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Modelowanie podejmowania decyzji w sieciach neuronowych

Marcin Penconek
Międzydziedzinowa Szkoła Doktorska UW
20 marca 2024 14:15
p. 5070
Tytuł w języku angielskim
Decision-Making Computations in Neuronal Networks
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

Recent advances in neuroscience provide a new perspective on how categorical decisions are computed in the brain and how the choice circuits performing such computations are organized. This knowledge was instrumental in developing the mechanistic model of the choice circuit based on the recurrent attractor network of binary neurons. The model produced biologically realistic network dynamics and behaviorally realistic predictions. The model was applied in the investigation of the impact of alpha oscillations on the decision process, speed-accuracy tradeoff (SAT), and Weber's Law. During the seminar, I will present the key results from my doctoral dissertation.