Methods for Evolving Objects, Variational Methods for Evolving Objects, Sapporo, Japan, 30 lipca 2012 - 3 sierpnia 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Kownacki, F. Carrel, Michał Gierlik, A. Gójska, J'. Iwanowska-Hanke, E. Jakubowska, Ł. Kaźmierczak, Ł. Kujawiński, G. Kędzierski, F. Laine, M. Ledieu, Marcin Moszyński , P. Sibczyński, A. Syntfeld-Kaźuch, J. Wojnarowicz, Verification of threshold activation detection (TAD) technique in prompt fission neutron detection using scintillators containing 19F, Journal of Instrumentation, 10 2015, s. T09005-1 - T09005-17. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Emil Wiedemann, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Weak-Strong Uniqueness for Measure-Valued Solutions of Some Compressible Fluid Models, Nonlinearity, 2015. Zobacz w PBN
- M.-H. Giga, Y. Giga, Piotr Rybka , A comparison principle for singular diffusion equations with spatially inhomogeneous driving force for graphs, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A Neumann-Dirichlet Preconditioner for FETI-DP Method For Mortar Discretization of a 4th Order Problems in 2D, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Adsorption of ammonia on hydrogen covered GaN(0001) surface - Density Functional Theory study, Journal of Crystal Growth, 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Warszawa, Poland, 11 sierpnia 2013 - 16 sierpnia 2013, 401 2014, s. 514-517. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Adsorption of gallium on GaN (0001) surface in ammonia-rich conditions: A new effect associated with the Fermi level position, Journal of Crystal Growth, 17th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy, Warszawa, Poland, 11 sierpnia 2013 - 16 sierpnia 2013, 401 2014, s. 78-81. Zobacz w PBN
- Hermann J. Eberl, Messoud A. Efendiev, Dariusz Wrzosek , Anna Zhigun, Analysis of a degenerate biofilm model with a nutrient taxis term, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , ANISOTROPIC PARABOLIC PROBLEMS WITH SLOWLY OR RAPIDLY GROWING TERMS, Colloquium Mathematicum, 134 (1) 2014, s. 113-130. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Ewelina Zatorska, Milan Pokorny, Approximate solutions to model of o two-components reactive flow, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, Seria S 7 (5) 2014, s. 1079-1099. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Josef Dick, Peter Kritzer, Friedrich Pillichshammer, Approximation of analytic functions in Korobov spaces, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 30 2014, s. 2-28. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anping Liu, Meihong Qiao, Asymptotic dynamics of a deterministic and stochastic predator--prey model with disease in the prey species, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 37 (3) 2014, s. 306--320. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Attractors for Navier-Stokes flows with multivalued and nonmonotone subdifferential boundary conditions, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 19 2014, s. 75-88. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Co możemy opisać układem dynamicznym?, Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia ad Didacticam Mathematicae Pertinentia, I Interdyscyplinarna Konferencja Naukowa „Transgresje matematyczne”, Kraków, Poland, 15 czerwca 2014 - 18 czerwca 2014, VI 2014, s. 73-86. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Tomasz Piasecki, Compressible perturbation of Poiseuille type flow, Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Continuous problems: optimality, complexity, tractability, The 16th International Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing, Warszawa, Poland, 8 września 2014 - 12 września 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, DELAY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS IN BIO-POPULATIONS, Mathematical Population Studies, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, DFT study of ammonia desorption from the GaN(0001) surface covered with a NH3 /NH2 mixture, Journal of Crystal Growth, 403 2014, s. 105-109. Zobacz w PBN
- Malte Braack, Piotr Mucha , Directional do-nothing condition for the Navier-Stokes equations, Journal of Computational Mathematics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Doping effects in InN/GaN short-period quantum well structures—Theoretical studies based on density functional methods, Journal of Crystal Growth, 401 2014, s. 652-656. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Efficient algorithms for multivariate and infinite-variate integration with exponential weight, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , - M. -H. Giga, - Y. Giga, Erratum to: A Comparison Principle for Singular Diffusion Equations with Spatially Inhomogeneous Driving Force for Graphs, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 212 (2) 2014, s. 707-707. Zobacz w PBN
- Rafał Latała , Paweł Strzelecki , Dariusz Wrzosek , Piotr Zakrzewski , Andrzej Ruciński, Jacek Świątkowski, European Congress of Mathematics, Kraków, 2-7 July, 2012, 6 European Congress of Mathematics, Kraków, Poland, 2 lipca 2012 - 7 lipca 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Peszek , Existence of piecewise weak solutions of a discrete Cucker–Smale's flocking model with a singular communication weight, Journal of Differential Equations, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Fermi level pinning and the charge transfer contribution to the energy of adsorption at semiconducting surfaces, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (4) 2014, s. 43529. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Małgorzata Półtorak, Functioning in close relationships: Mathematical model, XX Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Łochów, Poland, 23 września 2014 - 27 września 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Stanisław Krukowski, General aspects of the vapor growth of semiconductor crystals - A study based on DFT simulations of the NH3 /NH2 covered GaN(0001) surface in hydrogen ambient, Journal of Crystal Growth, 390 2014, s. 71-79. Zobacz w PBN
- Marina Dolfin, Mirosław Lachowicz , Zuzanna Szymańska , General framework for multiscale modeling of tumor - immune system interaction, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Kalita, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Global attractors for multivalued semiflows with weak continuity properties, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Iwona Chlebicka , Hardy inequalities resulted from nonlinear problems dealing with A-Laplacian, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Iwona Chlebicka , Hardy-Poincare-type inequalities derived from p-harmonic problems, BANACH CENTER PUBLICATIONS, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Hoeffding’s inequalities for geometrically ergodic Markov chains on general state space, Statistics and Probability Letters, 87 2014, s. 115-120. Zobacz w PBN
- Maja Czoków, Jacek Miękisz , Influence of a topology of a spring network on its ability to learn mechanical behaviour, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8384 2014, s. 412-422. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Peter Kritzer, Fritz Pillichshammer, Integration in Hermite spaces of analytic functions, Mathematics of Computation, 83 2014, s. 1189-1206. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Invariant measures for non-autonomous dissipative dynamical systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 34 (10) 2014, s. 4211 - 4222. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Kilka uwag o matematyce stosowanej - przez matematyka stosowanego napisane, Mathematica Applicanda, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Ting Liu, Jan Poleszczuk, Logistic tumor growth with delay and impulsive treatment, Mathematical Population Studies, 21 2014, s. 146-158. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Martin Parisot, Zuzanna Szymańska , Mathematical modeling of the intracellular protein dynamics: The importance of active transport along microtubules, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 363 2014, s. 118-128. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Gomułkiewicz, Jacek Miękisz , Stanisław Miękisz, Mathematical models of ion transport through cell membrane channels, Mathematica Applicanda, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Methods of Small Parameter in Mathematical Biology, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Marina Dolfin, Mirosław Lachowicz , Modeling altruism and selfishness in welfare dynamics: The role of nonlinear interactions, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Marina Dolfin, Mirosław Lachowicz , Modeling DNA thermal denaturation at the mesoscopic level, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Stanisław Krukowski, Leszek Marcinkowski , Konrad Sakowski , Modification of the Newton's method for the simulations of gallium nitride semiconductor devices, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10th International Conference on Parallel Processing&Applied Mathematics, Warszawa, Poland, 8 września 2013 - 11 września 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Konrad Sakowski , Modification of the Newton's method for the simulations of gallium nitride semiconductor devices, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Beata Jackowska-Zduniak, Modified van der Pol equation with delay in a description of the heart action, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Petra Wittbold, Aleksandra Zimmermann, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Multi-dimensional scalar balance laws with discontinuous flux, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 267 (8) 2014, s. 2846-2883. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Peter Kritzer, Friedrich Pillichshammer, MULTIVARIATE INTEGRATION OF INFINITELY MANY TIMES DIFFERENTIABLE FUNCTIONS IN WEIGHTED KOROBOV SPACES, Mathematics of Computation, 83 2014, s. 1189-1206. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Nie tylko złoty podział: czy Fibonacci to przewidział?, Metody matematyczne w zastosowaniach, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Robert Laister, James Robinson, Mikołaj Sierżęga , Non-existence of local solutions of semilinear heat equations of Osgood type in bounded domains, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Nonlinear parabolic problems in Musielak-Orlicz spaces, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 98 2014, s. 48-65. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Paweł Matejek, O pewnym ciekawym zastosowaniu modelu drapieżnik-ofiara, DELTA, 8 (483) 2014, s. 12-15. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Matejek, Urszula Foryś , O pewnym ciekawym zastosowaniu modelu Lotki-Volterry, Matematyka Poglądowa, 1 2014, s. 8-27. Zobacz w PBN
- Mahdi Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On global in time dynamics of a planar Bingham flow subject to a subdifferential boundary condition, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 10 2014, s. 3969-3983. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Open and Closed Loop Nash Equilibria in Games with a Continuum of Players, JOURNAL OF OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 160 (1) 2014, s. 280-301. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Jan Poleszczuk, Optimal Protocols for the Anti-VEGF Tumor Treatment, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Benjamin Jourdain, Tony Lelievre, Błażej Miasojedow , Optimal scaling for the transient phase of Metropolis Hastings algorithms: The longtime behavior, BERNOULLI, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, Parallel preconditioner for Finite Volume Element discretization of elliptic problem, Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Proceedings of the Twentieth National Conference on Applications of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine - Łochów 23-27 September 2014, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anping Liu, Meihong Qiao, Qualitative Analysis for a Reaction-Diffusion Predator-Prey Model with Disease in the Prey Species, Journal of Applied Mathematics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Rekordy długowieczności i procesy Poissona, DELTA, 479 (część I), 480 (część II) 2014, s. 5-7(częśćI),5-7. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Andrea Quartarone, Tatiana Ryabukha, Stability of solutions of kinetic equations corresponding to the replicator dynamics, Kinetic and Related Models, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Stagnation, creation, breaking, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 24 (2) 2014, s. 223-235. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Matuszak, Jacek Miękisz , Jan Poleszczuk, Stochastic stability in three-player games with time delays, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Piasecki , Strong solutions to the Navier–Stokes–Fourier system with slip–inflow boundary conditions, ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 94 (12) 2014, s. 1035–1057. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , A. Hinrichs, E. Novak, M. Ullrich, THE CURSE OF DIMENSIONALITY FOR NUMERICAL INTEGRATION OF SMOOTH FUNCTIONS, Mathematics of Computation, 83 2014, s. 2853-2863. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Aicke Hinrichs, Erich Novak, Mario Ullrich, The curse of dimensionality for numerical integration of smooth functions II, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 30 2014, s. 117-143. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Milan Pokorn\'y, The rot-div system in exterior domains, Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Filip Klawe, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Thermo-visco-elasticity for the Mróz model in the framework of thermodynamically complete systems, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Tractable Model of Malignant Gliomas Immunotherapy with Discrete Time Delays, Mathematical Population Studies, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Beata Jackowska-Zduniak, Two-stage model of carcinogenic mutations with the influence of delays, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 19 (8) 2014, s. 2501-2519. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Siedlecki , Uniform weak tractability of multivariate problems with increasing smoothness, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 30 (6) 2014, s. 716–734. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , When Beliefs About Future Create Future — Exploitation of a Common Ecosystem from a New Perspective, Strategic Behavior and the Environment, 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Siedlecki , Uniform weak tractability, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 29 2013, s. 438-453. