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Sex ratio evolution from the point of view of dynamic large games

Krzysztof Argasiński
Uniwersytet Jagielloński
17 maja 2006 16:15
p. 5840
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

On the seminar will be presented new model of sex ratio evolution related to so called dynamic evolutionary large games. This is a new technique of modelling of multipopulaton problems. The classic approach (e.g. Shaw-Moller or Sex Ratio Game) relies on assumption that proper fitness measure is the number of grandsons. A new model shows that this is a mathematical artifact, and self-regulation of population sex ratio is not the product of 0.5 female phenotype selection. In stable state population may be heterogenic (consisting of different individual strategies) but population sex ratio is equal to 0.5. These stable states are elements of Evolutionarily Stable Set.