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On continuous operators from Banach spaces of Lipschitz functions onto c_0

Damian Sobota
Universität Wien, Kurt Gödel Research Center for Mathematical Logic
21 grudnia 2022 16:15
p. 5050
Seminarium „Topologia i teoria mnogości”

During my talk I will discuss some of our recent results concerning the existence of continuous operators from the Banach spaces Lip_0(M) of Lipschitz real-valued functions on metric spaces M onto the Banach space c_0 of sequences converging to 0. I will in particular prove that there is always a continuous operator onto c_0 from infinite-dimensional spaces of the form Lip_0(C(K)) or Lip_0(Lip_0(M)). (Based on an ongoing joint work with C. Bargetz and J. Kakol).