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , A discrete Levinson theorem for systems with singular limit and estimates of generalized eigenvectors of some Jacobi operators, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 19 (8) 2013, s. 1251-1267. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Marta Lewicka, A local existence result for a system of viscoelasticity with physical viscosity, EVOLUTION EQUATIONS AND CONTROL THEORY (EECT), 2 (2) 2013, s. 337-358. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , A model of a giant tree trunk, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A Neumann-Dirichlet preconditioner for FETI-DP method for mortar discretization of a 4th order problems in 2D, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Jan Poleszczuk, A simple model of carcinogenic mutations with time delay and diffusion, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Eddy Kimba Phongi, Mirosław Lachowicz , A SINGULARLY PERTURBED SIS MODEL WITH AGE STRUCTURE, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , Karolina Kielak, Almost classical solutions to the total variation flow, JOURNAL OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS, 13 2013, s. 21-49. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Yaxi Zhao, An adaptive algorithm for weighted approximation of singular functions over R, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 51 (3) 2013, s. 1470-1493. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Analysis of the Hopf bifurcation for the family of angiogenesis models II: The case of two nonzero unequal delays, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 220 (Complete) 2013, s. 277-295. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Ewelina Zatorska, Milan Pokorny, Chemically reacting mixtures in terms of degenerated parabolic setting, Journal of Mathematical Physics, 54 (7) 2013, s. 1-17. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Comment on “Stochastic dynamics of the prisoner’s dilemma with cooperation facilitators”, PHYSICAL REVIEW E, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Komorowski, Jacek Miękisz , Michael Stumpf, Decomposing noise in biochemical signalling systems highlights the role of protein degradation, Biophysical Journal, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Aicke Hinrichs, Erich Novak, Discontinuous information in the worst case and randomized settings, Mathematische Nachrichten, 286 2013, s. 679-690. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphael Danchin, Piotr Mucha , Divergence, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 6 (5) 2013, s. 1163-1172. Zobacz w PBN
- Natalia Bielczyk, Urszula Foryś , Tadeusz Płatkowski , Dynamical models of dyadic interactions with delay, Journal of Mathematical Sociology, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Tatiana Ryabukha, Equilibrium solutions for microscopic stochastic systems in population dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , Yoshikazu Giga, Przemysław Górka, Evolution of regular bent rectangles by the driven crystalline curvature flow in the plane with a non-uniform forcing term, Advances in Differential Equations, 18 (3-4) 2013, s. 201-242. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Existence and stability of oscillating solutions for a class of delay differential equations, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Paulina Szymańska-Rożek, Gene expression in self-repressing system with multiple gene copies, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Gompertz model with delays and treatment: mathematical analysis, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Iwona Chlebicka , Hardy inequalities derived from p-harmonic problems, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Raphael Danchin, Incompressible Flows with Piecewise Constant Density, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 207 2013, s. 991-1023. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Influence of time delays on a two-stage mutations model, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , List do Wiadomości Matematycznych, Annales Societatis Mathematicae Polonae. Series II. Wiadomości Matematyczne, 49 (1) 2013, s. 123-124. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Logistic type equations with discrete delay and quasi-periodic suppression rate, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Matematyka stosowana i mechanika, DELTA, 4(467) (467) 2013, s. 1-1. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Jan Poleszczuk, Mathematical modelling of immune reaction against gliomas: Sensitivity analysis and influence of delays, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Ewa Nizińska, Monika Piotrowska, Model of tumour angiogenesis - analysis of stability with respect to delays, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Miroslav Bulicek, Multi-dimensional scalar conservation laws with fluxes discontinuous in the unknown and the spatial variable, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 23 (3) 2013, s. 407-439. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphael Danchin, Piotr Mucha , New Maximal Regularity Results for the Heat Equation in Exterior Domains, and Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Nieskończoność - nieskończenie użyteczna, DELTA, 7(470) (470) 2013, s. 12-12. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Noisy Information: Optimality, Complexity, Tractability, The 10th International Conference on Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods in Scientific Computing, Sydney, Australia, 13 lutego 2012 - 17 lutego 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Nonasymptotic bounds on the estimation error of MCMC algorithms., BERNOULLI, 19 (5A) 2013, s. 2033-2066. Zobacz w PBN
- Robert Laister, James Robinson, Mikołaj Sierżęga , Non-existence of local solutions for semilinear heat equations of Osgood type, Journal of Differential Equations, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Non-Existence of Subordinate Solutions for Jacobi Operators in Some Critical Cases, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 75 2013, s. 363-392. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , ON A MACROSCOPIC LIMIT OF A KINETIC MODEL OF ALIGNMENT, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Kałamajska , Jan Peszek , On certain generalizations of the Gagliardo–Nirenberg inequality and their applications to capacitary estimates and isoperimetric inequalities, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , On new concepts of equilibria in games with incomplete information, 13th International Conference on Computational and Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering, CMMSE 2013, Almeria, Spain, 24 czerwca 2013 - 27 czerwca 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Piotr Minakowski, On the anisotropic Orlicz spaces applied in the problems of continuum mechanics, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 6 (5) 2013, s. 1291-1306. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On the existence of an exponential attractor for a planar shear flow with the Tresca friction condition, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 14 (3) 2013, s. 1585-1600. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Opóźnienia czasowe w modelach społecznych i biologicznych, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Lesław Gajek, Wojciech Niemiro , Piotr Pokarowski , Optimal Monte Carlo integration with fixed relative precision, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Zbigniew Gliwicz, Jędrzej Jabłoński, Piotr Maszczyk, Dariusz Wrzosek , Patch exploitation by planktivorous fish and the concept of aggregation as an antipredation defense in zooplankton, LIMNOLOGY AND OCEANOGRAPHY, 58 (5) 2013, s. 1621-1639. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anping Liu, Meihong Qiao, Qualitative analysis of the SICR epidemic model with impulsive vaccinations, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 36 2013, s. 695-706. Zobacz w PBN
- Zdzisław Brzeżniak, Thomas Caraballo, Jose Langa, Y. Li, Jose Real, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Random attractors for stochastic 2D-Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domains, Journal of Differential Equations, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Michał Ramsza, Sampling Dynamics of Symmetric Ultimatum Game, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Choromański, Michał Matuszak, Jacek Miękisz , Scale-Free Graph with Preferential Attachment and Evolving Internal Vertex Structure, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Spline sufraces of arbitrary topology with continuous curvature and optimized shape, COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 45 2013, s. 154-167. Zobacz w PBN
- James Robinson, Mikołaj Sierżęga , Supersolutions for a class of semilinear heat equations, Revista Matematica Complutense, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Furmańczyk, Stanisław Jaworski, Wojciech Niemiro , Bolesław Samoliński, Marta Zalewska, The Prevalence of Asthma and Declared Asthma in Poland on the Basis of ECAP Survey Using Correspondence Analysis, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Mao Mingzhi, Liu Ting, The quenched law of the iterated logarithm for one-dimensional random walks in a random environment, Statistics and Probability Letters, 83 2013, s. 52-60. Zobacz w PBN
- John Noble , Time homogeneous diffusions with a given marginal at a deterministic time, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, 123 2013, s. 675-718. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Siedlecki , Uniform weak tractability, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Goldstein , Paweł Strzelecki , Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Weak compactness of solutions for fourth order elliptic systems with critical growth, Studia Mathematica, 214 (2) 2013, s. 137-156. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , Well posedness of sudden directional diffusion equations, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , Well-posedness of sudden directional diffusion equations, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2013. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, A FETI-DP Method for Crouzeix-Raviart Finite Element Discretizations, Computational Methods in Applied Mathematics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , A. Quartarone, A general framework for modeling tumor-immune system competition at the mesoscopic level, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphael Danchin, Piotr Mucha , A Lagrangian Approach for the Incompressible Navier-Stokes Equations with Variable Density, Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , A Note on a Model System with Sudden Directional Diffusion, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- James Robinson, Mikołaj Sierżęga , A note on well posedness of semilinear reaction-diffusion problem with singular initial data, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Timo Koski, John Noble , A Review of Bayesian Networks and Structure Learning, Mathematica Applicanda, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Eric Moulines, Matti Vihola, An Adaptive Parallel Tempering Algorith, Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota, Henryk Woźniakowski , Average Case Approximation: Convergence and Tractability of Gaussian Kernels, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- M.A. Lifshits, A. Papageorgiou, Henryk Woźniakowski , Average case tractability of non-homogeneous tensor product problems, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Jan Poleszczuk, Carcinogenesis, mutations, delay and diffusion, XVIII Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Krynica Morska, Poland, 23 września 2012 - 27 września 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Natalia Bielczyk, Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Delay can stabilize: Love affairs dynamics, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Paweł Strąk, Stanisław Krukowski, Konrad Sakowski , Erratum: "Ab inito studies of electronic properties of bare GaN(0001) surface", Journal of Applied Physics, 111 (10) 2012, s. 109905. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Kuo, Henryk Woźniakowski , Gauss-Hermite quadratures for functions from Hilbert spaces with Gaussian reproducing kernels, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Aneta Wróblewska, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Generalized stokes system in Orlicz spaces, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Zhi-An Wang, Michael Winkler, Dariusz Wrzosek , Global regularity versus infinite-time singularity formation in a chemotaxis model with volume-filling effect and degenerate diffusion, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Maciej D. Korzec, Piotr Nayar , Piotr Rybka , Global Weak Solutions to a Sixth Order Cahn-Hilliard Type Equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Henryk Woźniakowski , Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo 2010, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Pokarowski , Anna Poznanska, Daniel Rabczenko, Bogdan Wojtyniak, Mortality atlas as a useful tool for detecting unexpected spatial patterns of mortality in Poland, European Journal of Public Health, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Błażej Miasojedow , Wojciech Niemiro , Krzysztof Łatuszyński, Nonasymptotic bounds on the mean square error for MCMC estimates via renewal techniques, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Iwona Chlebicka , Agnieszka Kałamajska , Katarzyna Pietruska-Pałuba , Nonexistence results for differential inequalities involving A-Laplacian, Advances in Differential Equations, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- L. Arlotti, N. Bellomo, E. De Angelis, L. Fermo, Mirosław Lachowicz , On a Class of Integro-Differential Equations Modelling Complex Systems with Nonlinear Interactions, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- M. Korzec, Piotr Rybka , On a higher order convective Cahn-Hilliard-type equation, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Gregory E. Fasshauer, Fred J. Hickernell, Henryk Woźniakowski , On dimension-independent rates of convergence for function approximation with Gaussian kernels, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Miroslav Bulicek, Piotr Gwiazda , Josef Malek, Kumbakonam Rajagopal, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On flows of fluids described by an implicit constitutive equation characterized by a maximal monotone graph, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Kałamajska , Jan Peszek , On some nonlinear extensions of the Gagliardo-Nirenberg inequality with applications to nonlinear eigenvalue problems, ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Paulina Szymańska-Rożek, On Spins and Genes, Mathematica Applicanda, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Miroslav Bulicek, Piotr Gwiazda , Josef Malek, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On unsteady flows of implicitly constituted incompressible fluids, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Parallel Preconditioner for Nonconforming Adini Discretization of a Plate Problem on Nonconforming Meshes, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Problems with modelling using delay differential equations, Conference on the 50th Anniversary of Applied Mathematics in Chernivci National University, Czerniowce, Ukraine, 12 czerwca 2014 - 14 czerwca 2014. