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Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 14:15 , sala: 5050

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Lista referatów

  • 30 marca 2011 14:15
    Wojciech Czerwiński (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Towards decidability of weak bisimilarity on BPP
    Consider transition system generated by commutative context-free grammar,so called BPP. Strong bisimilarity is known to be PSPACE-complete on this classof infinite graphs, weak bisimilarity (with possible epsilon transitions) is important and longstanding open problem.I will …

  • 23 marca 2011 14:15
    Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    No satisfiability measure for first-order logic on graphs
    Consider MSO on graphs, with quantification over sets of edges andsets of nodes.Tree-width is a good measure of graphs for this logic because: a) for every k,satisfiability is decidable over graphs of tree-width at most …

  • 16 marca 2011 14:15
    Marcin Bilkowski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Complements of unambiguous languages.
    An automaton is unambiguous if it has at most one accepting run for every input.A language is unambiguous if there exists an unambiguous automaton recognizingthat language. It is known that not all regular languages of …

  • 9 marca 2011 14:15
    Sławomir Lasota (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Automata with group actions
    Our motivating question is a Myhill-Nerode theorem for infinitealphabets. We consider several kinds of those: alphabets whose letterscan be compared only for equality, but also ones with more structure,such as a total order or a …

  • 2 marca 2011 14:15
    Vince Barany (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Guarded negation
    We consider restrictions of first-order logic and least fixpoint logic in which all occurrences of negation are required to be guarded by an atomic predicate. The so obtained guarded negation fragments GNFO and GNFP naturally …

  • 23 lutego 2011 14:15
    Alessandro Facchini (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Characterizations of EF over Infinite Trees
    We provide several equivalent effective characterizations of EF (the modallogic of the descendant relation) on arbitrary trees. Morespecifically, we prove that, for EF-bisimulation invariantproperties of trees, being definable by an EF formula, being aBorel set, …

  • 2 lutego 2011 14:15
    Henryk Michalewski (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On the separation property of regular languages
    We will show that separation property fails for the regular languagesof index (1,3) on infinite trees. More specifically, we willconstruct two disjoint tree languages B_1 and B_2 of index (1,3) notseparable by any set C …

  • 26 stycznia 2011 14:15
    Crocodile Dundee (Tasmania)
    Because of 26.01 which is Australia Day we have holiday. You should use those days to prepare for next week seminar :).

  • 19 stycznia 2011 14:15
    Diego Figueira (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Ackermannian and Primitive-Recursive Bounds with Dickson’s Lemma
    Dickson’s Lemma is a simple yet powerful tool widely used indecidability proofs, especially when dealing with counters or relateddata structures in algorithmics, verification and model-checking,constraint solving, logic, etc. While Dickson’s Lemma is well-known,most computer scientists …

  • 12 stycznia 2011 14:15
    Wojciech Czerwiński (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Fast equivalence checking for normed context-free processes. Joint work with Sławomir Lasota.
    We consider graphs generated by context free grammars and ask the question if given two states in such an infinite graph are equivalent. I will talk about the new algorithm which answers this question using …

  • 5 stycznia 2011 14:15
    Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Ramsey Theorems for Compact Colors. Joint work with Eryk Kopczyński and Szymon Toruńczyk
    When applied to omega-words, the Ramsey Theorem says the following. Suppose that finite factors (=infixes) of an omega-word are colored by a finite number of colors. Then one factorize a suffix of the omega-word so …

  • 8 grudnia 2010 14:15
    Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Efficient evaluation for temporal logic on changing XML documents joint work with Diego Figueira
    We consider a sequence $t_1,\ldots,t_k$ of XML documents that isproduced by a sequence of local edit operations. To describeproperties of such a sequence, we use a temporal logic. The logic cannavigate both in time and …

  • 1 grudnia 2010 14:15
    Sławomir Lasota (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Minimisation of automata over data words
    (a joint work with Mikołaj Bojańczyk and Bartek Klin)  I will state and prove an analog of the Myhill-Nerode theorem for register automata. The difficulty comes from the fact that the input alphabet contains data …

  • 24 listopada 2010 14:15
    - (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    No seminar.

  • 17 listopada 2010 14:15
    Michał Skrzypczak (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Equational theories of profinite structures
    I will present a simple way of defining profinite structures in a very general framework. The applications include such objects as words, trees and generic finite structures. The procedure gives interesting results in the context …