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How mathematics can be used in healthcare and how mathematicians can be of help?

Jan Poleszczuk
1 grudnia 2021 12:15
Informacje na temat wydarzenia Meeting ID: 897 8821 8933 Passcode: Biomat
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

In the talk I will make a brief introduction into several ongoing projects focused on solving important healthcare problems and relaying heavily on mathematical methods. All of them have a large potential for further development and improvement of mathematics behind. Thus, the main aim of the talk is to initiate future collaborations. I will start with purely stochastic rule-based model that aims at describing colorectal cancer initiation and progression at the level of a single individual in order to later use it to optimize the population-level colorectal cancer screening strategies. Then I will show how deep learning methods could be used to get additional insights from the National Health Fund database (15 mln patients with history of all reimbursement claims related to cancer). Finally, I will show how fluid dynamics model can be used to improve cardiovascular system assessment.