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Professor Ryszard Zieliński's contribution to Monte Carlo methods and random number generators. Uniform asymptotics in statistics, Mathematica Applicanda, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Regular solutions to a monodimensional model with discontinuous elliptic operator, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Ryszard Zieliński, Remarks on uniform convergence of random variables and statistics, Demonstratio Mathematica, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Michał Ramsza, Replicator Dynamics of Symmetric Ultimatum Game, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Konrad Sakowski , Leszek Marcinkowski , Stanisław Krukowski, Szymon Grzanka, Elżbieta Litwin-Staszewska, Simulation of trap-assisted tunneling effect on characteristics of gallium nitride diodes, Journal of Applied Physics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Matuszak, Jacek Miękisz , Tomasz Schreiber, Solving Ramified Optimal Transport Problem in the Bayesian Influence Diagram Framework, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Spectral analysis of unbounded Jacobi operators with oscillating entries, Studia Mathematica, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Matuszak, Jacek Miękisz , Stochastic techniques in Influence Diagrams for Learning Bayesian Network Structure, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphael Danchin, Piotr Mucha , The divergence equation in rough spaces, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Eduard Feireisl, Piotr Mucha , Antonin Novotny, Milan Pokorny, Time-Periodic Solutions to the Full Navier-Stokes-Fourier System, Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Mikhail Lifshits, Anargyros Papageorgiou, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multi-parametric Euler and Wiener integrated processes, Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of Multivariate Problems, Volume III: Standard Information for Operators., 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- A. G. Werschulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of the Fredholm problem of the second kind, Journal of Integral Equations and Applications, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Weyl sequences and the essential spectrum of some Jacobi operators, Journal of Operator Theory, 2012. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Przemysław Górka, Piotr Rybka , A comparison principle for Hamilton-Jacobi equations with discontinuous Hamiltonians, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, A delay-differential equation model of HIV related cancer-immune system dynamics, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A preconditioner for a FETI-DP method for mortar element discretization of a 4th order problem in 2D, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Thomas Muller-Gronbach, Leszek Plaskota , Wolfgang Schmid, Algorithms and Complexity for Continuous Problems, Dagstuhl 2009, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, Analysis of biochemical reactions models with delays, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Analysis of the Hopf bifurcation for the family of angiogenesis models, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Bicubic B-spline blending patches with optimized shape, COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Comment, Physics of Life Reviews, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Delayed logistic equation with treatment function, XVII Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Zakopane - Kościelisko, Poland, 1 września 2011 - 6 września 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Konieczny, Piotr Mucha , Directional approach to spatial structure of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations in the plane, Nonlinearity, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Dlaczego warto być niepokornym fizykiem ?, Wiedza i Życie, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Marcin Moszyński , Dynamics of birth-and-death processes with proliferation - stability and chaos, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- J. Dick, G. Larcher, F. Pillichshammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Exponential convergence and tractability of multivariate integration for Korobov spaces, Mathematics of Computation, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Individually-based Markov processes modeling nonlinear systems in mathematical biology, Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jose Real, James Robinson, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Invariant measures for dissipative systems and generalized Banach limits, Journal of Dynamics and Differential Equations, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Kto stworzył grę w życie ?, Wiedza i Życie, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- G. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Liberating the dimension for function approximation, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- G. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Liberating the dimension for function approximation: Standard information, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- E. Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Lower bounds on the complexity for linear functionals in the randomized setting, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Mark Chaplain, Mirosław Lachowicz , Zuzanna Szymańska , Dariusz Wrzosek , Mathematical modelling of cancer invasion: the importance of cell-cell adhesion and cell-matrix adhesion, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Microscopic, mesoscopic and macroscopic descriptions of complex systems, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Multiscale approach in mathematical biology, Physics of Life Reviews, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, Negativity of delayed induced oscillations in a simple linear DDE, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Jan Poleszczuk, New approach to anti-angiogenic treatment modelling and control, Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Application of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Zakopane - Kościelisko, Poland, 1 września 2011 - 6 września 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, New approach to modeling of antiangiogenic treatment on the basis of Hahnfeldt et al. model, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Miroslav Bulicek, Piotr Gwiazda , Josef Malek, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On scalar hyperbolic conservation laws with a discontinuous flux, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , On Terminal Condition for Bellman Equation for Dynamic Optimization with Infinite Horizon, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- E. Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the power of function values for the approximation problem in various settings, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Parabolic Equations in Anisotropic Orlicz Spaces with General N-functions, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Escher, P. Guidotti, M. Hieber, Piotr Mucha , J. Pruss, Y. Shibata, G. Simonett, C. Walker, W. Zajączkowski, Parabolic Problems. The Herbert Amann Festschrift, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on applications of mathematics in biology and medicine, Zakopane-Kościelisko, 1-6 September 2011, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Jan Poleszczuk, Proceedings of the XVII National Conference on Application of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- M. Gnewuch, Henryk Woźniakowski , Quasi-polynomial tractability, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Krzysztof Łatuszyński, Rigorous confidence bounds for MCMC under drift condition, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Zhi-An Wang, Michael Winkler, Dariusz Wrzosek , Singularity formation in chemotaxis systems with volume-filling effect, Nonlinearity, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Michał Matuszak, Jacek Miękisz , Smooth conditional transition paths in dynamical Gaussian networks, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Joanna Skonieczna, Stability switches for some class of delayed population models, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Jacek Miękisz , Jan Poleszczuk, Stochastic Models of Gene Expression with Delayed Degradation, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Sergiusz Wesołowski, Stochasticity and time delays in evolutionary games, Dynamic Games and Applications, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Stochasticity and time delays in gene expression and evolutionary game theory, Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Hinrichs, E. Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , The curse of dimensionality for monotone and convex functions of many variables, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, The nature of Hopf bifurcation for the Gompertz model with delays, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Tractability of infinite-dimensional integration in the worst case and randomized settings, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Iwona Chlebicka , Jan Poleszczuk, Tumour angiogenesis model with variable vessels’ effectiveness, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A Balancing Domain Decomposition Method for a Discretization of a Plate Problem on Nonmatching Grids, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A balancing Neumann-Neumann method for a mortar finite element discretization of a fourth order elliptic problem, Journal of Numerical Mathematics, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Gokieli, Leszek Marcinkowski , A solver for the finite approximation scheme for the Cahn--Hilliard/Allen--Cahn system with logarithmic entropy, Games and Economic Behavior, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Gokieli, Leszek Marcinkowski , A solver for the finite element approximation scheme for the Cahn-Hiliard/Allen-Cahn system with logarithmic entropy, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Zbigniew Gliwicz, E. Szymanska, Dariusz Wrzosek , Body size distribution in Daphnia populations as an effect of prey selectivity by planktivorous fish, Hydrobiologia, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Zvia Agur, Urszula Foryś , Yuri Kogan, Natalie Kronik, Ofir Shukron, Cellular immunotherapy for high grade gliomas: mathematical analysis deriving efficacious infusion rates based on patient requireanalysis, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Natalia Bielczyk, Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, Delay can stabilise: love affairs dynamics, XVI Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Krynica Morska, Poland, 14 września 2010 - 18 września 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Zbigniew Romanowski, Paweł Kempisty, Konrad Sakowski , Paweł Strąk, Stanisław Krukowski, Density Functional Theory (DFT) simulations and polarization analysis of the electric field in InN/GaN multiple quantum wells (MQWs), Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 114 (34) 2010, s. 14410-14416. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, Derivation of the Hahnfeldt et al. model (1999) revisited, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Euro w podróży. Z pamiętnika pewnej monety., Wiedza i Życie, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Górka, Piotr Rybka , Existence and uniqueness of solutions to singular ODE's, Archiv der Mathematik, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Games with distorted information and self-verification of beliefs with application to financial markets, Metody Ilościowe w Badaniach Ekonomicznych, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Influence of diffusion on interactions between malignant gliomas and immune system, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Liberating the dimension, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Krzyżanowski, Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , Mathematical models of receptor-mediated transport of morphogens, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Bolesław Samoliński, Marta Zalewska, MCMC imputation in autologistic model, Monte Carlo Methods and Applications, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, MGS Immunotherapy: Simplified Model with delays, XVI Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Krynica Górska, Poland, 14 września 2010 - 18 września 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Model of chemotaxis with threshold density and singular diffusion, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Aneta Wróblewska, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Monotonicity methods in generalized Orlicz spaces for a class of non-Newtonian fluids, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Przemysław Górka, Piotr Rybka , Nonlocal spatially inhomogeneous Hamilton-Jacobi equation with unusual free boundary, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- W. Grajkowska, S. Jóźwiak, B. Kamińska, K. Kotulska, J. Kucharska, J. Mieczkowski, Piotr Pokarowski , M. Roszkowski, M. E. Tyburczy, Novel proteins regulated by mTOR in subependymal giant cell astrocytomas of patients with tuberous sclerosis complex and new therapeutic implications, American Journal of Pathology, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Zbigniew Żytkiewicz, Stanisław Krukowski, Numerical analysis of growth kinetics of bulk III-V crystals by liquid phase electroepitaxy, CRYSTAL RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Y. Kuo, Ian H. Sloan, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On decompositions of multivariate functions, Mathematics of Computation, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On pullback attractors in H^1_0 for nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations, International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos in Applied Sciences and Engineering, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On pullback attractors in L^p for nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the exponent of discrepancies, Mathematics of Computation, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Jakub Mieczkowski, Piotr Pokarowski , Magdalena E. Tyburczy, Michał Dąbrowski, Probe set filtering increases correlation between Affymetrix GeneChip and qRT-PCR expression measurements, BMC Bioinformatics, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Danielle Hilhorst, Piotr Rybka , Stabilization of Solutions to a FitzHugh-Nagumo Type System, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- W. Merz, Piotr Rybka , Strong solutions to the Richards equation in the unsaturated zone, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Surfaces filling polygonal holes with G^1 quasi G^2 continuity, Machine Graphics and Vision, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Joachim Escher, Piotr Mucha , The surface diffusion flow on rough phase spaces, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of approximating multivariate linear functionals, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of Multivariate Problems Volume II: Standard Information for Functionals, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Anargyros Papageorgiou, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability through increasing smoothness, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Transport equation: Extension of classical results for div b in BMO, Journal of Differential Equations, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Aneta Wróblewska, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Turbulent flow of rapidly thickening fluids, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Volume Filling Effect in Modelling Chemotaxis, Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Milan Pokorny, Weak solutions to equations of steady compressible heat conducting fluids, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2010. