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Czasopismo: ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation
Liczba publikacji: 32021
- Jiehua Chen, Piotr Skowron , Manuel Sorge, Matchings under Preferences: Strength of Stability and Tradeoffs, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 9 (4) 2021, s. 1-55. Zobacz w PBN
- Piotr Faliszewski, Piotr Skowron , Arkadii Slinko, Nimrod Talmon, Committee scoring rules: axiomatic characterization and hierarchy, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2019. Zobacz w PBN
- Tomasz Michalak , Piotr Szczepański, Talal Rahwan, Agata Chrobak, Simina Branzei, Michael Wooldridge, Nicholas Jennings, Implementation and Computation of a Value for Generalized Characteristic Function Games, ACM Transactions on Economics and Computation, 2 (4) 2014. Zobacz w PBN