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Czasopismo: Journal of Approximation Theory
Liczba publikacji: 172023
- Radosław Kaczmarek, Agnieszka Kałamajska , Density results and trace operator in weighted Sobolev spaces defined on the half-line, equipped with power weights, Journal of Approximation Theory, 291 2023, s. 105896, 1-18. Zobacz w PBN
- Joscha Prochno, Michał Strzelecki , Approximation, Gelfand, and Kolmogorov numbers of Schatten class embeddings, Journal of Approximation Theory, 277 2022, s. 105736. Zobacz w PBN
- P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer, G.W. Wasilkowski, Leszek Plaskota , On alternative quantization for doubly weighted approximation and integration over unbounded domains, Journal of Approximation Theory, 256 2020, s. 105433. Zobacz w PBN
- Christian Irregeher, Peter Kritzer, Fritz Pillischammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Approximation in Hermite spaces of analytic functions, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- C. Irrgeher, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Approximation in Hermite spaces of smooth functions, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances, Y. Kuo, Leszek Plaskota , Grzegorz, W. Wasilkowski, Optimal algorithms for doubly weighted approximation of univarate function, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- C. Irrgeher, P. Kritzer, F. Pillichshammer, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate approximation defined over Hilbert spaces with exponential weights, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- E. Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of multivariate problems for standard and linear information in the worst case setting: Part I, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2016. Zobacz w PBN
- Galina Filipuk , Walter Van Assche, Lun Zhang, Multiple orthogonal polynomials associated with an exponential cubic weight, Journal of Approximation Theory, 190 2015, s. 1-25. Zobacz w PBN
- Paweł Siedlecki , Markus Weimar, Notes on (s,t)-weak tractability: A refined classification of problems with (sub)exponential information complexity, Journal of Approximation Theory, 200 2015, s. 227-258. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Hinrichs, E. Novak, Henryk Woźniakowski , The curse of dimensionality for monotone and convex functions of many variables, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2011. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Y. Kuo, Grzegorz W. Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , On the power of standard information for multivariate approximation in the worst case setting, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2009. Zobacz w PBN
- Frances Kuo, Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Multivariate L_ approximation in the worst case setting over reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2008. Zobacz w PBN
- A. Werschluz, Henryk Woźniakowski , Tractability of quasilinear problems I: general results, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2007. Zobacz w PBN
- G Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Finite-order weights imply tractability of linear multivariate problems, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2004. Zobacz w PBN
- Jan Janas, Marcin Moszyński , Spectral properties of Jacobi matrices by asymptotic analysis, Journal of Approximation Theory, 2003. Zobacz w PBN
- Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Henryk Woźniakowski , Complexity of weighted approximation over R1., Journal of Approximation Theory, 2000. Zobacz w PBN