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, Jan Valdman, A 3D Crouzeix - Raviart mortar finite element, Computing (Vienna/New York), 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Raphael Danchin, Piotr Mucha , A critical functional framework for the inhomogeneous Navier-Stokes equations in the half-space, JOURNAL OF FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , A model of immune system with time-dependent immune reactivity, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A Neumann-Neumann Algorithm for a Mortar Finite Element Discretization of Fourth-Order Elliptic Problems in 2D, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Outi Elina Maasalo, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , A note on global integrability of upper gradients of p-superharmonic functions, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Kempisty, Stanisław Krukowski, Paweł Strąk, Konrad Sakowski , Ab initio studies of electronic properties of bare GaN(0001) surface, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (5) 2009, s. 54901. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , Almost classical solutions of static Stefan type problems involving crystalline curvature, Nonlocal and Abstract Parabolic Equations and their Applications, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , An Additive Neumann-Neumann Method for Mortar Finite Element for 4th Order Problems, 18th International Conference on Domain Decomposition, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Angiogenesis model with carrying capacity depending on vessel density, Journal of Biological Systems, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Jan Poleszczuk, Angiogenesis process with vessel impairment for gompertzian and logistic type of tumour growth, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Approximation of infinitely differentiable multivariate functions is intractable, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- R. Jernigan, A. Kloczkowski, A. Kolinski, Piotr Pokarowski , G. Song, Z. Wu, L. Yang, Distance matrix-based approach to protein structure prediction, Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Dylemat więźnia i ewolucja, Wiedza i Życie, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Ian H. Sloan, Joseph F. Traub, Henryk Woźniakowski , Essays on the Complexity of Continuous Problems, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Facet bending driven by the planar crystalline curvature with a generic nonuniform forcing term, Journal of Differential Equations, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , P. Pokarowski, Fixed Precision MCMC estimation by Median of Products of Averages, Journal of Applied Probability, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Jacek Miękisz , From Genetics to Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Michael Gnewuch, Henryk Woźniakowski , Generalized tractability for multivariate problems, Part II, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Giuseppe Mingione, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Xiao Zhong, Gradient regularity for elliptic equations in the Heisenberg group, Advances in Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Influence of time delays on the hahnfeldt et al. angiogenesis model dynamics, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Y. Kuo, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Lattice algorithms for multivariate L∞ approximation in the worst case setting, Constructive Approximation, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , L2 discrepancy and multivariate integration, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Mark Chaplain, Mirosław Lachowicz , Cristian Morales-Rodrigo, Zuzanna Szymańska , Mathematical modelling of cancer invasion of tissue: the role and effect of nonlocal interactions, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Mathematics at work, Science and Technology Libraries, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Zuzanna Szymańska , Model of AIDS-related tumour with time delay, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Gambin , Bogusław Kluge, Wojciech Niemiro , Modeling Exopeptidase Activity from LC-MS Data, Journal of Computational Biology, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Modelling of an immune reaction under the influence of interleukin, XV Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Szczyrk, Poland, 15 września 2009 - 19 września 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Zuzanna Szymańska , Models of interactions between heterophic and autotrophic organisms, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Multi-dimensional Lotka-Volterra systems for carcinogenesis mutations, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- V. Capasso, Mirosław Lachowicz , Multiscale Problems in the Life Sciences. From Microscopic to Macroscopic, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , G. W. Wasilkowski, Y. Zhao, New averaging technique for approximating weighted integrals, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Marek Niezgódka, Piotr Rybka , Nonlocal and Abstract Parabolic Equations and their Applications, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Pawel Goldstein, Pawel Strzelecki, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , On polyharmonic maps into spheres in the critical dimension, ANNALES DE L INSTITUT HENRI POINCARE-ANALYSE NON LINEAIRE, 2009, s. 1387-1405. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Tarasińska, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On pullback attractors in H10 for nonautonomous 2D micropolar fluid flows, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Miroslav Bulicek, Piotr Gwiazda , Josef Malek, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On steady flows of an incompressible fluids with implicit power-law-like rheology, Advances in Calculus of Variations, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marta Lewicka, Piotr Mucha , On the Existence of Traveling Waves in the 3D Boussinesq System, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Y. Kuo, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the power of standard information for L∞ approximation in the randomized setting, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Y. Kuo, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the power of standard information for multivariate approximation in the worst case setting, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Milan Pokorny, On the Steady Compressible Navier-Stokes-Fourier System, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Opcje walutowe nie są z piekła rodem, Wiedza i Życie, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Optimal order of convergence and (in-) tractability of multivariate approximations of smooth functions, Constructive Approximation, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Podstępna asymetria, Wiedza i Życie, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Polynomial-time algorithms for multivariate linear problems with finite-order weights: average case setting, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Wojciech Rejchel, Rank correlation estimators and their limiting distributions, Statistical Papers, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- M. Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Shear flows and their attractors, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Slowly oscillating perturbations of periodic Jacobi operators in l2(N), Studia Mathematica, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Stability and bifurcations for the chronic state in Marchuk's model of an immune system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , J. Skonieczna, Stability switches for some class of delayed population models, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Stochasticity and time delays in gene expresion and evolutionary game theory, KWARTALNIK NAUK O PRZEDSIĘBIORSTWIE, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , G. Wasilkowski, The power of adaption for functions with singularities, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Arthur G. Werschulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate approximation for a weighted unanchored Sobolev space, Constructive Approximation, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of Multivariate Integration for Weighted Korobov Spaces: My 15 Year Partnership with Ian Sloan, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate problems, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej M. Kierzek, Michał Komorowski, Jacek Miękisz , Translational Repression Contributes Greater Noise to Gene Expression than Transcriptional Repression, Biophysical Journal, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , G. W. Wasilkowski, Uniform approximation of piecewise r-smooth and globally continuous functions, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Andrzej Warzyński, Aneta Wróblewska, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Well-posedness for a class of non-Newtonian fluids with general growth conditions, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , What is information-based complexity?, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Milan Pokorny, 3D steady compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , A caricature of a singular flow in the plane, Nonlinearity, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- N. Dokeva, Leszek Marcinkowski , A FETI-DP method for mortar finite element discretization of a fourth order problem, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Etsuro Yokoyama, A microscopic time scale approximation to the behavior of the local slope on the faceted surface under a nonuniformity in supersayuration, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A Neumann-Neumann algorithm for a mortar finite element for fourth order elliptic problems in 2D, Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Grzanka, B. Samoliński, Wojciech Niemiro , Marta Zalewska, A new method for identifying outlying subsets of data, Control and Cybernetics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Minoru Kanehisa, Toshiaki Katayama, Shuichi Kawashima, Andrzej Koliński, Maria Pokarowska, Piotr Pokarowski , AAindex: amino acid index database, progress report 2008, Nucleic Acids Research, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Gambin , Piotr Krzyżanowski, Piotr Pokarowski , Aggregation Algorithms for Perturbed Markov Chains with Applications to Networks Modeling, SIAM Journal of Scientific Computing, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Renata Kiełbiewska, Blossoming and curvatures of surface patches, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Goldstein , Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Calderon-Zygmund type estimates for nonlinear systems with quadratic growth on the Heisenberg group, Forum Mathematicum, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Chemotaxis models with a threshold cell density, BANACH CENTER PUBLICATIONS, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Common resources, optimality and taxes in dynamic games with increasing number of players, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Domniemania i hipotezy w turbulencji, DELTA, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Dynamic oligopoly as a mixed large games: toy market, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Evolutionary game theory and population dynamics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Facet bending in the driven crystalline curvature flow in the plane, Journal of Geometric Analysis, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Faceted crystals grow from solutions - a Stefan type problem with a singular interfacial energy, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Games on networks, ERCIM News, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Michael Gnewuch, Henryk Woźniakowski , Generalized tractability for linear functionals, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Global solutions, structure of initial data and the Navier-Stokes equations, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Global stability and Hopf bifurcation for a general class of delay differential equations, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Hazardzista, opowieść o paradoksalnych grach hazardowych, perpetuum mobile i silnikach molekularnych, Wiedza i Życie, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Marcin Moszyński , Hypercyclicity and chaoticity spaces of C_0 semigroups, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- B. Samoliński, Wojciech Niemiro , A. Grzanka, Marta Zalewska, Identyfication of outlying subsets of data with applications to medicine, Control and Cybernetics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Olivier Glass, Piotr Mucha , Inviscid limit for the 2D stationary Euler system with arbitrary force in simply connected domain, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Kuo, Ian Sloan, Henryk Woźniakowski , Lattice rules for multivariate approximation in the average case setting, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Links Between Microscopic and Macroscopic Descriptions, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jarosław Badowski, Urszula Foryś , Tomasz Trabszys, Matematyczny model odpowiedzi odpornościowej (I), MATEMATYKA, SPOŁECZEŃSTWO, NAUCZANIE, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Matematyka dla biologów, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Zuzanna Szymańska , Model of AIDS-related tumour with time delay, XIV Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Leszno k. Warszawy, Poland, 16 września 2008 - 20 września 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Kuo, Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Multivariate L_ approximation in the worst case setting over reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Talal Rahman, Neuman-Neuman algorithms for a mortar Crouzeix-Raviart element for 2nd order elliptic problems, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Paweł Strzelecki , On a nonlinear fourth order elliptic system with critical growth in first order derivatives, Advances in Calculus of Variations, (1) 2008, s. 205-222. