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Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

Cotygodniowe seminarium badawcze



środy, 14:15 , sala: 5050

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Lista referatów

  • 16 marca 2016 14:15
    Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On the Courcelle Conjecture
    We prove a conjecture of Courcelle, which states that a graph property is definable in mso with modular counting predicates on graphs of constant treewidth if, and only if it is recognizable in the following …

  • 9 marca 2016 14:15
    Bartek Klin (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Expressivity of probabilistic modal logic, the easy way
    Probabilistic modal logic is a very basic modal logic (propositional logic plus a diamond-like modality) interpreted on probabilistic transition systems. It is expressive, i.e., its logical equivalence coincides with bisimilarity, and the proof of this …

  • 2 marca 2016 14:15
    Szymon Toruńczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Homomorphism problems for first-order definable structures
    We prove decidability of the existence of a homomorphism between two given infinite structures with finite signatures which are definable, or interpret, in the natural numbers with equality. The result uses Pestov's theorem from topological …

  • 27 stycznia 2016 14:15
    Bartek Klin (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Homomorphism problems for first-order definable structures
    Consider infinite relational structures where both the universe and the relations are definable by first-order formulas over natural numbers with equality. An example of such a structure is the countable clique graph, or a graph …

  • 20 stycznia 2016 14:15
    Amal Dev Manuel (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Expressiveness of Min/Max Automata
    In this work we show how to decide if a given regular cost function isrecognised by a Min (Max) automaton. This is achieved bycharacterising the classes of cost functions of the these automataalgebraically. Also a …

  • 13 stycznia 2016 14:15
    Marcin Wrochna (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On space efficiency of algorithms working on structural decompositions of graphs
    Motivated by failed attempts at making dynamic algorithms on tree-width use less space (without using more time), we look at this from a complexity-theoretic point of view. I will mention relations to Savitch's theorem and …

  • 16 grudnia 2015 14:15
    Eryk Kopczyński (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Invisible pushdown languages
    Context free languages allow one to express data with hierarchical structure, at the cost of losing some of the useful properties of languages recognized by finite automata on words. However, it is possible to restore …

  • 9 grudnia 2015 14:15
    Sławomir Lasota (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    Timed pushdown automata, equations over sets of integers, and branching vector addition systems with states in dimension 1
    Mutual reductions between the three models will be discussed. Decidability of emptiness is an intriguing open problem.

  • 2 grudnia 2015 14:15
    Mikołaj Bojańczyk (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    A probabilistic logic for infinite trees
    Consider the following quantifier for infinite trees: “the set of paths π which make φ(π) true has zero probability”.We consider weak MSO over infinite trees extended with this quantifier. I would like to report on …

  • 25 listopada 2015 14:15
    Martin Zimmermann (Saarland University)
    Unbounded Lookahead in WMSO+U Games
    Delay games are two-player games of infinite duration in which one player may delay her moves to obtain a lookahead on her opponent’s moves. We consider delay games with winning conditions expressed in weak monadic …

  • 18 listopada 2015 14:15
    Marcin Przybyłko (Uniwersytet Warszawski, University of New Caledonia)
    A plantation game -- from practice to theory and back again
    In this talk, I will present the results of collaboration with Institut Agronomique Néo-Calédonien in which we have been trying to createa simple framework that would be able to both, model evolution of a system …

  • 4 listopada 2015 14:15
    Andrea Cali (Birkbeck College, University of London)
    Querying the Deep Web: old and new perspectives
    The Deep Web is constituted by data that are accessible on theweb, typically through HTML forms, but are not indexable bysearch engines due to their static nature. Processing queries onDeep Web data poses significant challenges …

  • 28 października 2015 14:15
    Michał Skrzypczak (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    On separation and unambiguity for register automata
    Nondeterministic register automata introduced by Kaminski form one of the most natural models of recognition for data-labelled structures,in particular data words. Although the emptiness problem is decidablefor them, they lack some closure properties (e.g. complement). …

  • 21 października 2015 14:15
    Colin Riba (École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
    Fibrations of Tree Automata
    We propose a notion of morphism between tree automata based on game semantics. These morphisms are winning strategies on a synchronous restriction of the linear implication between acceptance games of automata seen as simple games.Our …

  • 14 października 2015 14:15
    Filip Murlak (Uniwersytet Warszawski)
    A decidability result for conjunctive queries over data trees
    I will show how to decide validity and containment for unions ofconjunctive queries in which each conjunctive query uses either dataequalities or data inequalities (but not both). This extendssimultaneously two decidability results by Björklund, Martens, …