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Instytut Matematyki
Liczba publikacji: 152024
- Michał Godziszewski , Marcin Waniek, Yulin Zhu, Kai Zhou, Talal Rahwan, Tomasz Michalak , Adversarial analysis of similarity-based sign prediction, Artificial Intelligence, 335 2024, s. 104173. Zobacz w PBN
- Henryk Żołądek , An example in Hamiltonian dynamics, Communications in Analysis and Mechanics, 16 (2) 2024, s. 431-447. Zobacz w PBN
- Adrian Langer , Bogomolov’s inequality and Higgs sheaves on normal varieties in positive characteristic, JOURNAL FUR DIE REINE UND ANGEWANDTE MATHEMATIK, 0 (0) 2024. Zobacz w PBN
- Chang-Yu Guo, Pekka Koskela, Debanjan Nandi, Paweł Goldstein , Zofia Grochulska , Characterizations of generalized John domains via homological bounded turning, Colloquium Mathematicum, 2024. Zobacz w PBN
- Anton Dzhamay, Galina Filipuk , Adam Ligęza, Alexander Stokes, Different Hamiltonians for differential Painlevé equations and their identification using a geometric approach, Journal of Differential Equations, 399 2024, s. 281-334. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Prostko , Piotr Radziński , Michał Ciach, Youzhong Liu, Michał Startek , Frederik Lermyte, Thomas De Vijlder, Anna Gambin , Simon Appeltans, Dirk Valkenborg, MIND4OLIGOS: Determining the Monoisotopic Mass of Oligonucleotides Observed in High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry, Analytical Chemistry, 96 (23) 2024, s. 9343-9352. Zobacz w PBN
- Jacek Jakubowski , Maciej Wiśniewolski , On bivariate distributions of the local time of Itô-McKean diffusions, BERNOULLI, 30 (1) 2024, s. 227-251. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Weiss, Piotr Zakrzewski , On countably perfectly meager and countably perfectly null sets, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 175 (1A) 2024, s. 103357: 1-9. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Aliaksandr Chychuryn, On special solutions to the Ermakov–Painlevé XXV equation, Random Matrices: Theory and Application, 13 (1) 2024, s. 2450001. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Barański , Adam Śpiewak, On the dimension of stationary measures for random piecewise affine interval homeomorphisms, Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems, 44 (6) 2024, s. 1473-1488. Zobacz w PBN
- Maciej Wiśniewolski , On the probabilistic representations of solutions of pantograph equations and triangle coefficients, Journal of Differential Equations, 379 2024, s. 600-625. Zobacz w PBN
- Roman Pol , Piotr Zakrzewski , On two consequences of CH established by Sierpiński, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 63 (7-8) 2024, s. 877-891. Zobacz w PBN
- Krzysztof Barański , Adam Śpiewak, Jonatan Gutman, Prediction of dynamical systems from time-delayed measurements with self-intersections, Journal des Mathematiques Pures et Appliquees, 186 2024, s. 103-149. Zobacz w PBN
- Xinling Liu, Kai Liu, Risto Korhonen, Galina Filipuk , Quasiperiodicity of transcendental meromorphic functions, Acta Mathematica Scientia, 44 (1) 2024, s. 161-172. Zobacz w PBN
- Witold Marciszewski , Damian Sobota, The Josefson–Nissenzweig theorem and filters on $$\omega $$, Archive for Mathematical Logic, 63 (7-8) 2024, s. 773-812. Zobacz w PBN