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Twist and Shout

Witold Marciszewski
University of Warsaw
8 maja 2019 16:15
p. 5050
Seminarium „Topologia i teoria mnogości”

We consider the class of Banach spaces Y for which the space c_0 admits a nontrivial twisted sum with Y, i.e., there exists a Banach space X containing a noncomplemented copy Z of c_0 such that the quotient space X/Z is isomorphic to Y. We present a characterization of such spaces Y in terms of properties of the weak* topology of the dual space Y*. We prove that under the continuum hypothesis c_0 has a nontrivial twisted sum with every space of the form Y=C(K), where K is compact and not metrizable. This gives a consistent affirmative solution to a problem posed by Cabello, Castillo, Kalton and Yost (earlier, together with G. Plebanek, we gave a negative answer to this problem, assuming Martin Axiom and the negation of the continuum hypothesis). This is a joint research with Antonio Aviles and Grzegorz Plebanek; the preprint with these results can be found here: (see also