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On non-newtonian fluids with a property of rapid thickening under different stimulus, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On Steady Non-Newtonian Fluids with Growth Conditions in Generalized Orlicz Spaces, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Mahdi Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On the existence of pullback attractor for a two-dimensional shear flow with Tresca's boundary condition, BANACH CENTER PUBLICATIONS, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Giuseppe Mingione, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Xiao Zhong, On the regularity of p-harmonic functions in the Heisenberg group, BOLLETTINO DELLA UNIONE MATEMATICA ITALIANA, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Piotr Pokarowski , Optimal sequential Monte Carlo algorithms with fixed relative precision, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Kuo, Ian Sloan, Henryk Woźniakowski , Periodization strategy may fail in high dimensions, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Zbigniew Gliwicz, Dariusz Wrzosek , Predation-mediated coexistence of large – and small bodied Daphnia at different food levels., American Naturalist, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Problem kryształu ... z punktu widzenia kafelkarza, Wiedza i Życie, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Proceedings of the XIV National Conference on Application of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Pullback attractors and statistical solutions for 2D Navier-Stokes equations, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series B, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jens Habermann, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Regularity for minimizers of functionals with nonstandard growth by A-harmonic approximation, Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Spatial effect on interactions between brain tumour and immune system - influence of diffusion, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Stability of 2D incompressible flows in R^3, Journal of Differential Equations, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Outi Maasalo, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Stability of quasiminimizers of the p-Dirichlet integral with varying p on metric spaces, Journal of the London Mathematical Society, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Stochastic stability of spatial games, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Stock market as a dynamic game with continuum of players, Control and Cybernetics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Yaxi Zhao, The power of adaption for approximating functions with singularities, Mathematics of Computation, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Towards microscopic and nonlocal models of tumour invasion of tissue, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Fred Hickernell, Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of linear multivariate problems in the average case setting, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate problems, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Krzyżanowski, Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , Well-Posedness and Convergence to the Steady State for a Model of Morphogen Transport, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Walter Rusin, Zygmund spaces, inviscid limit and uniqueness of Euler flows, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Piotr Rybka , A new look at equilibrium in Stefan-type problems in the plane, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , An additive Schwarz method for mortar Morley finite element discretizations of 4th order elliptic problem in 2D, Electronic Transactions on Numerical Analysis, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Zuzanna Szymańska , Analisis of the heterotrophic - autorophic organisms model, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- J. Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Around the Kato generation theorem for semigroups, Studia Mathematica, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- J. Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Chaotic behavior of semigroups related to the process of gene amplification-deamplification with cell proliferation, Mathematical Biosciences, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- J. Langa, J. Real, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Finite fractal dimension of pullback attractors for non-autonomous 2D Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domains, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- M. Gnewuch, Henryk Woźniakowski , Generalized tractability for multivariate problems, Part I, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Hahnfeldt angiogenesis model with time delays, XIII Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Serpelice nad Bugiem, Poland, 18 września 2007 - 22 września 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- V. Boegelein, Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Higher integrability of very weak solutions of systems of p(x)-Laplacean type, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- R.L. Jernigan, A Kloczkowski, Andrzej Koliński, M Nowakowski, Maria Pokarowska, Piotr Pokarowski , Ideal amino acid exchange forms for approximating substitution matrices, Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Konstrukcje powierzchni gładko wypełniających wielokątne otwory, Elektronika : konstrukcje, technologie, zastosowania, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Limit of kinetic term for a Stefan problem, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Modele dyskretne a modele ciągłe w biomatematyce, DELTA, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , On elliptic and parabolic systems with x-dependent multivalued graph, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , J. Malak, Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , On flows of an incompressible fluid with a discontinuous power-law-like rheology, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On lifespan of solutions to the Einstein equations, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , On two fellows who wanted to make money on fluctuations, Mathematical Intelligencer, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On weak solutions to the Stefan problem with Gibbs-Thomson Correction, Differential and Integral Equations, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Papageorgiou, Henryk Woźniakowski , The Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem and NP-complete problems in the quantum setting with queries, Quantum Information Processing, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Three types of simple DDE's describing tumor growth, Journal of Biological Systems, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Werschluz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of quasilinear problems I: general results, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Werschluz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of quasilinear problems II: second order elliptic problems, Mathematics of Computation, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Ryszard Zieliński, Uniform asymptotic normality for the Bernoulli scheme, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , A dynamical approach to large eddy simulation of turbulent flows: existence of weak solutions, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , A model of immune system with time-depended immune reactivity, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , An Iterative Substructuring Method for Mortar Nonconforming Discretization of a Fourth-Order Elliptic Problem in Two Dimensions, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Jacek Waniewski, Petar Zhivkov, Anti-tumor immunity and tumor anti-immunuty in a mathematical model of tumor immunotherapy, Journal of Biological Systems, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Jacek Waniewski, Petar Zhikov, Anti-tumour immunity and tumour anti-immunity in a mathematical model of tumour immunotherapy., Journal of Biological Systems, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Bayesian Prediction with an Asymmetric Criterion in a Nonparametric Model of Insurance Risk, Statistics, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Common resources, optimality and taxes in dynamic games with increasing number of players, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , Convergence of a heat flow on a Hilbert manifold, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Reimund Rautmann, Convergence of Rothe's scheme for the Navier-Stokes equations with slip conditions in 2D domains, ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Krzyżanowski, Dominik Wit, Dariusz Wrzosek , Discontinuous Galerkin method for piecewise regular solutions to the nonlinear age-structured population model, Mathematical Biosciences, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Equilibrium transitions in finite populations of players, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Malawski, Andrzej Wieczorek, Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Game theory and mathematical economics, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- J. Dick, I. Sloan, X. Wang, Henryk Woźniakowski , Good lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces with general weights, Numerische Mathematik, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- F. Kuo, I. Sloan, Henryk Woźniakowski , Lattice rules for multivariate approximation in the worst case setting, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Long-time behaviour of solutions to a chemotaxis model with volume-filling effect, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Krzyżanowski, Leszek Plaskota , Metody numeryczne, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Modelowanie giełdy papierów wartościowych za pomocą gier z continuum graczy, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , New discrete Levinson type asymptotics of solutions of linear systems, JOURNAL OF DIFFERENCE EQUATIONS AND APPLICATIONS, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , O dwóch takich co chcieli zarobić na fluktuacji, DELTA, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , M Pokorny, On a new approach to the issue of existence and regularity for the steady compressible Navier-Stokes equations, Nonlinearity, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Konieczny, Piotr Mucha , On nonhomogeneous slip boundary conditions for 2D incompressible fluid flows, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Mahdi Boukrouche, Jose Real, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On pullback attractors for a class of two-dimensional turbulent shear flows, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- M. Griebel, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the optimal convergence rate of universal and non-universal algorithms for multivariate, Mathematics of Computation, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- T Caraballo, J Real, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Pullback attractors for asymptotically compact non-autonomous dynamical systems, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomas Caraballo, Jose Real, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Pullback attractors for non-autonomous 2D-Navier-Stokes equations in some unbounded domains, Comptes Rendus Mathematique, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Regularity and uniqueness for the stationary large eddy simulation model, Applications of Mathematics, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Semigroups for Generalized Birth-and-Death Equations in l^p Spaces, Semigroup Forum, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Stability of facets of crystals growing from vapor, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Stefan problem in a 2Dcase, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate linear problems for weighted spaces of functions, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Two dimensional cancer angiogenesis model, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Krzysztof Łatuszyński, Varepsilon-alpha-MCMC approximation under drift condition, 2006. