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Discrete models with time delays: logistic equation and Marchuk's model

Urszula Foryś
Uniwersytet Warszawski
5 grudnia 2007 16:15
p. 5840
Seminarium Zakładu Biomatematyki i Teorii Gier

Tydzień temu seminarium zostało odwołane. We will consider discrete dynamical systems with time delays. The basic properties will be explain on two examples:discrete logistic equation and the discrete version of Marchuk's model of an immune system. We introduce time delay to the discrete logistic equation in different possible ways and compare the properties of such models with the classic model. It occurs that these properties depend strongly on the way of introducing delay. We also study a discrete version of Marchuk's model where time delay is introduced like in the original model. We compare the properties of discrete and continuous models.