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Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 14:15 , sala: 5050

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Lista referatów

  • 18 listopada 2009 14:15
    Paweł Parys (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Algorithm computing Simon decomposition in polynomial time
    Simon decomposition is a very important tool in the finite monoid theory. I will present a new, efficient construction of the Simon decomposition. All previous constructions were starting from a finite monoid. When we have …

  • 4 listopada 2009 14:15
    Filip Murlak (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Consistency of XML Schema Mappings
    Relational schema mappings have been extensively studied in connection with data integration and exchange problems, but mappings between XML schemas have not received the same amount of attention. I will present an attempt to develop …

  • 28 października 2009 14:15
    Diego Figueira (Laboratoire Spécification et Vérification (LSV))
    Huge lower bounds of weak logics for data words
    I will show how to code very hard problems into the satisfiability of the linear temporal logic (LTL) equipped with one register to store and test data values from positions of a data word. I …

  • 21 października 2009 14:15
    Eryk Kopczyński (Uniwersytet Warszawski) (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Languages over Commutative Alphabets (part 2)
    We consider languages accepted by non-deterministic finite automata and context-free grammars, except that we treat the language in a commutative way: we do not care about the order of letters in the accepted word, but …

  • 14 października 2009 14:15
    Eryk Kopczyński (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Languages over Commutative Alphabets
    We consider languages accepted by non-deterministic finite automata and context-free grammars, except that we treat the language in a commutative way: we do not care about the order of letters in the accepted word, but …

  • 7 października 2009 14:15
    Wouter Gelade (Hasselt)
    Dynamic Complexity of Formal Languages
    We will discuss the dynamic complexity of formal languages. As opposed to static complexity theory, which investigates the complexity of problems over fixed structures, dynamic complexity theory concerns the complexity necessary to maintain the answer …

  • 30 września 2009 14:15
    Alessandro Facchini (Lozanna)
    Max=Muller, up to Wadge equivalence
    Recently, Mikolaj Bojanczyk introduced a class of max-regular languages, an extension of regular languages of infinite words preserving many of its usual properties. This new class can be seen as a different way of generalizing …

  • 17 czerwca 2009 14:15
    Dariusz Dereniowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On some searching problems and related graph parameters
    During this talk we focus on some graph searching problems. There exist several interesting connections between graph searching and graph parameters. As an example one can mention the correspondence between the minimum number of searchers …

  • 27 maja 2009 14:15
    Marcin Bilkowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Unambiguous tree languages
    I will talk about the class of unambiguous regular languages of trees. For every language in this class there exists an automaton that accepts this language and admits at most one successful run for every …

  • 27 maja 2009 14:00
    Marcin Bilkowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Unambiguous tree languages
    I will talk about the class of unambiguous regular languages of trees. For every language in this class there exists an automaton that accepts this language and admits at most one successful run for every …

  • 13 maja 2009 14:15
    Szymon Toruńczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Deciding emptiness of min-automata
    I will present an algorithm which verifies emptiness of min-automata. This problem is equivalent to the problem of limitedness of Distance Automata and the finite section problem for the semiring of matrices over the (+,min) …

  • 6 maja 2009 14:15
    Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    An automaton for XPath
    I will talk about an automaton model for Xpath. The new model can capture many boolean queries of XPath (in particular, all queries of FOXPath). Consequently, emptiness is undecidable. Nevertheless, the automaton seems interesting for …

  • 29 kwietnia 2009 14:15
    Paweł Parys (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    XPath evaluation in linear time
    We consider a fragment of XPath where attribute values can be tested for equality (FOXPath). We show that for any fixed unary query in this fragment, the set of nodes that satisfy the query can …

  • 22 kwietnia 2009 14:15
    Dexter Kozen (Cornell)
    On the Coalgebraic Theory of Kleene Algebra with Tests
    We develop a coalgebraic theory of Kleene algebra with tests (KAT) along the lines of Rutten (1998) for Kleene algebra and Chen and Pucella (2003) for a limited version of KAT, resolving two open problems …

  • 1 kwietnia 2009 14:15
    Wojciech Czerwiński (joint work with Sławomir Lasota) (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Partially Commutative Context Free Processes (cont.)