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , A Chemotaxis Model with Threshold Density and Degenerate Diffusion, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , A dynamic game with continuum of players and its counterpart with finitely many players., 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Marcin Moszyński , A Generalization of Desch-Schappacher-Webb Criteria for Chaos, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- M. Koley, Ewa Kozłowska, Mirosław Lachowicz , A mathematical model for single cell cancer- immune system dynamics, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Karol Droste, Andrzej Koliński, Piotr Pokarowski , A minimal proteinlike lattice model: An alpha-helix motif, Journal of Chemical Physics, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , A Model of a Two-dimensional Pump, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A mortar finite element method for fourth order problems in two dimensions with Lagrange multipliers, SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , A Stefan type problem arising in modeling ice crystals growing from vapor, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Adaption allows efficient integration of functions with unknown singularities, Numerische Mathematik, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Additive Schwarz method for mortar discretization of elliptic problems with P1 nonconforming finite element, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Xiao-Chuan Cai, Leszek Marcinkowski , Panayot Vassilevski, An element agglomeration nonlinear additive Schwarz preconditioned Newton method for unstructured finite element problems, Applications of Mathematics, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , An existence result for Leray-Lions type operators with discontinuous coefficients, ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mahdi Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , An upper bound on the attractor dimension of a 2D turbulent shear flow with a free boundary condition, BANACH CENTER PUBLICATIONS, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mahdi Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Attractor dimension estimate for plane shear flow of micropolar fluid with free boundary, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Papageorgiou, Henryk Woźniakowski , Classical and quantum complexity of the Sturm-Liouville eigenvalue problem, Quantum Information Processing, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Groniowska, Wojciech Niemiro , Controlled risk processes in discrete time: Lower and upper approximations to the optimal probability of ruin, Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Yuri Kheifetz, Yuri Kogan, Critical-point analysis for three-variable cancer angiogenesis models, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Equilibrium selection in evolutionary games with random matching of players, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mitchell Luskin, Piotr Rybka , Existence of energy minimizers for magnetostrictive materials, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Existence via compactness for maximal monotone elliptic operators, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Flux problem for a certain class of two-dimensional domains, Nonlinearity, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , General population systems. Macroscopic limit of a class of stochastic semigroups, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Robert Jernigan, Andrzej Kloczkowski, Andrzej Koliński, Neha Kothari, Maria Pokarowska, Piotr Pokarowski , Inferring Ideal Amino Acid Interaction Forms From Statistical Protein Contact Potentials, Proteins: Structure, Function and Genetics, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mark Kon, Leszek Plaskota , Information-based nonlinear approximation: an average case setting, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Large Eddy Simulation. Existence of stationary solutions to a dynamical model, ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Large eddy simulation turbulence model with Young measures, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Witold Sadowski, Long time behaviour of a flow in infinite pipe conforming to slip boundary conditions, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Long-Run Behavior of Games with Many Players, Markov Processes and Related Fields, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Matematyka w biologii, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Micro and meso scales of description corresponding to a model of tissue invasion by solid tumours, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Gokieli, Leszek Marcinkowski , Modelling phase transitions in alloys, Nonlinear Analysis Forum, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , Multivalued equations for granular avalanches, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , O nieścisłości procedury ustalania cen na Giełdzie Papierów Wartościowych w Warszawie, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- L. Arlotti, A. Deutsch, Mirosław Lachowicz , On a Discrete Boltzmann-Type Model of Swarming, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On a problem for the Navier-Stokes equations with the infinite Dirichlet integral, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On a pump, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , On generalized tractability for multivariate problems, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On the Stefan problem with surface tension in the Lp framework, Advances in Differential Equations, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Jagodziński, Mirosław Lachowicz , On Two Incompressible Hydrodynamic Limits of the Boltzmann-Enskog Equation II: A Rigorous Result, TRANSPORT THEORY AND STATISTICAL PHYSICS, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Podstawy modelowania krzywych i powierzchni, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Polynomial-Time Algorithms for Multivariate Linear Problems with Finite-Order Weights: Worst Case Setting, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Tadeusz Płatkowski , Population dynamics with a stable efficient equilibrium, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Koronacki, Sławomir Lasota , Wojciech Niemiro , Position Emission Tomography by Markov Chain Monte Carlo with Auxiliary Variables, Pattern Recognition, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , A. Mokwa-Borkowska, Solid tumour growth analysis of necrotic core formation, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Stability analysis and comparison of the models for carcinogenesis mutations in the case of two stages of mutations, Journal of Applied Analysis, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Stability of facets of self-similar motion of a crystal, Advances in Differential Equations, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mark Kon, Leszek Plaskota , Andrzej Przybyszewski, Statistical Likelihood Representations of Prior Knowledge in Machine Learning, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Stochastic semigroups and coagulation equations, Ukrainian Mathematical Journal, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Dominik Kamiński, Jacek Miękisz , Marcin Zaborowski, Stochastic stability in three-player games, Bulletin of Mathematical Biology, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , The Eulerian limit and the slip boundary conditions - admissible irregularity of the boundary, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Time delay in necrotic core formation, Mathematical Biosciences and Engineering, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Time delays in one-stage models for carcinogenesis mutations, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Very weak solutions of nonlinear subelliptic equations, Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae Mathematica, 2005. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Zatorska-Goldstein , Paweł Strzelecki , A compactness theorem for weak solutions of higher-dimensional H-systems, Duke Mathematical Journal, 121 (2) 2004, s. 269-284. Zobacz w PBN
- W Merz, Piotr Rybka , A free boundary problem describing reaction-diffusion problems in chemical vapor infiltration of pyrolytic carbon, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , A model of swarming and its macroscopic limit, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gajda, Youming Li, Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz Wasilkowski, A Monte Carlo algorithm for weighted integration over Rśd, Mathematics of Computation, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Gwiazda , Agnieszka Świerczewska-Gwiazda , An Lś1-stability and uniqueness result for balance laws with multifunctions: a model from the theory of granular media, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- M Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , An upper bound on the attractor dimension of a 2D turbulent shear flow in lubrication theory, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Biological delay systems and the Mikhailov criterion of stability, Journal of Biological Systems, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Comparison of the models for carcinogenesis mutations - one-stage case, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Maciej Bukowski, Evolutionary and asymptotic stability in symmetric multi-player games, International Journal of Game Theory, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Piotr Rybka , Existence of self-similar evolution of crystals grown from supersaturated vapor, Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- G Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Finite-order weights imply tractability of linear multivariate problems, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- I Sloan, X Wang, Henryk Woźniakowski , Finite-order weights impty tractability of multivariate integration, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Global attractor for a chemotaxis model with prevention of overcrowding, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, Global in time existence of solutions of the Dirichlet problem for compressible Navier-Stokes equations, ZAMM-Zeitschrift fur Angewandte Mathematik und Mechanik, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Global stability for a class of delay differential equations, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- J Dick, I Sloan, X Wang, Henryk Woźniakowski , Liberating the weights, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- M Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On a lubrication problem with fourier and tresca boundary conditions, Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , On bilinear kinetic equations. Between micro and macro descriptions of biological populations, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On cylindrical symmetric flows through pipe-like domains, Journal of Differential Equations, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Marta Lewicka, Piotr Mucha , On temporal asymptotics for the p`th power viscous reactive gas, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On the structure of flows through pipe-like domains satisfying a geometrical constraint, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Jagodziński, Mirosław Lachowicz , On two incompressible hydrodynamic limits of the Boltzmann-Enskog equation. I. Formal Derivations, TRANSPORT THEORY AND STATISTICAL PHYSICS, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Klaus Ritter, Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Optimal designs for weighted approximation and integration of stochastic processes on R_+, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Xiao-Chuan Cai, Leszek Marcinkowski , Parallel performance of some two-level ASPIN algorithms, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , S Heinrich, Marek Kwas, Quantum Boolean summation with repetitions in the worst-average case setting, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Ahmed Zidna, Recursive de Casteljau bisection and rounding errors, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Rekordy długowieczności i procesy Poissona, DELTA, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Marek Kwas, Sharp error bounds on quantum Boolean summation in various setting, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , G Wasilkowski, Smolyaks algorithm for integration and L_1-approximation of multivariate functions with bounded mixed derivatives of second order, NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- J Dombrowski, J Janas, Marcin Moszyński , S Pedersen, Spectral gaps resulting from periodic perturbations of a class of Jacobi operators, Constructive Approximation, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- J Alboszta, Jacek Miękisz , Stability of evolutionarily stable strategies in discrete replicator dynamics with time delay, Journal of Theoretical Biology, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Statistical mechanics of spatial evolutionary games, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Stochastic stability in spatial games, Journal of Statistical Physics, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Stochastic stability in spatial three-player games, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- A Werschulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Surface approximation is sometimes easier than surface integration, Constructive Approximation, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , The Navier-Stokes equations and the maximum principle, International Mathematics Research Notices, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , Time asymptotics for a Becker-Doring-type model of aggregation with collisional fragmentation, Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Time delay in a model of necrotic core formation, X Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Jodłowy Dwór, Poland, 21 września 2004 - 25 września 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Mikhail Kolev, Time delays in proliferation and apoptosis for solid avascular tumour, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Monika Piotrowska, Time delays in solid avascular tumour growth, Proceedings of the Tenth National Conference on Application of Mathematics in Biology and Medicine, Święty Krzyż, Poland, 22 września 2004 - 25 września 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- E Novak, I Sloan, X Wang, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of approximation for weighted Korobov spaces on classical and quantum computers, Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Witold Sadowski, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Uniform attractor for 2D magneto-micropolar fluid flow in some unbounded domains, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Weak solutions to the Cauchy problem for the diffusive discrete coagulation-fragmentation system, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- I Sloan, Henryk Woźniakowski , When does Monte Carlo depend polynomially on the number of variables?, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Koliński, Piotr Pokarowski , Jeffrey Skolnick, A minimal physically realistic protein-like lattica model: Designing an energy landscape that ensures all-or-none folding to a inique native state, Biophysical Journal, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Dominik Gront, Andrzej Koliński, Piotr Pokarowski , Jeffrey Skolnick, A simple lattice model that exhibits a protein-like cooperative all-or-none folding transition, Biopolymers, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Lasota , Wojciech Niemiro , A version of the Swendsen-Wang algorithm for restoration of images degraded by Poisson noise, Pattern Recognition, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Analysis of the model of coral reefs colony, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Mahdi