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Some remarks on the Gottman, Murray et al. model of marital dissolution and time delays

Urszula Foryś
13 kwietnia 2016 14:15
p. 4050
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

I consider mathematical model proposed by Gottman, Murray and
collaborators to describe marital dissolution. This model is described in the framework of discrete dynamical system reflecting emotional states of wife and husband, which is, however, non-symmetric. To make the model symmetric, one need to assume that the husband reacts with delay. Following this idea I consider the influence of time delays in the reaction terms of wife or husband, and study possibility of the change of stability with increasing delay. Surprisingly, it occurs that the delay has no impact on the stability, that is the condition of stability proposed by Murray remains unchanged under some additional, not very restrictive, assumption.