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Verification and refinement of Fischer-Mirman fish wars model

Oskar Górniewicz (doktorant w projekcie A. Wiszniewskiej-Matyszkiel)
16 grudnia 2015 14:15
p. 4050
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

In 1992 the paper "Strategic Dynamic Interaction -- Fish wars" by Fischer
and Mirman was published. In that paper authors described dynamic,
discrete, two population fish model. It is considered three problems:
1) symbiosis
2) prey-predator
3) competition.
We use the Bellman equation (some extension of the B.E.) in order to find
optimal strategies for both players. However there appears some technical problems in 2) as prey and in 3) both populations.
We modify dynamics inputting some minimal level for populations below which population extinct (no matter what players do). This natural assumption let us proof that the Value function fulfills the B.E.

Note: The talk will be in Polish this time.