Boukrouche, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Astmptotic analysis of solutions of a thin film lubrication problem with Coulomb fluid-solid interface law, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Asymptotic behavior of a steady flow in a two-dimensional, Studia Mathematica, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Asymptotic behavior of micropolar fluid flows, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Y Giga, Piotr Rybka , Bergs effect, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- J Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Chaotic linear dynamical systems with applications, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Gokieli, Leszek Marcinkowski , Discrete Approximation of the Cahn-Hilliard/ Allen-Cahn System with Logarithmic Entropy, Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Discrete time dynamic games with continuum of players II: Semi-decomposable games, International Game Theory Review, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Eksploatacja ekosystemów a teoria gier II: kooperacja, Mathematica Applicanda, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , Q Tang, D Waxman, Evolution in a changing environment: Existence of solutions, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , From microscopic to macroscopic descriptions of complex systems, Comptes Rendus de l'Academie des Sciences Series IIB Mechanics Physics Astronomy, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Luisa Arlotti, Nicola Bellomo, Elena De Angelis, Mirosław Lachowicz , Generalized Kinetic Models in Applied Sciences, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anna Marciniak-Czochra, Logistic equations in tumour growth modelling, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On Navier-Stokes equations with slip boundary conditions in an infinite pipe, Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On the inviscid limit of the Navier- Stokes equations for flows large flux, Nonlinearity, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , On the Oort-Hulst-Safranow coagulation equation and its relation to the Smoluchowski equation, SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Open problems for tractability of multivariate integration, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- J Traub, Henryk Woźniakowski , Path integration on a quantum computer, Quantum Information Processing, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices by asymptotic analysis, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Spectral properties of some Jacobi matrices with double weights, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Static and dynamic equilibria in stochastic games with continuum of players, Control and Cybernetics, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- E Ortega-Torres, M Rojas-Medar, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Strong periodic solutions for a class of abstract evolution equations, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , The Cauchy problem for the compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the Lp-framework., Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Time delays in proliferation process for solid avascular tumour, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Time delays in regulatory apoptosis for solid avascular tumour, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- J Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Marcin Moszyński , Topological chaos: When topology meets medicine, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Warsztaty z równań różniczkowych czastkowych, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A mortar element method for some discretizations of a plate problem., Numerische Mathematik, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , K Ritter, G Wasilkowski, A verage case complexity of weighted approximation and integration over R., JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- J Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Alternative approaches to the absolute continuty of Jacobi matrices with monotonic weights., Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- K Hoffmann, Piotr Rybka , Analyticity of the nonlinear term forces convergence of solutions to two equations of continuum mechanics., Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Klaus Ritter, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Average case complexity of weighted integration and approximation over Rd with isotropic weight., 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Computing intersections of rational patches, Machine Graphics and Vision, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anna Marciniak-Chochra, Delay logistic equation with diffusion., 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Describing competitive systems at the level of interacting individuals., 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Discrete time dynamic games with continuum of players I: decomposable games., International Journal of Game Theory, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , From microscopic to macroscopic description for generalized kinetic models., Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Ph Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , From the nonlocal to the local discrete diffusive coagulation equations., Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- E Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , IBC-problems related to Steve Smale., 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- J Rust, J Traub, Henryk Woźniakowski , Is there a curse of dimensionality for contraction fixed points in the worst case?, Econometrica, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Mass-conserving solutions to the discrete coagulation-fragmentation model with giffusion., Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Gokieli, Leszek Marcinkowski , Numerical solution of coupled Cahn--Hilliard and Allen--Cahn equations with logarithmic entropy, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, On a Lp-estimate for the linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations with the Dirichlet boundary conditions, Journal of Differential Equations, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, On local in time existence for the Dirichlet problem for equations of compressile viscous fluids., Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , On modified crystalline Stefan problem with singular data., Journal of Differential Equations, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, On the existence for the Dirichlet problem for the compressible linearized Navier-Stokes system in the Lp-framework., Annales Polonici Mathematici, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Remigiusz Kowalczyk, Qualitative analysis on the initial value problem to the logistic equation with delay., MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Y Giga, Piotr Rybka , Quasi-static evolution of 3-D crystals grown from supersaturated vapor., Differential and Integral Equations, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Solving systems of algebraic equations, Machine Graphics and Vision, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Anna Mokwa-Borkowska, Jakub Nowak, Some remarks on coral reefs, mathematical modelling and organic architecture of the future., 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Static and dynamic equilibria in games with continuum of players., Positivity, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- M Rojas-Medar, M Santos, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Stationary micropolar fluid with boundary data in L2., Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- J Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Topological chaos for birth-and-death-type models with proliferation., Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- K Fang, F Hickernell, H Niederreiter, G Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of approximation and integration for weighted tensor product problems over unbounded domains., 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- I Sloan, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of integration in non-periodic and periodic weighted tensor product Hilbert spaces., JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- A Werschulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , What is the complexity of volume calculation?, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2002. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Gambin , Piotr Pokarowski , A Combinatorial Aggregation Algorithm for Stationary Distribution of a Large Markov Chain (Extended Abstract), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Fundamentals of Computation Theory, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , A mortar finite element method for plate problems., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Anna Gambin , Piotr Pokarowski , A new combinatorial algorithm for large Markov chains., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- David Lee, Henryk Woźniakowski , A probabilistic analysis of linear operator testing., JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , A simple look at polar forms., Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- David Lee, Henryk Woźniakowski , Approximate evaluations of characteristic polynomials of Boolean functions., Theoretical Computer Science, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Banasiak, Mirosław Lachowicz , Chaos for a class of linear kinetic models., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Mark Kon, Leszek Plaskota , Complexity of neural network approximation with limited information: a worst case approach., JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Compressible Navier-Stokes system in 1-D., MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Computing normal vector Bezier patches., Computer Aided Geometric Design, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Devils staircase and frustration., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Marcinkowski , Domain decomposition methods for mortar finite element discretizations of plate problems., SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Eksploatacja ekosystemów a teoria gier I: gry deterministyczne niekooperacyjne., Mathematica Applicanda, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , J Wesołowski, Fixed precision optimal allocation in two-stage sampling., Applicationes Mathematicae, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Hopf bifurcation in Marchuks model of immune reactions., MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Intractability results for integration and discrepancy., JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Is the linearized Boltzmann-Enskog operator dissipative?, Applied Mathematics Letters, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , Long time behavior of 2D micropolar fluid flows., MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Dariusz Wrzosek , Nonlocal bilinear equations. Equilibrium solutions and diffusive limit., Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Maria Gokieli, Leszek Marcinkowski , Numerical solution of coupled Cahn-Hilliard and Allen-Cahn equations with logarithmic entropy., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On almost global existence for the Cauchy problem for compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the Lp-framework., Journal of Applied Analysis, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , On an estimate for the linearized compressible Navier-Stokes equations in the Lp-framework., Colloquium Mathematicum, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the complexity of stochastic integration., Mathematics of Computation, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Yoshikazu Giga, Maurizio Paolini, Piotr Rybka , On the motion by singular interfacial energy., Japan Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- G Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the power of standard information for weighted approximation., Foundations of Computational Mathematics, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , Quantization of canonical isomorphisms and the semiclassical von Neumann theorem., Hokkaido Mathematical Journal, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Stability of constant solutions to the Navier-Stokes system in R3., Applicationes Mathematicae, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Stability of nontrivial solutions of the Navier-Stokes system on the three dimensional torus., Journal of Differential Equations, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , The compressible Navier-Stokes equations., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , The discrete coagulation equations with collisional breakage., Journal of Statistical Physics, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Stefan Heinrich, Erich Novak, Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , The inverse of the star-discrepancy depends linearly on the dimension., Acta Arithmetica, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , The modified crystalline Stefan problem: evolution of broken facets., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , "The tragedy of the commons" modelled by large games., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Time delays in avascular tumour growth., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of tensor product linear operators in weighted hilbert spaces., Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- A Werschulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , What is the complexity of surface integration?, JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Erich Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , When are integration and discrepancy tractable?, 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , When topology meets medicine., 2001. