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Equivariant Khovanov-Floer theories

Maciej Markiewicz
14 grudnia 2021 16:30
Informacje na temat wydarzenia
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Seminarium „Topologia algebraiczna”

"Khovanov-Floer theories were introduced by Baldwin, Hedden and Lobb as a framework unifying the combinatorially-defined Khovanov homology of links with various Floer-type homology theories, which are defined usually via analytical tools. We hope to use (a refinement of, due to Saltz) this framework to define equivariant versions of certain Floer-type theories by utilizing spectral sequences form the equivariant Khovanov homology. I will present the definitions of Khovanov-Floer theories, explain what new challenges arise in the equivariant version and present our progress so far."