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Potential estimates and local behavior of solutions to nonlinear elliptic equations and systems

Iwona Chlebicka
3 marca 2022 12:30
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Zoom - szczegóły pod abstraktem
Seminarium Zakładu Równań Fizyki Matematycznej

We consider measure-data elliptic problems involving a second-order operator in a divergence form exhibiting Orlicz growth and having measurable coefficients. As known in the p-Laplace case, pointwise estimates for solutions expressed with the use of nonlinear potentials are powerful tools in the study of the local behavior of the solutions. Not only do we provide such estimates expressed in terms of such a potential, but also we investigate their regularity consequences. In particular, we show a sharp criterium for data that is equivalent to H\"older continuity of the solutions. The talk is based on joint works: (scalar) with F. Giannetti and A. Zatorska-Goldstein [arXiv:2006.02172] and (vectorial) with Y. Youn and A. Zatorska-Goldstein, [arXiv:2102.09313], [arXiv:2106.11639].

Abstract: We consider measure-data elliptic problems involving a second-order operator in a divergence form exhibiting Orlicz growth and having measurable coefficients. As known in the p-Laplace case, pointwise estimates for solutions expressed with the use of nonlinear potentials are powerful tools in the study of the local behavior of the solutions. Not only do we provide such estimates expressed in terms of such a potential, but also we investigate their regularity consequences. In particular, we show a sharp criterium for data that is equivalent to H\"older continuity of the solutions. The talk is based on joint works: (scalar) with F. Giannetti and A. Zatorska-Goldstein [arXiv:2006.02172] and (vectorial) with Y. Youn and A. Zatorska-Goldstein, [arXiv:2102.09313], [arXiv:2106.11639].