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , A new algorithm and worst-case complexity for Feynman-Kac path integration., Journal of Computational Physics, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Dariusz Wrzosek , A nonlocal coagulation-fragmentation model., Applicationes Mathematicae, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Marek Bodnar, Behaviour of Solutions to Marchuk's Model Depending on a Time Delay, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Competition tumor - immune system., 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Norbert Żołek, Complementary analysis of the initial value problem for a system of o.d.e. modelling the immune system after vaccinations, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- E Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Complexity of linear problems with a fixed basis for the output., JOURNAL OF COMPLEXITY, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Complexity of weighted approximation over R1., Journal of Approximation Theory, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Janusz Jędrzejewski, Jacek Miękisz , Devils staircase for nonconvex interactions., Europhysics Letters, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Dynamic Game with Continuum of Players Modelling "the Tragedy of the Commons", 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Equilibria in dynamic games with continuum of players : discrete time case, Prace Instytutu Podstaw Informatyki Polskiej Akademii Nauk, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , Existence of pure equilibria in games with nonatomic space of players., Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Global analysis of Marczuks model in case of strong immune system., Journal of Biological Systems, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Global existence of solutions of Einstein-Boltzmann equations in spatially homogeneous case.s, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Global existence of solutions of the Einstein-Boltzmann equation in the spatially homogeneous case, BANACH CENTER PUBLICATIONS, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Janusz Jędrzejewski, Jacek Miękisz , Ground states of lattice gases with "almost" convex repulsive interactions., Journal of Statistical Physics, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Rudolf Krejcar, Jacek Miękisz , Ground states of quasilattice-gas models., Materials Science & Engineering A: Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Hydrodynamic limits of some kinetic equations, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Sławomir Jagodziński, Mirosław Lachowicz , Incompressible Navier-Stokes limit for the Enskog equation., Applied Mathematics Letters, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- M Kon, Leszek Plaskota , Information complexity of neural networks., Neural Networks, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- F Hickernell, Henryk Woźniakowski , Integration and approximation in arbitrary dimensions., ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- L Arlotti, N Bellomo, Mirosław Lachowicz , Kinetic equations modeling population dynamics., TRANSPORT THEORY AND STATISTICAL PHYSICS, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Wojciech Niemiro , Liniowe modele klasyfikacji z efektami losowymi w ubezpieczeniowej teorii wiarogodności (credibility theory), Roczniki Kolegium Analiz Ekonomicznych, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Mark Kon, Leszek Plaskota , Andrzej Przybyszewski, Machine Learning and Statistical MAP Methods, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej Kierzek, Piotr Pokarowski , Piotr Zielenkiewicz, Microscopic model of protein crystal growth., Biophysical Chemistry, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Mirosław Lachowicz , Modele matematyczne w biologii : wprowadzenie, Mathematica Applicanda, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Modele matematyczne w epidemiologii i immunologii., Mathematica Applicanda, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Witold Sadowski, Grzegorz Łukaszewicz , On a free boundary problem in ground freezing., MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , On B-spline arithmetic and its applications., 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Rybka , On convergence of solutions of the crystalline Stefan problem with Gibbs-Thomson law and kinetic undercooling., Interfaces and Free Boundaries, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Karl-Heinz Hoffmann, Piotr Rybka , On convergence of solutions to the equation of viscoelasticity with capillarity., Communications in Partial Differential Equations, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, On local existence of solutions of free boundary problem for incompressible viscours self-gravitating fluid motion, Applicationes Mathematicae, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, On the existence for the Cauchy-Neumann problem for the Stokes system in the $L_p$-framework, Studia Mathematica, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Mucha , Wojciech Zajączkowski, On the existence for the Cauchy-Neumann problem for the Stokes system in the Lp-Framework, Studia Mathematica, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Periodic dynamics in a model of immune system., Applicationes Mathematicae, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Podstawy modelowania krzywych i powierzchni., 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- B Bojarski, Dariusz Wrzosek , W Zajączkowski, Proceedings of Minisemester: Evolutionary equations, Existence Regularity and Singularities., 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Professor Wiesław Szlenk (1935-1995), Applicationes Mathematicae, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- M Herrero, J Velazquez, Dariusz Wrzosek , Sol-gel transition in coagulation-diffusion model., Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Some remarks on the stability of chronic state in Marchuks model depending on time delay, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Leszek Plaskota , The exponent of discrepancy of sparse grids is at least 2.1933., ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- Lesław Gajek, Jacek Jachymski, Piotr Pokarowski , The Tarski-Kantorovitch principle and the theory of iterated function systems., Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 2000. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Wieczorek, Agnieszka Wiszniewska-Matyszkiel , A game-theoretic model of social adaptation in an infinite population, Applicationes Mathematicae, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Classical lattice-gas models of quasicrystals, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurencot, Dariusz Wrzosek , Coagulation model with partial diffusion, Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Pokarowski , Directed forests with application to algorithms related to Markov chains, Applicationes Mathematicae, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Wojciech Zajączkowski, Existence of solutions and L∞-bounds for quasilinear degenerate parabolic systems, Journal of Applied Analysis, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , Forest-pest interaction dynamics, V Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Ustrzyki Górne, Poland, 14 września 1999 - 17 września 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Andrzej M Kierzek, Piotr Pokarowski , Piotr Zielenkiewicz, Lattice simulations of protein crystal formation, Biophysical Chemistry, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Trigonometric splines and geometric continuity of surfaces, 1999. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Bodnar, Urszula Foryś , A model of the immune system with stimulation depending on time, IV Krajowa Konferencja Zastosowań Matematyki w Biologii i Medycynie, Zwierzyniec, Poland, 15 września 1998 - 18 września 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Jean-Pierre Gazeau, Jacek Miękisz , A symmetry group of a Thue-Morse quasicrystal, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurençot, Dariusz Wrzosek , Fragmentation-diffusion model. Existence of solutions and their asymptotic behaviorur, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Milos Zahradnik, A. C. D. van Enter, Nonperiodic long-range order for fast decaying interactions at positive temperatures, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Mirosław Lachowicz , Jacek Waniewski, Proceedings of the IV National Conference Application of Mathematics to Biology and Medicine, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Rendering rational curves on raster devices, Machine Graphics and Vision, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurençot, Dariusz Wrzosek , The Becker-Döring model with diffusion. I. Basic properties of solutions, Colloquium Mathematicum, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Laurençot, Dariusz Wrzosek , The Becker-Döring model with diffusion. II. Long time behavior, Journal of Differential Equations, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Ultimate frustration in classical lattice-gas models, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Pokarowski , Uncoupling measures and eigenvalues of stochastic matrices, Journal of Applied Analysis, 1998. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Existence of solutions for the discrete coagulation-fragmentation model with diffusion, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 1997. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Global analysis of Marchuk’s model in a case of weak immune system, MATHEMATICAL AND COMPUTER MODELLING, 1997. Zobacz w PBN
- Philippe Benilan, Dariusz Wrzosek , On an infinite system of reaction-diffusion equations, Advances in Mathematical Sciences and Applications, 1997. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Stable quasiperiodic ground states, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1997. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Conditions for geometric continuity between polynomial and rational surface patches, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 1996. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Existence and uniqueness of solutions for a semiconductor device model with current dependent generation-recombination term, MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN THE APPLIED SCIENCES, 1996. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Low-temperature stability of quasicrystals, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1996. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , B. Putz, On curvature continuity conditions for parametric surfaces, 1996. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Constructions of G1 continuous joins of rational Bezier patches, Computer Aided Geometric Design, 1995. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Discrete mathematical model of an immune system, Third International Conference on Mathematical Population Dynamics, Pau, France, 1 czerwca 1992 - 5 czerwca 1992. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Interleukin mathematical model of an immune system, Journal of Biological Systems, 1995. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , On classical intrinsically resonant formal perturbation theory, 1995. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Pokarowski , Wojciech Niemiro , Tail events of some nonhomogeneous Markov chains, Annals of Applied Probability, 1995. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , A global minimum of energy is not always a sum of local minima - a note on frustration, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1993. Zobacz w PBN
- Urszula Foryś , Mathematical model of an immune system with random time of reaction, Applicationes Mathematicae, 1993. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Quasicrystals - Microscopic Models of Nonperiodic Structures, 1993. Zobacz w PBN
- Przemysław Kiciak , Ray tracing for rational Bezier patches, Machine Graphics and Vision, 1993. Zobacz w PBN
- Marcin Moszyński , A quantum version of the Nekhoroshev theorem, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 1992. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , A.C.D. van Enter, How can one define a (weak) Crystal?, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1992. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Low temperature stability of nonperiodic structures, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 1992. Zobacz w PBN
- Albertus Hof, Jacek Miękisz , A. C. D. van Enter, Overlap distributions for deterministic systems with many pure states, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 1992. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , The non-stationary semiconductor model with bounded convective velocity and generation/recombination term, 1992. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , A microscopic model with quasicrystalline properties, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1990. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , A. C. D. van Enter, Breaking of periodicity at positive temperatures, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1990. Zobacz w PBN
- Dariusz Wrzosek , Limit cycles in predator-prey models, Mathematical Biosciences, 1990. Zobacz w PBN
- Clifford Gardner, Jacek Miękisz , Charles Radin, Aernout Van Enter, Fractal symmetry in an Ising model, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 1989. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Frustration without competing interactions, Journal of Statistical Physics, 1989. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Toward a microscopic model of a quasicrystal, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 1989. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Charles Radin, Why solids are not really crystalline?, PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 1989. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , How low temperature causes long-range order, JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND GENERAL, 1988. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Low temperature equilibrium states of ferromagnetic lattice systems, Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical, 1988. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Nonperiodic order in classical lattice systems, Nuclear Physics B (Proceedings Supplements), 1988. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Classical lattice gas model with a unique nondegenerate but unstable periodic ground state configuration, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1987. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , The decomposition property and equilibrium states of ferromagnetic lattice systems, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1987. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Charles Radin, The Third Law of thermodynamics, Modern Physics Letters B, 1987. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Many phases in systems without periodic ground states, Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1986. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Charles Radin, The unstable chemical structure of quasicrystalline alloys, Physics Letters, Section A: General, Atomic and Solid State Physics, 1986. Zobacz w PBN
- Marek Kowalski, Arthur Wershulz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Is Gauss quadrature optimal for analytic functions ?, Numerische Mathematik, 1985. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Miękisz , Relaxation of the ferrofluid in a magnetic field: the cubic crystal case, Acta Physica Polonica A, 1980. Zobacz w PBN