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SCULPT: A Schema Language for Tabular Data on the Web

Wim Martens
Universität Bayreuth
21 stycznia 2015 14:15
p. 5870
Seminarium „Teoria automatów”

The World Wide Web Consortium has just started to think about a recommendation for tabular data and metadata on the Web. Inspired by these efforts, we develop a concept for a schema language for tabular web data called SCULPT. The language consists of rules constraining and defining the structure of regions in the table. This talk will not be very technical. The plan is that it will contain a bunch of examples and some thinking about how these can be elegantly described.

In the associated paper, we describe the structure of regions by so-called selection expressions. It contains a  formal model for Sculpt and obtain a linear time combined complexity evaluation algorithm. In addition, the paper considers weak and strong streaming evaluation for Sculpt and a Sculpt fragment for each of these streaming variants. Finally, extensions of Sculpt including alternative semantics, types, complex content, and, in particular, region selection expressions as a basis for a transformation language are also considered.