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Game-Theoretic Centrality Measures

Tomasz Michalak
Instytut Informatyki, Wydział MIM UW
5 listopada 2015 12:15
p. 3320
Seminarium „Gry, mechanizmy i sieci społeczne”

In this talk, we discuss the computational properties of game-theoretic centrality measures. The key idea behind game-theoretic approach to network analysis is to treat nodes as players in a cooperative game, where the value of each coalition of nodes is determined by certain graph properties. Next, the centrality of any individual node is determined by a chosen game-theoretic solution concept (notably, the Shapley value) in the same way as the payoff of a player in a cooperative game. On one hand, the advantage of game-theoretic centrality measures is that nodes are ranked not only according to their individual roles but also according to how they contribute to the role played by all possible subsets of nodes. On the other hand, the disadvantage is that the game-theoretic solution concepts are typically computationally challenging. However, in a series of recent publications, we show that a wide variety of game-theoretic solution concepts on networks can be computed in polynomial time.